I keep getting random russian mixed in with my english game, and the pronouns for the dudes are always she/her and the girls are labeled as he/him and its getting really confusing. is this a bug? I see theres a lot of grammar issues. theres also a bug when the fear reaches -100 it becomes 100. I'm not sure if it effects anything right now but hopefully it gets fixed. im enjoying the game. EDIT: another bug where you can only select (Search for club members) in the occult club
Hello, I bought the Patreon code "Best Friend" here 52 days ago but somehow it no longer works in the current version. Since I'm still here but no new is displayed I wanted to ask how I can solve this problem.
Can someone please tell me exactly how you customize your own character here? I’m having trouble figuring it out.
I’ve restarted the game quite a few times and every time have went through the process of creating the attributes and backstory of the main character and even got to the NPC section that I honestly don’t even understand what is.
At first I thought the NPC section was there for us to pick a model and life story for the main character and the extra customizations were for us too but apparently that’s not true. I would choose what I thought was just my NPC model then choose the personality type and club and body features (hairstyle and color and chest size and eye color and freckles or moles and accessories and outfit) then I would tap on the check mark and the exist button after that thinking I made my character then go to the clothes shop to find out I only wasted my time. I would really appreciate it if someone explained this to me too.
The NPCs that you set up, walk around locations, communicate with each other, and you can also communicate with them, make friends, be aggressive, have sex, etc.
What you saw in the clothing store is just a mock-up showing the clothes you are buying.
Where do you even receive the code? I purchased the Comrade tier about an hour ago now but I don’t know where to get it and I’ve checked everywhere I can possibly get it from.
I can't understand the Mechanic's 🤣 I just click click randomized.(but I will play the game again after some research.) Anyway after playing for 15min. It's quite fun hahaha I Punch a girl 🤣🤣.
Pls help how to increase Depravity when you invite ncp girl at home??? and i incounter some errors on android like, when you give a gift to girl this what happened always.
All people are males, no matter what I changed the slider to, they are always males 100% even when I don't mess with anything. I don't know what to do.
Accordingly, the approximate ratio can be understood by determining which color dominates the strip. In addition, the specified percentage on the line is the percentage of generation of the dominant gender.
What's on the itch, what's on the patreon, you actually get the patreon code once for one version of the game. However, it also happens that one patreon code can act on several versions of the game at once. This happens rarely and only when someone don't puts patreon code on public forums. Accordingly, the thesis comes out of this: we change the patreon code in the game only when those who did not pay for it find out about it.
We would give away the it forever, but, unfortunately, this is simply impossible.
It is quite possible that your device has either a very small screen or an unpopular resolution of this very screen, which may not display part of the game. Actually, the scroll bar should have been displayed in this part.
Возможно только у меня возникают такие проблемы,но...
1)Как только параметр страха у рандомизированного НПС достигает -100,то он мгновенно превращается просто в 100.
2)Новая функция секса с рандомизированным нпс(при выборе) почти сразу выдаёт множество ошибок,после пропускания которых в тексте сообщается что всё произошло и на этом по сути всё.
3)Вот тут я не очень знаю как описать(Мб из-за режима без голода я хз),но при выполнении тех же заказов в интернете деньги просто не выдаются,даже если они должны были выдаться.
(Все ошибки наблюдались с версии на андроиде,а сама игра была взята с группы в ВК.)
2) Процитирую ответ из дискорд канала: это известная проблема и уже исправленная. Выбирай НПС без лобковых волос или удаляй их через консоль: eval(npc_id)['appearance']['pubic_hair'] = 0
3) Насчет этого посмотрим.
Кроме того, первые два бага скорее всего будут исправлены в 923 версии хотфиксом 26-27 числа. Может быть даже 28.
If our patron subscribers want to add this, then it is quite possible that it will appear in the game. Soon we will have a vote on some possible fetishes, which are possible to be added to the game and most likely pregnancy will be one of the voting points. (All polls are available to subscribers from the Friend level ($5))
Many gameplay elements and RPG systems were inspired by old RPG games like Fallout 2, Arcanum, Baldur's Gate, but the plot, dialogues and everything else had no basis in the form of games, works or anything else.
No. The path of a bully is thorny and difficult without knowledge of mechanics. It does not look like the usual development of relationships, so there are not even sex scenes (mainly due to the current policy of patreon, where violence is in a rather shaky and ambiguous position).
So I put this game through the ringer but honestly the tips are meaningless and the character stories are ultra buggy... on android that is. Although, my main complaint to a game I paid for, is your grammar.. dudes. Even while using your wierd translated english character stories feel unintelligible if not stupid at times where I'm re-reading something like huh? What does that even mean? English or not I can't read russian on top of it all! Too many times where I see a non-english theme and I instantly do like anti-picking becuase of how wierd the options already are.... due to poorly translated english.
We have already answered many times about the translation and do not see the point of repeating ourselves a few more times. You can scroll down and read our answers about this.
As for the Russian language in English translation: you can report directly to the developers about each such moment, rather than just write comments about what it is.
About your purchase: thank you for buying the game, but this part of the comment is completely incomprehensible to me. If everything is so bad according to you, then why buy the game at all? There is a free version, you could safely play it and decide for yourself whether to buy the game or not.
Then try repeating yourself again. When you do something that wants publicity... it needs exactly that. Before I go off the deep end, I personally think your game is amazing. Any phone game I can spend 20hours-ish on means it is a good game.., Thing is, it draws both my attention and discretion. To clarify, your game is amazing. seriously... the work you've done here is nothing less of a miracle. So stop being mad that your English sucks. I only told you that because I'm a native English speaker and I'm trying to help you.
I'm not angry in any way. Perhaps it seemed to you because the manner of speech of Russian speakers can really seem rude and straightforward. In my answer, I mentioned why English is so bad, saying that I answered a similar question just below. In addition, I tried to answer each of your theses in the text so that there would be fewer such questions.
I thank you for the feedback and I repeat my words from the last post: if you notice any errors, flaws, bugs, etc., you can always let us know about it so that we fix it.
Even if I've chosen "Sorry, but no, the club is full", the NPCs still putter around my clubroom as the ghost club member. And I can't manage their activity at all since they are not on the club member list. Is this a bug?
If you have the recipe book from the library, you should be able to look in it.When you go to cook a dish you first need to select those ingredients,then combine them.After that,you should be able to see the dish on the left side,and hold down on it to cook it.
hello, whenever i enter the cheat code provided to me after purchase i receive an error or an uncaught exception occured, does the cheat code still works when this happened or if not, would it ruin the game script?
here is the traceback:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 309, in _screenshot
File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 312, in _screenshot_callback
renpy.notify(__("Saved screenshot as %s.") % fn)
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in script
It is better to report any bugs of this kind directly to in our discord channel if you need help. In the comments, we are unlikely to be able to help you with anything.
What are your standard settings for android users im using a samsung A11 and i still crash in 3 minutes using 30npcs ALSO a side not after i downloaded the android version i tried to download the windows version but after 60% downloaded it cancels and says "forbiden"
This bug is already known to us, and we will fix it by the next micro-update. Now, if you're playing on a PC, you can open the console on Shift+Alt+O and type this:
eval(npc_id)['appearance']['pubic_hair'] = 0
In this case, everything will work. In addition, if you are playing on android and your goal is to get a sex scene, you can check for pubic hair in NPCs. They cause exceptions.
The codes work only if the patreon code is entered, and where you bought it does not affect anything. Actually, it is distributed on this site for the same $10 and $1.
I'm enjoying the game a lot! The art is cute and the mechanics are cool. Some feedback: I think the English version is in need of serious editing, I can find mistakes in pretty much every line. I'm a professional translator and I saw that the first Patreon goal was to get someone to correct the text. I'm definitely up to helping if you're interested!
The bug fixes for version 923 is already known. This bug you are talking about will be fixed only either in version 924, or in the following micro-updates
The 923 version will be available only on November 24, and the 924 version only by December.
I've gotta say, I'm really disappointed. The English dialogue is severely lacking, and I keep running into parts that seem to be written in Russian. I would really advise finding someone who speaks fluent English to help with the translation. A lot of the dialogue problems are with grammar which makes the sentences make no sense.
It really is very disappointing, since I was really excited about this concept.
← Return to game
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I keep getting random russian mixed in with my english game, and the pronouns for the dudes are always she/her and the girls are labeled as he/him and its getting really confusing. is this a bug? I see theres a lot of grammar issues. theres also a bug when the fear reaches -100 it becomes 100. I'm not sure if it effects anything right now but hopefully it gets fixed. im enjoying the game. EDIT: another bug where you can only select (Search for club members) in the occult club
Hello, I bought the Patreon code "Best Friend" here 52 days ago but somehow it no longer works in the current version. Since I'm still here but no new is displayed I wanted to ask how I can solve this problem.
Ok, understandable. But a little warning would have been nice before buying, because then I would not have bought the code to be honest.
Is there gay content? If not, is there going to be?
But if our patron subscribers want to add this, then it is quite possible that it will appear in the game.
Please don't add gay content, I beg you. That sh!t is disgusting
I hope you add gay content lol
when yuki ota live in my home ,i can't invite anyone.
The Quest say wait for the student council meeting,but few days passed,nothing happend.
Can someone please tell me exactly how you customize your own character here? I’m having trouble figuring it out.
I’ve restarted the game quite a few times and every time have went through the process of creating the attributes and backstory of the main character and even got to the NPC section that I honestly don’t even understand what is.
At first I thought the NPC section was there for us to pick a model and life story for the main character and the extra customizations were for us too but apparently that’s not true. I would choose what I thought was just my NPC model then choose the personality type and club and body features (hairstyle and color and chest size and eye color and freckles or moles and accessories and outfit) then I would tap on the check mark and the exist button after that thinking I made my character then go to the clothes shop to find out I only wasted my time. I would really appreciate it if someone explained this to me too.
You're playing for a guy.
The NPCs that you set up, walk around locations, communicate with each other, and you can also communicate with them, make friends, be aggressive, have sex, etc.
What you saw in the clothing store is just a mock-up showing the clothes you are buying.
My patron code from itch isn't working with v924, is there a fix for that?
It is better to report any errors of this kind to the discord channel game, where we can help you.
Where do you even receive the code? I purchased the Comrade tier about an hour ago now but I don’t know where to get it and I’ve checked everywhere I can possibly get it from.
I can't understand the Mechanic's 🤣 I just click click randomized.(but I will play the game again after some research.) Anyway after playing for 15min. It's quite fun hahaha I Punch a girl 🤣🤣.
Install a bug fix from itch or patreon, this bug was fixed in this versions.
To increase the depravity of a girl, just communicate with her on vulgar topics, make her do vulgar things.
If you mean depravity, which is indicated as an indicator of the house, then you need to get your guest drunk with alcohol.
All people are males, no matter what I changed the slider to, they are always males 100% even when I don't mess with anything. I don't know what to do.
Blue stripe - Men
Pink - Women
Accordingly, the approximate ratio can be understood by determining which color dominates the strip.
In addition, the specified percentage on the line is the percentage of generation of the dominant gender.
yes. However. The next menu with all the people and in game show all males, regardless of the % I put in, even 50/50, non I click are women.
I don't care that much, as the character look the exact same. So you don't need to reply.
For some reason i can't walk up to school?
The school is closed on weekends and at night, so even if you click on it on the map at this time, you will not be able to go to this location.
I hope in the future updates there's know a yandere personality for the npc girls.
What's on the itch, what's on the patreon, you actually get the patreon code once for one version of the game. However, it also happens that one patreon code can act on several versions of the game at once. This happens rarely and only when someone don't puts patreon code on public forums. Accordingly, the thesis comes out of this: we change the patreon code in the game only when those who did not pay for it find out about it.
We would give away the it forever, but, unfortunately, this is simply impossible.
It is quite possible that your device has either a very small screen or an unpopular resolution of this very screen, which may not display part of the game. Actually, the scroll bar should have been displayed in this part.
Thanks Kaito, I recently brought the best friend tier, goodluck!
Glad you liked the game! I hope that the next updates will please you as well! Have a great game!
Возможно только у меня возникают такие проблемы,но...
1)Как только параметр страха у рандомизированного НПС достигает -100,то он мгновенно превращается просто в 100.
2)Новая функция секса с рандомизированным нпс(при выборе) почти сразу выдаёт множество ошибок,после пропускания которых в тексте сообщается что всё произошло и на этом по сути всё.
3)Вот тут я не очень знаю как описать(Мб из-за режима без голода я хз),но при выполнении тех же заказов в интернете деньги просто не выдаются,даже если они должны были выдаться.
(Все ошибки наблюдались с версии на андроиде,а сама игра была взята с группы в ВК.)
1) Исправлено в 0923а и b версиях.
2) Процитирую ответ из дискорд канала: это известная проблема и уже исправленная. Выбирай НПС без лобковых волос или удаляй их через консоль: eval(npc_id)['appearance']['pubic_hair'] = 0
3) Насчет этого посмотрим.
Кроме того, первые два бага скорее всего будут исправлены в 923 версии хотфиксом 26-27 числа. Может быть даже 28.
How do i invite girls over my house?
Ask for a phone number from a randomized NPC and call him using the phone icon.
У меня вылетает игра при выборе языка на windows 8.1
Тут нельзя чем-то помочь, не видя ошибки напрямую. Обратитесь в дискорд канал, чтобы вам могли помочь.
Are you planning to add pregnancy's in future updates?
If our patron subscribers want to add this, then it is quite possible that it will appear in the game. Soon we will have a vote on some possible fetishes, which are possible to be added to the game and most likely pregnancy will be one of the voting points. (All polls are available to subscribers from the Friend level ($5))
Can you have sex with randomized npcs to?
Yes. Since version 923, this feature opens when you invite a randomized NPC to your home.
Many gameplay elements and RPG systems were inspired by old RPG games like Fallout 2, Arcanum, Baldur's Gate, but the plot, dialogues and everything else had no basis in the form of games, works or anything else.
Show post...
Is there any way to get a vibrator? It says I need one for a sex scene.
Online store in PC
Can you get a girl's number if you go a fear and force route like what else can you do besides grope her
No. The path of a bully is thorny and difficult without knowledge of mechanics. It does not look like the usual development of relationships, so there are not even sex scenes (mainly due to the current policy of patreon, where violence is in a rather shaky and ambiguous position).
So I put this game through the ringer but honestly the tips are meaningless and the character stories are ultra buggy... on android that is. Although, my main complaint to a game I paid for, is your grammar.. dudes. Even while using your wierd translated english character stories feel unintelligible if not stupid at times where I'm re-reading something like huh? What does that even mean? English or not I can't read russian on top of it all! Too many times where I see a non-english theme and I instantly do like anti-picking becuase of how wierd the options already are.... due to poorly translated english.
We have already answered many times about the translation and do not see the point of repeating ourselves a few more times. You can scroll down and read our answers about this.
As for the Russian language in English translation: you can report directly to the developers about each such moment, rather than just write comments about what it is.
About your purchase: thank you for buying the game, but this part of the comment is completely incomprehensible to me. If everything is so bad according to you, then why buy the game at all? There is a free version, you could safely play it and decide for yourself whether to buy the game or not.
Then try repeating yourself again. When you do something that wants publicity... it needs exactly that. Before I go off the deep end, I personally think your game is amazing. Any phone game I can spend 20hours-ish on means it is a good game.., Thing is, it draws both my attention and discretion. To clarify, your game is amazing. seriously... the work you've done here is nothing less of a miracle. So stop being mad that your English sucks. I only told you that because I'm a native English speaker and I'm trying to help you.
I'm not angry in any way. Perhaps it seemed to you because the manner of speech of Russian speakers can really seem rude and straightforward. In my answer, I mentioned why English is so bad, saying that I answered a similar question just below. In addition, I tried to answer each of your theses in the text so that there would be fewer such questions.
I thank you for the feedback and I repeat my words from the last post: if you notice any errors, flaws, bugs, etc., you can always let us know about it so that we fix it.
How.to take Meiko to the Club?
You need to have sex with her and have the rank of deputy of the occult club and then this opportunity will appear
Yes. There are more than four 18+ scenes with this character.
can you get girls pregnant in this game?
Even if I've chosen "Sorry, but no, the club is full", the NPCs still putter around my clubroom as the ghost club member. And I can't manage their activity at all since they are not on the club member list. Is this a bug?
how do you cook on android? the combine button does nothing
For android,you just need to hold down on the specific meal you want to cook
need something besides the ingredients? I'm not getting
If you have the recipe book from the library, you should be able to look in it.When you go to cook a dish you first need to select those ingredients,then combine them.After that,you should be able to see the dish on the left side,and hold down on it to cook it.
the combine button does nothing but thanks for the help
do you have a link to download via mega for android? by google it takes an hour and fails
hello, whenever i enter the cheat code provided to me after purchase i receive an error or an uncaught exception occured, does the cheat code still works when this happened or if not, would it ruin the game script?
here is the traceback:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 309, in _screenshot
File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 312, in _screenshot_callback
renpy.notify(__("Saved screenshot as %s.") % fn)
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in script
python hide:
File "renpy/ast.py", line 922, in execute
renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
File "renpy/python.py", line 2218, in py_exec_bytecode
exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>
python hide:
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide
File "renpy/ui.py", line 298, in interact
rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 3276, in interact
repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, **kwargs)
File "renpy/display/core.py", line 4100, in interact_core
rv = root_widget.event(ev, x, y, 0)
File "renpy/display/layout.py", line 1062, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "renpy/display/behavior.py", line 472, in event
rv = run(action)
File "renpy/display/behavior.py", line 329, in run
return action(*args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 309, in _screenshot
File "renpy/common/00keymap.rpy", line 312, in _screenshot_callback
renpy.notify(__("Saved screenshot as %s.") % fn)
TypeError: not all arguments converted during string formatting
It is better to report any bugs of this kind directly to in our discord channel if you need help. In the comments, we are unlikely to be able to help you with anything.
Seems there's an underflow bug upon 'fear'. Whenever I interact with NPC who has -100 fear value, it immediately turns over to 100.
We will check everything about fear. Thank you for reporting a possible problem!
What are your standard settings for android users im using a samsung A11 and i still crash in 3 minutes using 30npcs ALSO a side not after i downloaded the android version i tried to download the windows version but after 60% downloaded it cancels and says "forbiden"
Check your RAM on your phone and clear it of unnecessary applications. Often it is because of this that the game may crash on Samsung phones.
Some of the Random NPCs occur errors when I try to have sex with them. Maybe because H-scenes are not yet ready for certain appearance types?
This bug is already known to us, and we will fix it by the next micro-update. Now, if you're playing on a PC, you can open the console on Shift+Alt+O and type this:
eval(npc_id)['appearance']['pubic_hair'] = 0
In this case, everything will work. In addition, if you are playing on android and your goal is to get a sex scene, you can check for pubic hair in NPCs. They cause exceptions.
Do the cheat codes work on non patreon? Just curious
The codes work only if the patreon code is entered, and where you bought it does not affect anything. Actually, it is distributed on this site for the same $10 and $1.
игра вылетает при выборе языка
I'm enjoying the game a lot! The art is cute and the mechanics are cool. Some feedback: I think the English version is in need of serious editing, I can find mistakes in pretty much every line. I'm a professional translator and I saw that the first Patreon goal was to get someone to correct the text. I'm definitely up to helping if you're interested!
I don't think you will be satisfied with the money we can offer.
In any case, thank you for the feedback and, if there is still a desire for translation, you can always write about it in our discord channel.
So now the Photos & Gifts will be fixed in next update (for free edition)?
The bug fixes for version 923 is already known. This bug you are talking about will be fixed only either in version 924, or in the following micro-updates
The 923 version will be available only on November 24, and the 924 version only by December.
I cant seem to find the code, where might it be located
For any problems related to this, please contact the discord channel of the game. Unfortunately, otherwise it will be difficult to help.
I've gotta say, I'm really disappointed. The English dialogue is severely lacking, and I keep running into parts that seem to be written in Russian. I would really advise finding someone who speaks fluent English to help with the translation. A lot of the dialogue problems are with grammar which makes the sentences make no sense.
It really is very disappointing, since I was really excited about this concept.