I have found an annoying bug that happened after one of the updates, any time you try to upgrade any of your businesses, the price of each upgrade is exponentially higher than before AND it decreases your income earned.
Another thing I noticed though don't know the exacts of what caused it, but sometimes businesses are duplicating where you can buy them again, but they have no name and still have the same upgrade issue...
Is there anyway to disable perks or forcefully increase an attribute? I got the "pretty face" perk thinking the -100 authority would be fine but it seems that even though it says my max authority is [322] my real max is [223] for whatever reason?
Console and then using "Increase authority attribute" does nothing and I've attempted changing the variable manually using the "Change the value of a variable" but maybe I used the wrong code? I'm not really sure, anyway did I just softlock myself out of breaking peoples arms or is there anything that I can do?
Every time you level up, 1 perk point is added for your choice of spending for perks. About what I said that there are 3 ways to level up? Most activities that you do in this game increases exp. So I, uh, basically lied to the first comment i made. Sorry about that.
Добрый день. У меня возник вопрос, связанный с отображением веснушек и родинок во время миссионерской позы в 18+ сценах, а также во время разговора в меню взаимодействия. В вашем аккаунте с соц.сети X (Twitter) я увидел скриншот датируемый апрелем 23, 2024, где показана сцена с правильным отображением, однако в самой игре этого нет. Я проверял это на версиях с 0.954 по 0.961, и после того, как в игру была добавлена обновлённая миссионерская поза, веснушки и родинки перестали отображаться. Кроме того, я не нашел упоминаний исходных изображений в коде файла «sex_npc_in_room.rpy», хотя в файлах конструктора сцен есть необходимые изображения. Это проблема касается только миссионерской сцены и разговора с NPC, во всех остальных ситуациях (других позах и взаимодействиях) всё работает.
Hi. I have a question related to the display of freckles and moles during the missionary position in 18+ scenes, as well as during a conversation in the interaction menu. In your account from the social network X (Twitter), I saw a screenshot dated April 23, 2024, which shows a scene with the correct display, but this is not in the game itself. I tested this on versions 0.954 to 0.961, and after the updated missionary position was added to the game, freckles and moles stopped showing up. Also, I didn't find references to source images in the «sex_npc_in_room.rpy» file code, although there are the necessary images in the scene builder files. This problem only applies to the missionary scene and conversation with NPCs; in all other situations (other poses and interactions) everything works
The neck tattoo quantum/heisenbug is back with a vengeance. I thought it was dirt appearing on my character at first, lul.
In the end I placed some pure alpha sprites where the game expects the regular textures and thus just turned the tattoo invisible for the body type of my mc. A real bodge of a fix, but hey, it works.
This is the old version of the missionary scene. As far as I know, it has not yet been updated in version 0.952 and below. There is now an updated version of this scene in the game.
does anyone know how to increase fertility and how do you know if a girl is pregnant because I thought she was then a month later she had a flat stomach? So what does that mean
To increase fertility, you have to increase your physical stats like strength, endurance and stamina. As for the belly size, it would take 7 months in-game since news of pregnancy for players to notice the changes in the RNPC's belly size, then the 8th month then the 9th month. And no, there's no childbirth as of yet.
Well, I got the free itch version to test out the game and I honestly didn't have the best experiance with it. The game would constantly show me the choice regarding "Do you really want to walk naked in this location", sometimes just pressing "put clothes on" would work, and sometimes game would bug out completely and just constantly kept showing it until I chose the option to return home. I obviously did buy the perk "exhibitionist" at the start, I wanted to check if NPCs actually react to that as the game claims. I don't know if it might've been caused by the fact that during the tutorial I had a couple of errors show up two times and I had to ignore them.
But regardless, beside this issue which rendered the game pretty much unplayable, there were still other things. Mind you, I played for like 30 minutes or something, so I might've just missed something that isn't as obvious as it should be, even if it's there.
The whole clothing section seemed funky and unituitive while also being super buggy, constatnly changing the clothes for a different set and undressing my character in the middle of nowhere.
When talking to NPCs I really had hard time knowing when the conversation was succesful and when it wasn't, I get that it's written in dialogue, but even there it isn't really that clear, it really needs some indicator to show you if you succeded or not and what effects were aplied. Dialogue obviously repeats when you try to bring the relation level higher, or at least it's similiar, so I'm not going to read through every single word with caution, and a simple "Success" pop up would greatly increase satisfaction from all that clicking.
When talking to random characters the menu for checking out their stats, likes, dislikes, etc. in my opinion should be possible to pin on the other side of the screen, at least if my assumption that this stuff matters is correct. It's annoying when I try to think what to do towards the character that they'll be most likely to appriciate and having to pull out the window, click through it, look at the parts I want to see, and the cloe it, before I can actually do any actions based of off that knowladge.
Doing indecent things is also not as interesting as I thought it could be, walking out naked anywhere instantly causes you to be asked if you want to actually do that, and if you do you get instant dialogue that someone caught you. At least at for me, I wasn't able to find any way to do it sneakly or didn't see a chance to not get caught.
As soon as I got the job at the shop, which was the first thing I did pretty much, everytime I walked into the shop I'm forced into some VN dialogue with the manager or something and, while I'd like to actually read it, it's annoying when I'm just trying to figure out how to make food.
On that note the cooking system also seemed weird to me, I couldn't figure out what I actually had to do to get something to eat before sleep, there wasn't enough things in the fridge to make anything and all recipies available seemed really overcomplicated, possibly bugged, it required like 4 oil to make one omlet, not to mention other stuff.
Back to talking with Random NPCs, maybe it's how the game was intened, but it seemed like the gains of relationship progress were really small, easy to loose, and insubstantial in consequences, while eating up a shit tone of ingame time. I tired to talk to one girl and after using the basic talk about any topic a couple times, plus trying out talk about cards, and about cooking (since her stats said she liked it) I still had all other options at like 30% success chance and passed couple hours of in game time. I mean, that's not even accurate if you're trying to go for super realistic, if I'd have spent 4 hours talking to a random stranger on the street I'd probably get to know them quite well, 100% got their contact information, and it'd probably mean that we really hit it off well and are a great match for at least being good friends.
Also the way you mix free exploration and with VN elements is quite "in the way", at least for me. Basically I'm trying to explore some area, maybe talk to random NPC, and out of nowhere there is suddenly a VN "cutsceene" with someone who I didn't even know I should care about, just some random chick "stalks" me at work and right after that I'm suddenly on a date with her, not even knowing how it happened, I mean, not even one day passed in game for me. At the same time talking to random NPC to get them on the date would probably take up like 2 entire in game days.
I also somehow got injured on the way, I don't even know when or how it happened, I didn't even know that it happened at all until I checked the apearance pannel to see what's wrong with my clothes, maybe a bug, maybe something I did wrong and didn't see in a dialogue, either way it should be more visible.
Don't take my criticism the wrong way, I do think that the game has potential and quite good concept, just the way it was executed leaves quite a bit of room for improvement. I usually don't really enjoy VN's that much but a balance between VN and this life/dating sim can be really decent, there is just to much clunkiness for my taste. I didn't even reach the first day of school and I already hit like 3 roadblocks (not including the bugs).
If I may give some suggestions at the end. You could streamline the UI a bit more, some things need to be on top, like: the health display, character traits of the NPCs you speak with. Other's don't need to be so complicated: why do I need 5 (I can't be bothered to check exatly but it was around that) ingridients for an omlet? Just let me make it out of eggs and oil, that's enough. Maybe make the outfit tab into a simple grid design where player can see all available outfits at once and choose one, instead of that slider thingy. And the last thing would be separating the VN parts from exploration a bit more, if there is am event for the situation, trigger it while I'm trying to walk out, or give me a big glowing exclamation mark to click if so I can first do my shopping or at least get know that I finished the work minigame before you froce me into a date with a character I see for the first time.
Well I've ritten a full on essey as always, I hope I didn't come of too harsh beacuse I really think that the game has a fun idea, the art is nice and the dialogue doesn't seem that bed either. Maybe something of what I've written will be usefull information to you that will help in developing the game. Wish you all the best.
That would actually be cool. Like for every kid you have you have a weekly deducation of care pay so you gotta work more. Be able to take your kid outside and for strolls etc. just a hard mode mechanic tbh but a cute one 🤣
I downloaded the newest bugfix version for android and when starting a new game I can make it through to the starting room but when I click the phone icon it gives an error and when I ignore it, it puts me in a loop of pushups with no way out.
I have two questions regarding the tiers here on Itch:
1.) That $12 tier would be equivalent of getting a 30 day Patreon subscription, right? I assume that comes with in-game tiers that don't expire, is that correct?
2.) Does the early access to newly released version stay intact on Itch or is it like a one time-deal? For example if you unlocked the $25 tier on Itch for the v0.961a version as of now, would you always be able to access the newest version as they come out in the future or would you need to rebuy access to the newest release as they come out?
Purchase here is for life-time, not month subscribe. Versions of itch io and Patreon different, but content at the same. Subs from Patreon have available to polls, our servers for modifications/cloud-save and rarely more content, like available for female protagonist.
uh sorry i dont fully understand your question (im not kaito) lol but u have to pay monthly so if u pay for a version like for ex. 970 then u have to pay for 971 new versions are every month (highly recommend paying on patreon)
My question is: Is there a difference between the paid version of the game and the free version? For example in terms of story events or more sex scenes? Or will they all be added to the free version later?
I would like to know if I should buy the game or if it will eventually be added to the free version
And i wonna know how to blackmail meiko tsukasa to have sex with her in the men Locker room because every time i try i end up with romance branch or destroy the club and not seeing her again
Hi, version 0.961a on windows, during sex with random female npc, after selecting sex type (Vaginal, Anal, ...) it doesn't do anything, i can interact with other options, but nothing will start sex animation
Hello dev, im playing on android, version 0.960. Whenever i try to click continue, the load button on settings or access the swipe command in game, it always shows a error screen. My saves was from version 0.958 and i just recently decided to download and update to version 0.960. Is there a way to fix this? i dont want to re-do everything i have 100k + on the in game bank XD
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/screens.rpy", line 738, in execute
File "game/screens.rpy", line 738, in execute
File "game/screens.rpy", line 848, in execute
File "game/screens.rpy", line 848, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "_layout/screen_main_menu.rpymc", line 28, in script
File "renpy/ast.py", line 823, in execute
File "renpy/python.py", line 1179, in py_exec_bytecode
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide
File "renpy/ui.py", line 303, in interact
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 2165, in interact
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 2687, in interact_core
File "renpy/display/displayable.py", line 431, in visit_all
File "renpy/display/displayable.py", line 431, in visit_all
File "renpy/display/displayable.py", line 431, in visit_all
[Previous line repeated 1 more time]
File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 480, in visit_all
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 2687, in <lambda>
File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 491, in per_interact
File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 697, in update
File "game/screens.rpy", line 738, in execute
File "game/screens.rpy", line 738, in execute
File "game/screens.rpy", line 848, in execute
File "game/screens.rpy", line 848, in <module>
File "renpy/revertable.py", line 221, in __getitem__
Mine worked differently, since i didn't installed the latest free version on top of the previous version that i have, rather i installed the latest after uninstalling the previous and put my old save file on the correct folder. Pressing the ignore just do nothing but stayed on the error screen, while pressing open do make a new game. I fixed it by removing my old save and creating new game, created a save and, on the save folder, i merged my old save file to the new one and not replacing the new save so it would incorporate to the latest version. And it worked but my notes was erased nonetheless it worked.
I see we got Kissing game now with RNPC I like it. Can we go further tho in next updates, like fingering the girl or something? :) Only touching butt is kind of tame.
Someone pls help me, i dont understand this game. Why when i talk or do something to a person they always get scared of me and they have negative reactions like what the fuck did i do,did i mis something that was important to comunicating pls help
If they are NPCs and you are starting to talk to them, go slow man, try first talking ‘bout everyday topics and do that until relationship is on pink, and devotion too, then you can start talking ‘bout romantic topics and intimate ones, and just keep doing that until you’re her or his best friend :)
yeah thats what i am always doing but apparently if im doing any action with them i make them fear me, like it litterally says that if i succeed in the action i get -1 fear and then they have a disgusted look
The game has some interesting convepts and I'd love to see it finished which is why I paid way more than I usually would. At it's current state of development it is not as enjoyable though. There are simply too many errors yet. You might be spending a hour editing and generating random characters just to be stuck in errorscreens before the game starts. if you'd like to edid characters later on, you cant since opening the npc editior ingame is an instant error screen.
I'll be back by the end of next year to hopefully find a more stable version
Importing characters don’t broken anything. Your device can’t save character for reason last android version. They changed folder system and some features can’t work for this reason, but you can delete this «good» feature via Root.
Again: what’s exactly error? I didn’ see anything and can’t fix it a while I won’t see it afraid.
Well there were multiple errors and also some smaller bugs:
1) When opening the character Editor using the console in game, it's the usual Ren'Py error. if it happens once, you can no longer open the editor again in that game session even if you ignore or rollback
2) Ren'Py error when choosing to play the tutorial with a female character. This causes a hardlock in the save file
3) Impossible to save with female characters untill some time was spent in game
4) Choosing to play with a futa character causes CG pictures to be futa only (toilet peeping for example)
5) Randomizing characters adds Attribute points with every re-roll maximizing the characters stats with 5-10 rerolls
6) customization is broken with male characters. I can only change clothes or check limp status in game (Bottom left menu) when playing a female
7) opening the log frequently causes error screens as well
these are just the bugs that came to mind right now but there were lots of smaller different issues as well. The Ren'Py error pops up quite frequently no matter if using a male or female character. The story causes some smaller issues as well.
When We're already at it, here are some suggestions I'd make regarding further development: Some core mechanics should be explained in further detail. Basic stuff like how to level up the character, what actually rewards XP and what does not, how interaction chances are calculated (because some interactions with 70% success rate are never successful no matter how many times the save is reloaded. Also how saving, importing and uploading characters works should be explained in some detail.
← Return to game
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Can I play this game on iOS (iPad)?
About the filters, i if want of the filters to happen in my game i should let them off right?
how can we play as a girl?
I paid for and downloaded the game and it keeps crashing on me
Download new version
It works. Thanks for the help.
I have found an annoying bug that happened after one of the updates, any time you try to upgrade any of your businesses, the price of each upgrade is exponentially higher than before AND it decreases your income earned.
Another thing I noticed though don't know the exacts of what caused it, but sometimes businesses are duplicating where you can buy them again, but they have no name and still have the same upgrade issue...
Download new version
Is there anyway to disable perks or forcefully increase an attribute? I got the "pretty face" perk thinking the -100 authority would be fine but it seems that even though it says my max authority is [322] my real max is [223] for whatever reason?
Console and then using "Increase authority attribute" does nothing and I've attempted changing the variable manually using the "Change the value of a variable" but maybe I used the wrong code? I'm not really sure, anyway did I just softlock myself out of breaking peoples arms or is there anything that I can do?
My brother, the Google drive android link is down and the Mega download is too big to download for free
Guys im stupid. How do I level up in this game😭
Currently, there are 3 ways to level up. Doing homework, attending school and fighting.
On goodness gracious youre my GOAT🗣🔥
Follow up question, does doing all that also give me exp for perks or do I need to do something else?
Every time you level up, 1 perk point is added for your choice of spending for perks. About what I said that there are 3 ways to level up? Most activities that you do in this game increases exp. So I, uh, basically lied to the first comment i made. Sorry about that.
Добрый день. У меня возник вопрос, связанный с отображением веснушек и родинок во время миссионерской позы в 18+ сценах, а также во время разговора в меню взаимодействия. В вашем аккаунте с соц.сети X (Twitter) я увидел скриншот датируемый апрелем 23, 2024, где показана сцена с правильным отображением, однако в самой игре этого нет. Я проверял это на версиях с 0.954 по 0.961, и после того, как в игру была добавлена обновлённая миссионерская поза, веснушки и родинки перестали отображаться. Кроме того, я не нашел упоминаний исходных изображений в коде файла «sex_npc_in_room.rpy», хотя в файлах конструктора сцен есть необходимые изображения. Это проблема касается только миссионерской сцены и разговора с NPC, во всех остальных ситуациях (других позах и взаимодействиях) всё работает.
Hi. I have a question related to the display of freckles and moles during the missionary position in 18+ scenes, as well as during a conversation in the interaction menu. In your account from the social network X (Twitter), I saw a screenshot dated April 23, 2024, which shows a scene with the correct display, but this is not in the game itself. I tested this on versions 0.954 to 0.961, and after the updated missionary position was added to the game, freckles and moles stopped showing up. Also, I didn't find references to source images in the «sex_npc_in_room.rpy» file code, although there are the necessary images in the scene builder files. This problem only applies to the missionary scene and conversation with NPCs; in all other situations (other poses and interactions) everything works
We’ll fix it, it’s a bug
The neck tattoo quantum/heisenbug is back with a vengeance.
I thought it was dirt appearing on my character at first, lul.
In the end I placed some pure alpha sprites where the game expects the regular textures and thus
just turned the tattoo invisible for the body type of my mc.
A real bodge of a fix, but hey, it works.
You can completely disable tattoos and piercings in the menu settings of game
How to complete Suzuki Matsui's story as I keep on going to the park at 1 am and I can't find the owner who has her apartment? Please help
It’s end for this plot line for at this moment
I accepted a girl into my apartment and got this error
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 671, in execute_call_screen
store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
File "game/mods/npc_main.rpy", line 1517, in execute
File "game/mods/npc_main.rpy", line 1517, in execute
File "game/mods/npc_main.rpy", line 1519, in execute
File "game/system/modules/npc/npc_interface.rpy", line 559, in execute
File "game/system/modules/npc/npc_interface.rpy", line 559, in execute
File "game/system/modules/npc/npc_interface.rpy", line 563, in execute
File "game/system/modules/npc/npc_interface.rpy", line 832, in execute
File "game/system/modules/npc/npc_interface.rpy", line 841, in execute
ValueError: expected expression
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "mods/npc_main.rpyc", line 903, in script
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\ast.py", line 1972, in execute
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\ast.py", line 1953, in call
return renpy.statements.call(method, parsed, *args, **kwargs)
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\statements.py", line 349, in call
return method(parsed, *args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 671, in execute_call_screen
store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\exports.py", line 3413, in call_screen
rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse="screen", type="screen", roll_forward=roll_forward)
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\ui.py", line 303, in interact
rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\display\core.py", line 2165, in interact
repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, pause_modal=pause_modal, **kwargs) # type: ignore
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\display\core.py", line 2687, in interact_core
root_widget.visit_all(lambda d : d.per_interact())
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\display\displayable.py", line 431, in visit_all
d.visit_all(callback, seen)
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\display\displayable.py", line 431, in visit_all
d.visit_all(callback, seen)
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\display\displayable.py", line 431, in visit_all
d.visit_all(callback, seen)
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\display\screen.py", line 480, in visit_all
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\display\core.py", line 2687, in <lambda>
root_widget.visit_all(lambda d : d.per_interact())
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\display\screen.py", line 491, in per_interact
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\display\screen.py", line 697, in update
File "game/mods/npc_main.rpy", line 1517, in execute
File "game/mods/npc_main.rpy", line 1517, in execute
File "game/mods/npc_main.rpy", line 1519, in execute
File "game/system/modules/npc/npc_interface.rpy", line 559, in execute
File "game/system/modules/npc/npc_interface.rpy", line 559, in execute
File "game/system/modules/npc/npc_interface.rpy", line 563, in execute
File "game/system/modules/npc/npc_interface.rpy", line 832, in execute
File "game/system/modules/npc/npc_interface.rpy", line 841, in execute
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\text\text.py", line 1738, in __init__
self.set_text(text, scope, substitute) # type: ignore
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\text\text.py", line 1868, in set_text
i, did_sub = renpy.substitutions.substitute(i, scope, substitute) # type: ignore
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\substitutions.py", line 368, in substitute
s = interpolate(s, kwargs) # type: ignore
File "D:\Elden Ring Randomizer\Games\Harem Games\School Game 0.960\renpy\substitutions.py", line 64, in interpolate
raise ValueError('expected expression')
ValueError: expected expression
Windows-10-10.0.22631 AMD64
School 0.960
Wed Jan 15 23:21:04 2025
we’ll fix it
Asked a girl to walk with me to the occult club and when we got there the background was just black. Any idea what could have happened?
This is the old version of the missionary scene. As far as I know, it has not yet been updated in version 0.952 and below. There is now an updated version of this scene in the game.
does anyone know how to increase fertility and how do you know if a girl is pregnant because I thought she was then a month later she had a flat stomach? So what does that mean
To increase fertility, you have to increase your physical stats like strength, endurance and stamina. As for the belly size, it would take 7 months in-game since news of pregnancy for players to notice the changes in the RNPC's belly size, then the 8th month then the 9th month. And no, there's no childbirth as of yet.
Hope you find this helpful.
Well, I got the free itch version to test out the game and I honestly didn't have the best experiance with it. The game would constantly show me the choice regarding "Do you really want to walk naked in this location", sometimes just pressing "put clothes on" would work, and sometimes game would bug out completely and just constantly kept showing it until I chose the option to return home. I obviously did buy the perk "exhibitionist" at the start, I wanted to check if NPCs actually react to that as the game claims. I don't know if it might've been caused by the fact that during the tutorial I had a couple of errors show up two times and I had to ignore them.
But regardless, beside this issue which rendered the game pretty much unplayable, there were still other things. Mind you, I played for like 30 minutes or something, so I might've just missed something that isn't as obvious as it should be, even if it's there.
Don't take my criticism the wrong way, I do think that the game has potential and quite good concept, just the way it was executed leaves quite a bit of room for improvement. I usually don't really enjoy VN's that much but a balance between VN and this life/dating sim can be really decent, there is just to much clunkiness for my taste. I didn't even reach the first day of school and I already hit like 3 roadblocks (not including the bugs).
If I may give some suggestions at the end.
You could streamline the UI a bit more, some things need to be on top, like: the health display, character traits of the NPCs you speak with. Other's don't need to be so complicated: why do I need 5 (I can't be bothered to check exatly but it was around that) ingridients for an omlet? Just let me make it out of eggs and oil, that's enough. Maybe make the outfit tab into a simple grid design where player can see all available outfits at once and choose one, instead of that slider thingy.
And the last thing would be separating the VN parts from exploration a bit more, if there is am event for the situation, trigger it while I'm trying to walk out, or give me a big glowing exclamation mark to click if so I can first do my shopping or at least get know that I finished the work minigame before you froce me into a date with a character I see for the first time.
Well I've ritten a full on essey as always, I hope I didn't come of too harsh beacuse I really think that the game has a fun idea, the art is nice and the dialogue doesn't seem that bed either. Maybe something of what I've written will be usefull information to you that will help in developing the game. Wish you all the best.
Will there be an update where you can start a family with RNPC? Since there's pregnancy in this game...
That would actually be cool. Like for every kid you have you have a weekly deducation of care pay so you gotta work more. Be able to take your kid outside and for strolls etc. just a hard mode mechanic tbh but a cute one 🤣
I downloaded the newest bugfix version for android and when starting a new game I can make it through to the starting room but when I click the phone icon it gives an error and when I ignore it, it puts me in a loop of pushups with no way out.
I have two questions regarding the tiers here on Itch:
1.) That $12 tier would be equivalent of getting a 30 day Patreon subscription, right? I assume that comes with in-game tiers that don't expire, is that correct?
2.) Does the early access to newly released version stay intact on Itch or is it like a one time-deal? For example if you unlocked the $25 tier on Itch for the v0.961a version as of now, would you always be able to access the newest version as they come out in the future or would you need to rebuy access to the newest release as they come out?
Purchase here is for life-time, not month subscribe. Versions of itch io and Patreon different, but content at the same. Subs from Patreon have available to polls, our servers for modifications/cloud-save and rarely more content, like available for female protagonist.
I can't save in the latest Android bugfix version the game says some error codes and then if I ignore it it just won't save anything
Plz send the errors here
there is a error in pc ver. its says ıdk is it happens only to me but it needs to get fized I cant read anythink
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/screens.rpy", line 130, in execute
File "game/screens.rpy", line 130, in execute
File "game/screens.rpy", line 132, in execute
File "game/screens.rpy", line 141, in execute
We need a spanish traslation :D
You guys know how to play this game? I have no clue where to start.
I recommend first going to the academy and then after that the shop to get a job
their is no exact way to play the game lol u play how u want to play (i mainly talk to the rnpcs)
True, I think the idea of being able to do as your heart desires is a good thing to have in a game
random npcs
Hi kaito i wanted to ask :
the events in the game for those who paid for the game will it be released for those who didn't later ?
Or i must pay so i can play it fully like the patereon members ?
I hope you to answer as soon as possible
uh sorry i dont fully understand your question (im not kaito) lol but u have to pay monthly so if u pay for a version like for ex. 970 then u have to pay for 971 new versions are every month (highly recommend paying on patreon)
My question is: Is there a difference between the paid version of the game and the free version? For example in terms of story events or more sex scenes? Or will they all be added to the free version later?
I would like to know if I should buy the game or if it will eventually be added to the free version
And i wonna know how to blackmail meiko tsukasa to have sex with her in the men Locker room because every time i try i end up with romance branch or destroy the club and not seeing her again
also for those who are looking for more info on the game I've made this fandom for the game
Thanks for the your work! I sent it to our discord
btw in the official discord your unable to react to the message to become verified
plz ping me my name is kc
*edit* Ignore this. Tonight, after turning my PC back on, it worked fine, so the problem was something on my end that I couldn't identify.
I can't decompress the game files. 7Zip tells me "CRC failed : School-0.960-win_BugFix4.zip" and windows gives me "error 0x80004005".
Hi, version 0.961a on windows, during sex with random female npc, after selecting sex type (Vaginal, Anal, ...) it doesn't do anything, i can interact with other options, but nothing will start sex animation
Download last BugFix
just click the same link it has bugfix1 in it
Докрутить анимации of sex и будет шедевр OwO
Hello dev, im playing on android, version 0.960. Whenever i try to click continue, the load button on settings or access the swipe command in game, it always shows a error screen. My saves was from version 0.958 and i just recently decided to download and update to version 0.960. Is there a way to fix this? i dont want to re-do everything i have 100k + on the in game bank XD
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/screens.rpy", line 738, in execute
File "game/screens.rpy", line 738, in execute
File "game/screens.rpy", line 848, in execute
File "game/screens.rpy", line 848, in <module>
IndexError: list index out of range
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "_layout/screen_main_menu.rpymc", line 28, in script
File "renpy/ast.py", line 823, in execute
File "renpy/python.py", line 1179, in py_exec_bytecode
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide
File "renpy/ui.py", line 303, in interact
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 2165, in interact
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 2687, in interact_core
File "renpy/display/displayable.py", line 431, in visit_all
File "renpy/display/displayable.py", line 431, in visit_all
File "renpy/display/displayable.py", line 431, in visit_all
[Previous line repeated 1 more time]
File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 480, in visit_all
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 2687, in <lambda>
File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 491, in per_interact
File "renpy/display/screen.py", line 697, in update
File "game/screens.rpy", line 738, in execute
File "game/screens.rpy", line 738, in execute
File "game/screens.rpy", line 848, in execute
File "game/screens.rpy", line 848, in <module>
File "renpy/revertable.py", line 221, in __getitem__
IndexError: list index out of range
Ohh never mind i got it to work somehow
Yeah those one can be bypassed if you press ignore
Mine worked differently, since i didn't installed the latest free version on top of the previous version that i have, rather i installed the latest after uninstalling the previous and put my old save file on the correct folder. Pressing the ignore just do nothing but stayed on the error screen, while pressing open do make a new game. I fixed it by removing my old save and creating new game, created a save and, on the save folder, i merged my old save file to the new one and not replacing the new save so it would incorporate to the latest version. And it worked but my notes was erased nonetheless it worked.
Has the female protagonist been released for the free version yet? (Free version meaning non patron version)
When it'll be ready, yes
Okay, just checking up because it's been a while since I checked the patch notes nd stuff
Holy sheesh the game is growing big! It's been only a year since I was inactive
Good for you devs please keep up the good work!
Thanks for the kind words!
I see we got Kissing game now with RNPC I like it. Can we go further tho in next updates, like fingering the girl or something? :) Only touching butt is kind of tame.
I love the additions.
in 961a version
Awesome ;)
I like this game, I wish you where able to go to the homes of plot characters and that they awnser the phone more often
I was looking at the console and I was wondering what exactly is changing the value of a variable and how does it work
Is there a female pov in the game?
Is there a way the player can date Ayano without making her take her clothes off?
why not?
Because when you ask her to take her clothes off her relationship with the player tanks and then you don’t have the relationship to date her after
Someone pls help me, i dont understand this game. Why when i talk or do something to a person they always get scared of me and they have negative reactions like what the fuck did i do,did i mis something that was important to comunicating pls help
If they are NPCs and you are starting to talk to them, go slow man, try first talking ‘bout everyday topics and do that until relationship is on pink, and devotion too, then you can start talking ‘bout romantic topics and intimate ones, and just keep doing that until you’re her or his best friend :)
yeah thats what i am always doing but apparently if im doing any action with them i make them fear me, like it litterally says that if i succeed in the action i get -1 fear and then they have a disgusted look
It may be because of what you do to other NPCs just because you are nice to one NPC does not mean they forgive you for what you did to another.
You might be looking at their chest by accident try just looking into their eyes
Yeah i am looking into their eyes still thx for replying
Im stuck, how can i get the camera in Meiko’s tasks? Somebody help me please
Buy it in the online shop or get your game high enough to talk to her
Thanks bro
The game has some interesting convepts and I'd love to see it finished which is why I paid way more than I usually would. At it's current state of development it is not as enjoyable though. There are simply too many errors yet. You might be spending a hour editing and generating random characters just to be stuck in errorscreens before the game starts. if you'd like to edid characters later on, you cant since opening the npc editior ingame is an instant error screen.
I'll be back by the end of next year to hopefully find a more stable version
What’s error exactly you had?
Importing characters don’t broken anything. Your device can’t save character for reason last android version. They changed folder system and some features can’t work for this reason, but you can delete this «good» feature via Root.
Again: what’s exactly error? I didn’ see anything and can’t fix it a while I won’t see it afraid.
anyway if we’ll release new BugFix today, so if someone will be have error, like this, just download BugFix
Well there were multiple errors and also some smaller bugs:
1) When opening the character Editor using the console in game, it's the usual Ren'Py error. if it happens once, you can no longer open the editor again in that game session even if you ignore or rollback
2) Ren'Py error when choosing to play the tutorial with a female character. This causes a hardlock in the save file
3) Impossible to save with female characters untill some time was spent in game
4) Choosing to play with a futa character causes CG pictures to be futa only (toilet peeping for example)
5) Randomizing characters adds Attribute points with every re-roll maximizing the characters stats with 5-10 rerolls
6) customization is broken with male characters. I can only change clothes or check limp status in game (Bottom left menu) when playing a female
7) opening the log frequently causes error screens as well
these are just the bugs that came to mind right now but there were lots of smaller different issues as well. The Ren'Py error pops up quite frequently no matter if using a male or female character. The story causes some smaller issues as well.
When We're already at it, here are some suggestions I'd make regarding further development: Some core mechanics should be explained in further detail. Basic stuff like how to level up the character, what actually rewards XP and what does not, how interaction chances are calculated (because some interactions with 70% success rate are never successful no matter how many times the save is reloaded. Also how saving, importing and uploading characters works should be explained in some detail.