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(1 edit)

How do i wear the mask and leave the card game btw I am on pc

You can quit the card game only after losing / winning it. About the mask: to make it work, it's enough to have it in your inventory.

Discord link where?

After deleting it and getting it again it's not allowing me to select a language. Is there anything specific I should do? I haven't tried deleting it and re-installing it yet, I was just checking if this has happened before and if there was a way to not wait for the download to complete again.

If you are talking about Korean, it has been removed from the game indefinitely. If you have other problems, it is better to contact the discord channel of the game.

Why are some scenes censored while some aren't censored? I would prefer for it to be all uncensored but I suggest a setting where you can toggle between censored and uncensored.

How many times do u need to fight a bully to break the

There's a random chance, which is affected by the fear of the NPCs, as well as the physical attributes of your character. In fact, the number of fights and winning it does not really affect this case, so the answer here is the same - it all depends on your luck.

Thank you then ill be getting back off fights and back to expanding stats

So, The game can maybe has cheats on some update?

(1 edit) (-1)

The Game does have cheat u gotta become an patron then get the code put it in the game then cheat on

May I ask when the next student council meeting is? I've waited for about 2 weeks in game and it still hasn't happened.

It only happens on a Friday of any week. Just press +60 min and it will happen soon. (No need to rewind more than this amount of time.)

Aw, is the Best friend Code version of the game outdated? And would I have to then buy for full $25 or donate $13, as I bought the 12$ version

The patreon codes change every version of the game, so yes, by purchasing the $13 version, you will have to purchase it again to get the patreon code again.

hey i wonna know how many main character will be in the game in the future 

And thanks for your work its one of the bestgame 

It all depends on what you mean by the word main character. If this is the character you are playing for, then he is impersonal and in fact can be both a guy and a girl (sometime in the distant future).

If we talk about the plot, then at the moment there are no plans to introduce new characters.

And thank you for your feedback! We are glad that you liked our game!

is it natural for random npc to have a negative view on me if i beat up people?

(note its my first time interacting with the npc but they already have a negative relationship and attachment)

Yes, they think you're a bully.

Where is Meiko after you force her to join the club i cant find her I'm up to after the festival and i have no quests to do other than hers

There was a warning that she would disappear from the swimming club, and she would not be seen in the menu with the NPCs. Now she is in the form of a member of the club, to whom you can give an order

just a few questions can I get a girl pregnant, can I threaten them to have sex, can I make them my bitch . that is all also can I enslave them

There is no pregnancy in the game. Sex using the girl's fear is in the 927b version. With randomized NPCs, the latter cannot be done, but there is a Meiko, a plot NPC. You can make her a bitch.

1 more question will  they add pregnancy cause I would really appreciate it in game

We have already answered this question dozens of times: if subscribers patreon want, we will add all this. Now everything depends on our budget, including such narrowly focused content.

How do you upgrade your erudition?

Q: How to improve erudition?

Just communicate with the NPCs. With successful communication, the points necessary for improving erudition will be given to you by themselves and when you get the right amount, you will improve this attribute.

To see the number of points you need, just go to the diary located in your inventory, and then go to the category with the statistics of your character. To do this, just click on the categories in the right side of the diary.

(2 edits)

i'm not sure how to report a bug but there is a bug that after each randomize and u go back to the first creation page ur stats will increase with each randomize and u will get all the perks 

Yes, we know about it. We left it specially for testing

0.926 when I say change clothes to yuki oota always having this

We will fix it soon! Thank you for reporting this bug.

Where is the online store? to buy some exclusive items? (v926)

In your computer, which is located in your room in the "Actions" tab

Is it complete?


The Android version will not let me install it

If you have an old version of the game, delete it. In addition, the game as a whole may not be installed the first time. This usually happens either on newer Android 11 devices or on very old ones.

is there a guide of this game on internet or something? Even a video?

Nope. The game was originally made on the principle of self-learning its basics.

:(, im trapped when you unlock the blowjob with Ayano, in the missions i have only: force meiko to have sex with help of the occult club, and get to know ayano better with yuuki oota, but i've already done the second one and nothing happends

if you want to, you can continue meiko quest by going to the occult club -> actions -> club management then force meiko to have sex with other people which will start meiko's next set of quests


(1 edit)

i been playing the game for a while,after fight you given lots of choice including try to break your enemy,but im not sure what the exact condition to make the attempt success altho i been humiliating and beat the target npc often and eventualy already make the fear point so high but still failed to successfully break them,is it bug or something ?

and the stealing option quite buggy its keep blinking when i about to tap it but it run well,is there any option to adjust the size of option size teks? i often misclick one 

im playing on android btw

This function in fights works with some chance, which is affected by the fear the NPC, your physical attributes, the physical attributes of your opponent. Even so, the maximum chance of this is 95 percent, that is, there is still a chance that you will not break it.

Quick question.

How do I sleep? Do I click the done button next to the alarm clock? If so it's not working. I also could be an idiot but thats another story.


This button is only for setting your alarm. If you want to sleep, you need to go to the "Actions" section and select "sleep".


The "actions" section button looks like a puzzle piece.

Just a Vent (or Rant) ?

I literally try to focus on Meiko as i expect her to have special relationship with MC (At least romantically despite the blackmail) After the corruption and/or getting her dumped by the bf.

Then slowly... As progressing her Story, I regret on inviting her to Occult Club for a reason (Not gonna tell it due to Storyline spoiler) Maybe if you already reach her complete storyline, you'll understand me... Or not? :)

Is there no alternative than inviting her to the Occult Club or alternative to complete her Storyline? I'm happy that i got hella ton of money but i didn't improve my club for 'That' purpose smh.

Next time i make a new start, imma beat her bf first for dating her.

At the moment there are no alternatives about Meiko. You're either using blackmail or forcing her to close her swimming club. This should change in the future, but now it is the way it is.

I see... Hopefully there's a miracle.

Kinda hate that i should let others taste my food so.. Yea, no matter how tasty it is... I would just like to enjoy it by myself.

Podrías implementar el español ?

No creo que tengamos suficientes fondos para esto, dado que no son suficientes para una traducción completa al Inglés.

how do i restore my energy?

(2 edits)

You need to sleep in your home to restore energy

Deleted 17 days ago

The apartment needs 20,000, not 15,000

Deleted 17 days ago

there is a bug when you randomise your main caracter you get 10 stat points every time you do this

Yes, we know about it. We left it specially for testing

i would like to ask but why are the random npc keep refusing me when i am asking them for date? btw there kind personality is 'arrogant'

Little relationship with them. So you need more or try to invite them again, but a little later

How do you cook something in mobile?

Thanks! But i kinda discovered how to cook. I let the green bar go up and I don't know if it finished or not but somehow it stopped working. Everytime i click and hold the recipe the green bar doesn't fill up anymore.

Is there any chance of Updates that's giving a jealous response of Randomized NPC (Who have or not a relationship with us) when we're having a close or intimate interaction in front of them?

Other than my question, this game is absolutely a Masterpiece-! Even without Erotic scenes or aspects, i would probably still play this because of the mechanism. There's a lot of things to do in the game if you've just get into it and there's also a lot to discover.

At the moment, a system of jealousy is being developed, as well as a system of relationships in general. In the next update, randomized NPCs will be jealous of the main character if he is dating someone else. In addition, many other innovations of a similar plan are planned - just wait for WN, we will tell everyone about it in more detail there.

Thank you for rating the game so highly! We are glad that you liked it!

You're welcome-! And I'm glad that the development of this game is still going on actively, even the response to players in comment.

Hopefully that this project could get more audience's glance or download 

Deleted 2 years ago

Nope. The game was originally made on the principle of self-learning its basics.

Deleted 2 years ago

How do i use aphrodisiac

It can be used in sex scenes with randomized NPCs

hey i purchased the 1$ and i cant find the cheats or anything how do i do it

Contact the discord channel of the game about this, there are instructions on this:

Is the discord community server available for everyone to access? If so where do I find a invitation link.


Hello, is there a good place to report bugs?


how can i eat food? no guide in game

Will we be able to choose the gender of the main character, instead of always being male? 


As there will be 5k dollars on patreon, we will make it possible to play for a female character. This is one of patreon's goals.


hey just wondering if there will be any femboy\gay content in the future if so that would be great.

You have voting for this moment on patreon/boosty. Usually everything is solved there.

Hello, is it possible to reset events like the first meetings and the rooftop ****job scene? Also I encountered a couple bugs one in resetting the clock time and another in leveling programing.

At the moment, this is not implemented in any way. As for the errors: either ignore them or wait for bug fixes.

Could I reset the events in the save file?

If you know about a dozen variables responsible for this, then yes

Hi, I'd like to know when is the v927 for android for public be release?

On 24 March


when will the final version would be Released, can't wait for a certain ending here

In this situation, it is unknown

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