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Last question, any pregnancies?  

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I'm fucking done, I have no idea why but these games always end with "app not installed" like what does it LOOK LIKE I'M TRYING TO DO!?!! But sometimes it doesn't? The past 2 games I have tried to install just haven't worked. If someone knows why PLEASE tell me. And if there is a solution to this bs, I am waiting eagerly to hear it. (Edit, I am installing from the download link. And from the patron link if that was an option. Either way, it just doesn't work.)

what games are you trying to install

womp womp

Yeah, yeah, have your fun, I get it's not a big deal. I had a feeling someone was gonna do it eventually.

Tbh i had some problems with same error message, but allat was just from extra files which werent in the og game or app and for some reason it didnt like it

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try restarting phone. That helped me once.

When i have this issue its because I'm low on storage space. Some games are REAL fucking pissy about this. I had to have atleast 15gb of space free to install a 3gb game before

Can you tell me what device you are downloading on? Windows, Mac, Linux, Android?

Android, or at least that's the file I've been downloading. In reality, I'm using an Amazon kindle fire.

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hmm kindle fires run Fire OS which is technically a custom version of android, but i know they do try and force you to only use apps from their playstore but there are also workarounds for that; on that note I don''t know enough about Fire OS to know the workarounds, whether it is blocking the app, if it's a download  error (pretty common) or user error. I suggest looking at a youtube tutorial for how to download and run non-amazon APK files on your kindle, If nothing they suggest works then it is possible it is just a download error which if so you just keep trying to download. And if using the mega download a free account would take multiple days to download all the different files together not sure of all are needed or not but mega restricts free accounts to 5 gigs of downloads daily. I paid for a month of membership on mega just because i didn't know if all the files were needed or not. Wish I could be more helpful but I just don't know enough about Kindles, I only use mine for reading, I game on PC, hopefully this helped a tiny bit at least.

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Alright thanks. I have some more info that might be of importance. First of all, I didn't always have problems with downloading games like these. I used to be able to download games like corrupted kingdoms which you might recognize, the file is about 1-2 gb, too much to download now, but as I said, I didn't always have problems with these kind of downloads. Now, if the game is above 1 gb, it's just too much. My only guess is that I might just be overwhelming my kindle with seemingly harmful apk files. So my kindle is just no longer having it. But I am no tech expert, so I have not one clue why it's being stubborn now. (Edit: Sometimes the downloads don't even finish and say "Download forbidden" or something like that.)

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Is the one-dollar version the whole version of the game? Or tell me what each version has or the basics? 

On patreon


Help where is the journalism club??

Hey, i got a really stupid question but i have like 0 experience with it:
Is there a way to upgrade my 12$ version to the 17$ or would i have to pay again? xD

itch io is veryyyyy odd, you would have to pay the full amount sadly because itch doesnt allow "updgrades"

AH, i see. Thanks :3

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Games great. I paid and got the new version of the game I can't continue my old game save. I was wondering, do paid players get a code or something or is that for patreon only? Nvm Got the email.


highly recommend that u dont use old saves as those drag over odd bugs that have been fixed, its recommended to always start a new one

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Thanks, I wish I would of read it this sooner lol. Can you have RNPC's move in with you? Also I notice some pictures that look different than what I've seen. Specifically the 3 with the 3 different girls on a white bed with an orange pillow. Do I have the full game at a 20 dollar purchase on itch? Or is that content for patreon only? Thanks again. P.S. can you increase RNPCs stamina?

Разраб ты русский? Или американец? 



Американец* но почему то ты мне кажешься русским ну до ладно главное что русский язык есть и я бы хотел бы, предложить добавить головные уборы такие как шапка, маска для лица, повязка, повязка для одного глаза, кепка

Hey. I have Been purchase it Patreon Code of the Best Friend tier. But why i can't download the latest game version 0.954 ?

I only can download version 0.953b

idk what do you mean. If you donated 12 dollars, it’s actually for B version here. In Patreon/SubscriberStar - 954, but here you pay one-time, there you pay every month

So how can i download the latest version of the game ?

Well, you may subscribe to Patreon or buy 0.954 here for 17 dollars

Or i must subscribe your patreon for 953 ?

I mean 954

Is there a way to combine my two purchases to equal 17? Or was I doomed from the start with the idea? I thought I'd just donate more to overcome the next threshold...

well, you can write us and we’ll give you that you wanted 

what do I have to do,I've had surgery, but it's still like this
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Well… It’s no way in the current state of the game. She still think, that you have small penis.

When does the festival where ayano and suzuki take place? I'm waiting to complete ayanos quest where I "skip forward by 60".


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O there's a lot of bugs, im not saying its bad, its just annoying when you Like talk to an NPC or Just look at your acquittance list and suddenly the bug pops up.

What happens is that randomly something will pop up and after you ignore it, the NPC will either have missing body part, have no face, or is naked for some reason.

And there's a bug in other events I just missed because of the bug.

Btw, there's also bugs in some Places like when I go to the martial arts, there's no sprite on what the place looks like.

I'm using Android.

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The game is indev, it'll be more polished as it continues. 

who do i contact about email code not working

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does version .953b have pregnancy or is that 0.954?

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nevermind, reread patch notes

I can't see the necessary points to buy a perk

Thanks for the report. We’ll fix it

The female protagonist still in w.i.p?


Okay, I'm waiting to play for when the free download gets it, I would join your patreon but I only have 2 dollars to my name RN 😔, but when I can get a job soon I'll definitely be supporting your patreon 😊

Also kaito I know this seems irrelevant seeing as Chromebook runs on android based apps, but I'm asking this for curiosity, does the game work well on Chromebook? If no one has tested it on Chromebook I'll definitely give any feedback if you need it.

Well, I don’t have Chromebook and idk how it’s working there, but I think it’s renpy game, so this shouldn’t have any problems


Can anyone  tell me fast which bugfix should i download on android



I thought version 0.953 would have fem protag. Available so can I ask a question what version will it be available on?

Forgive me for asking to many questions :<

It’s available in 953, but for money/beta-testers. It isn’t completely done, so you should wait a little for free access

Ok I'ma just wait here hoping version 954 has finished it

ps: forgive me for replying and also I like your game :>

if i pay 12 dollar how long before i got to play 0.954?

any time

Wasn’t able to launch the game in MacOS X 14.4.1, I didn’t upgrade to 14.5 however I’m not sure if that would help, is there anyone else who using MacOS but don’t have this problem with v0.953? Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGKILL (Code Signature Invalid))

MAC with M1/M2?

Yes. M1 Pro.

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Me, v0.953a don't work, but v0.953 work normally (MacOS 14.4.1).




Hi Kaito, The Chinese translation of the game is progressing methodically, I think it's around 40% at the moment, and since I'm the only one working on it right now, it might be a bit slow... Please believe me, I never give up, the Chinese translation work will be completed successfully. I will let you know separately when this work is almost done.

Thanks for the translation! We’re waiting it!

Does story of Meiko changed? There is only 2 branches now(it was 3 before), romance branch stays the same, and swim club deceleration branch - is it not finished ? because I dont get any activities after I chose it 

Romance branch for Meiko complete and don't have any more content. It isn't plot character, just side, so it's enough 

Hi guys can anyone tell me how to spot a bully for a mission? 

When starting mission you can choose add all bullies to favourites(also u can find them in the abandoned factory)  


Please tell me what to do if I received an assignment from Hitomi Watanabe "Wait for Yuki's call on Friday between 16:00 and 20:00" (wind the time for 60 minutes) I wait for Friday at 16:00, I start to wind the time for 60 minutes and nothing happens. What should I do to complete this quest?

Just a hairstyle, clothes and tattoos if necessary


Can you change your character's skin?


If you female, then yes. Male doesn't have this opportunity

has anyone made a cheat mod of any type, like infinite money of 100% success rate in certain actions or max skill points?



Thank you brother.

Where do you find the gambling circle suzuki was in so she can leave?


It isn't complete, so no way. Only waiting upd

we couldnt know the amount to obtain a perk

Hi guys, how can i reduce the fatigue of girls? Tks

Усталость само пройдëт на следующий


You should just waiting, no more. After some times, fatigue of RNPCs will down

I am in China, is there a way that I can download it and install it directly? Because I can't open the page for download 

Idk, telegram?

Thank you for your efforts, although I still can't open it

So when it states you can create your own character. Does that mean you can be a female too? I only see pictures with your character as a man.

The next update will have a female protagonist finally done I think from what I have read in the weekly news you have to wait on May 27 for the update to come out


I beg for a full English translation on this game, If there is anyway we can help out so you can find a translator then please let us know. Its a good game overall its just hard to like it when its badly translated. Is there anyone currently working or offering to translate this and if so please let us know.


The grievance i share with you is that it lacks the mannerisms or speech patterns of most Western english speakers. Words that are not used in the vocabulary of the layman. Its not how people talk. Though, i wouldn't call it "badly" translated. If anything, it's too good. The translation is too literal, very percise, not a wrong word in sight.  I don't think a refined translation would be considered until the game nears completion.

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Ru: в версии 0.952 я не могу открыть меню  персонажа  вылезает  ошибка как на фото при это при нажатии  "игнорировать "  пишет что "данный набор одежды  доступен только  с навыком  "эксбиционист""

Eng:in version 0.952, I can't open the character menu, an error pops up as in the photo, while clicking "ignore" writes that "this set of clothes is only available with the "exhibitionist" skill"

Everything is as it should be now. I don't know why

Yo kaito can you tell me how to make suzuki get out of my house???

Just follow her plot line. Idk when you locate in progress of her plot, but you can say your question in our discord channel, where more ppl can help you.

would be great if gym would affect to girls bodies more, like would make them skinnier, leaner if they would do cardio or more muscled if some weights

anyways the game is awesome 👍

Starting in 0.954upd, game already have this. Thanks for the kind words

Should I just restart the game if Yoshida Ayano can't be approach due to break up because it affects my mission to Yuki Oota where I should "Go up to Ayano and Talk to her about yuki." It says (I should use interaction menu with Ayano) but I cant she kept saying get off me. 🤔


please help, there is always an error occured if i try to open profile menu, and if i ignore it the message will come like "this clothes only available for exhibionist perk" what is this?


there is no more blackmail branch for meiko?

For Patreon this content is forbidden, so we can’t show it “for all”

"for all", how can i get it then?

What tier exactly?

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