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(1 edit)

my code is not working I click update info and it still says its incorrect

Your code - your email. Is the login still not working for you at the moment?

no its still not working

Hey everyone, just looking for confirmation that I understand this correctly.  I accepted the request to hunt down some hooligans.  From my understanding, my 'targets' I need to fight will be favorited automatically (yes, I chose that option).

However, I have no way of actually knowing WHERE those targets are, correct?  I have to wander around all day and just hope I stumble across one?


yea same it so confusing


When completing this quest, you can add all the hooligans to your favorites, and they will be displayed ahead of all the NPCs in the list. In addition, they also most often walk around an abandoned factory, so finding them is not such a problem.

I dont understand for some reason the android version doesn't install and pc version doesnt work in joiplay

V0.932 worked perfectly but the latest versions arent

At that time there was a transition to a new version of the game engine, so this may be related

Is it possible to fix it?

I was rlly looking forward to upcoming contents

Its a shame i cant play it

Game crashes/closes automatically after a couple of minutes of play on Android, any fix for this or is it just incompatible with my device?

You can try to clear the phone's memory and not run unnecessary processes in the background. Unfortunately, the game is demanding on the RAM of the device

How to talk with hitomi at journalism club and hooligans at abandoned factory? , when i go factory nothing happen and when i want go to journalism club there are not in the list pls help....

You have to talk to the leader of the bullies. It is marked with the tag [QG]

How can you continue to develop a relationship with Yuki if it is written in the notebook to get to know Ayano Yoshido better 6/6

Try to ask her out on a date through the wish menu


Question for player or patreon player

Can you change Randomized NPC hairstyle? Or their looks in general beside from character creation from beginning, also is it possible to change RNPC name in-game?

Yes, this function is in the cheat menu

Скажи пожалуста где находится чит меню ???

So it's been a 3 month since i last played the game and when i back..

I just wondering?how to improve Ayano Yoshida Depravity(lewdness) without cheat?

I still in 0932 because i wait for 0935 to free and buy the cheat..

I always try do pervert thing with Ayano Yoshda but it's stuck at 7

I use the cheat to make it 500 lol,still did not understand to rise it without cheat

Try to her to do blowjob / do something that requires less vulgarity /talk to her about sex and intimacy

newest bug. Under bugfix3, .935, I now have no patreon bonus. It says my email is not needed, I need a patreon code. 

how to fix error like loop?

How do u donwload on android

Just download android version and read the instruction bro


Would like for more tutorials and instructions on some basic things, I got stuck in the cooking part, it told me to click, told me to hold,...etc and it still didn't work.

yea same i don't know how to cook

Deleted 1 year ago

i already take  recipes from libary but i still can't cook

(1 edit) (+1)

You need to choose the ingredients for the meal first, for example if you want to cook Soup you need to tap Seasoning, Vegetable, and Piece of Meat then click "Combine All" after that the recipe for Soup will be added, if you play on Android you can simply hold the recipe to cook it(of course if you have the ingredients)

The same with other recipe such as Omelete and other

You don't necessarily need the recipe book, as long as you memorize the recipe you can add it your own, please note that if your character already learn the repice for that spesific food you don't need to put the recipe again.

thanks this really help me a lot

The game just too heavy for my device :(

Bought the $12 version and have tried to download 2 different versions of the game on the download page but NONE of them work! I would hold out on buying this game until they fix the issue with emails not linking to the folks that are buying the game. I will update if I hear back from the Dev, otherwise I will just to a chargeback on my card.


Please read the instructions that are given to you when downloading the game.

how to find a character? I did not really understand english

Can I play a female protagonist? Or can I only be a dude.

how to find a character? I did not really understand englishhow to find character? I did not really understand english

To find Randomized NPC you need to know their ID, at character creation menu where you can costumize RNPC their ID goes from 1 - (your NPC limit), for example if you want to search the first NPC then you type 1

Please note that Find Character only work if they are "anywhere" in the game map, if the character is on their home they can't be found.

Based on our character costumization, there is other role we can play other than Student, we might as well play as female, though i assume it's only for further update from the game (i don't know on what version or when that will be released)

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Then I'll wait for that update...

I'd appreciate more game devs to mention such things on their store pages though.


Patreon code not working after bug fix on androi

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are u have a problem solve with that? iam have the same problem too on windows version there's say this version spesifically for linux and mac version but i already install win versio

I am having the same issue as you. I emailed the support email but have not heard back yet. Any luck on your end though?

no luck. I'm not paying more for this game on patreon. I already paid $25.. I usually am all about patience and stuff when it comes to indies, but this is kind of ridiculous. Some of the game is straight up broken on both android and pc.


How do you heal? I have tried eating and resting, but my headwound is till decreasing

same here.


Is there any other event with the npc that pays you money to finish off the hooligans? I'm done with all the hooligans, it keeps showing the message that has 0 hooligans missing in an endless loop, isn't there some thank you event for ending the hooligans?

Скажите пожалуйста был ли или будет ли исправлен баг с постоянным дождем после посещения Аяно? Tell me please if the rain bug with Ayano is fixed or will be fixed?

game play is fine but the english could use some work


Terrible writing, constant glitches many of which crash the game, and stolen art.

Deleted 1 year ago

Though i seen wide range of art style in the game, that's doesn't mean the art is stolen, if you want to proof it please do write the comment with the evidence.

When will it be possible to play this game from Ukraine without vpn

When the main part of developers relocates to Kazakhstan. At the moment, this process is taking place.

(2 edits)

Just a heads up.  Card game on the PC still doesn't work.   Also notice the game starts on Tuesday 2 now.  But the calendar says 1.  Or maybe I'm just reading it wrong.  Anyways, thought I'd let you know.

Also first day, went to every class but stats say I skipped all 4 classes. 

How exactly does the "Depravity attribute" work when editing the NPCs, what does giving them more or less do?

I think it helps them reduce the cloth size and things related with deeds.

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Depravity stat affect RNPC clothes size as well as their "activity" in game, you might have seen RNPCs act lewdly in public, if you play by default with small or no customization on RNPC this will happen by form a hug, kiss, etc.

The higher the stat will also higher the chance for that NPC to gain "Pervert" Attribute, for example if you set NPC Depravity stat to the max which is 120, it will guranteed that NPC is a Pervert.

Another effect is, it's easier to do lewd-thing with them.

Can someone help me? I'm playing it for the second time, and the first time I played it I remember that I had unlocked an abandoned factory, but I don't remember how I unlocked it the first time, does anyone know how?

You can open it by getting a card at the festival, as well as during the storyline for the extermination of hooligans, the storyline of Yuki Oota, with a high relationship with any hooligan.

Got it, thanks for the help.

In v0.934 I tried change some rules of RNPC like wear glasses,cat ears,etc. But it says insufficient relationship stage. How do I level and what should I do? My relationship is 908 and attachment is 1379. Kaito can you help me with this?

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playing the windows version 935b on Linux with Wine. Almost no randomized npc ever appear in any locations. in 934 there always was some

Please describe the problem in more detail. Was there something before that, does your game work correctly on other devices?

I believe it's because the game now starts on Tuesday.  Everyone is at school.  I thought the exact same thing.  Go to school and they'll be there.

How can you increase the stage past favourite? I also am unable to use any of the rules for the npcs, are their certain requirements

This was a bug, it is fixed in the following versions

Hello kaito, i'm stuck with "go to the pool at the institution ar the appointed time in a week". What should i do? This happen after swimming tournament


The event itself says when this scheduled time occurs, so you can see the exact time in the history. 

According to my memory, it's Friday, the evening time of the day


For whatever reason, within a few days of the game starting my body is almost dead. So, I bought a couple of med kits. That can heal all but one body part. I cannot heal my left leg, and it does not heal through rest.

Limbs can be cured by resting somewhere and having full satiety. It is not necessary to treat them with first aid kits

I have been trying that, my left leg will not heal no matter if I am at full food or not.

Constantly getting stuck in error loops after doing the quest to recruit 5 people to occult club, can't continue game. Also small loops in park when at every hour or when stopping dialogue with a girl where I am forced in to the "running" scene.

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is it just me, or is it really laggy for no reason, other then a crappy computer

how to cooking in android???


If i remember correctly, you just tap and hold the food you wanna cook and a green bar will show up on the food you're cooking. You're Welcome 

ok thanks 👍

Can you tell me how I unlock the abandoned factory friend?

If i remember correctly, the first day or 2 you'll encounter an Npc getting harassed by a bully. You have to beat the bully first before you can talk to the NPC. Before you fight the bully make sure you save just before the fight starts if you don't want to be humiliated. After you beat the bully the NPC will talk to you and will ask you for your help in beating bunch of bullies(kinda like bounty hunting) 

If you accept her offer, i think the factory will be open for you. If you reject her offer then you won't be discovering the factory anytime soon. I don't remember anything after that. Hope this helps

Have been encoutering the same bug after every action: "local variable 'npc_number' referenced before assignment", somewere in function library, line 1828, in time1 (v 0.934). Haven't seen anyone else complaining about it, so it must be something easily fixable

Do u now where to find the gold blonde hair girl

Are you about Suzuki?
Check your journal for directions


Fix this bug bro

" An exception  has occurred "

Yo Kaito! Can ya answer my question? If yes, then,thank you!

The "harem lover" perk works with girls i'm dating? If so,How does it work If i have lots of dates?

All the girls you have a relationship with are no longer jealous of you when choosing this perk

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But,can i date they? Like if i start dating one NPC,i can date other one without losing the relationship with the other i was already dating?

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Btw is there like a wiki for this game for additional info in the game?

EDIT: if the creators can give make a wiki or smth to give out info about the game since there is somethings that can be confusing

It is there, but only in Russian and abandoned:Вики

ive been having a few problems relating to some of the features, for one instance i havent been able to cook anything and i realize it says click and hold lmb but that doesnt even work if anyone knws how to fix that it would be appricate


How can I disable the narrator?

V-button for renpy games iirc

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Can you tell me how I unlock the abandoned factory?

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