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So I'm waiting for the Event for Ayano at the occult club and I'm waiting but nothing happens? Am I missing something? Lol


Maybe. Unfortunately, I need more information to help you.

Sorry for my lack in explanation, let me start again, I'm a little stuck in what to do on the part where you need to wait in the occult club for the next part of Ayano's quest, unfortunately no matter how long I seem to wait for it, I'm unable to get it to start but I'm able to get the random events with her (such as chatting), I even got the abandoned factory location from Yuki and the 20k credits, I may be stuck on something there, I am unsure, I'm sorry for making you wait for a response, hopefully this fixed some issues with my previous comment :)

Underneath I will put a screenshot so maybe it'll help with a bit less confusion


the discord is fucking dead with the support, no one seems to be responding and game keeps showing me an error page at certain points of the story, console is also kinda scam since not all the commands work. quite disappointing frankly speaking


If you were not helped in the discord, write to us by email: . There are people from technical support sitting there and responding quickly enough


Just found a problem 

I just downloaded the game and i can play it ok 

But it gets to a part thath I simply cant go further 

Well you see there's a quest thath requires a camera

And i know to get thath camera i need to go to the internet 

And so i did,But the game just makes an error screen

Something about a Rubber Vagina

And i though,Huh it must be a fluke when downloading the game

And i reinstalled the game 

6 Times and is the same error


We have already fixed the bug in the new versions.

In addition, you can not go through the plot with Meiko with the help of a camera: just go up to her and talk about her behavior


i have been playing for a bit but i ran into a problem where one of my quests is to call suzuki but i dont have her number

any help?


I can't install the game because the devs made the file a .rar instead of a .apk


Can someone explain how to download for android


Go to rename, and change the .rar to .apk and it will be usable...


Just use zarchiver or any other archiver, even built-in devices, unzip the game and install the apk file

Explain more, it still isn't working

Use rename, change .rar to .apk

I had to use an entirely different app in order to install this, and worst of all, I forgot what it was


I hope for 937 will be release for public


yes, 27th January here

What time if i ask

It's released

Any plans to create an ipa for the game?


What is IPA?Nature Science?

ios/ipados application

So for android it's .apk

If it's ios related its .ipa

Maybe. This requires Apple devices, which at the moment we do not have

I see, appreciate the thought!

100% possible with trollstore!


Is it even possible for you to become the student council president?

Idk yet but I think maybe in the future

NT: I'm not a developer but I think it's will update in the future even it make the story a bit complicated if you can be student council 



Deleted 1 year ago

When some girl npc randomly visit your apartment

where to find meiko after i buy him

What buy? As I remember only 3 way


Swim club stop developing 

And blackmail


How can I get more members to join the occult club?

Ask them to join after you have the deputy power

You get it by having 180 trust and relationship with Ayano 

How to tell if a NPC is a hooligan?

if they have agression and love to fight

will there ever be the possibility at some point, to play older save games in a new version?

I tried to choose no. 2, romance branch.

But still going the blackmail route..delete meiko's video, meiko. will be lost and not found in the pool..But if I don't delete the video, it will lead to blackmail Route...

So, how am I going to date Meiko, without blackmailing her??

Just goes on and you don't have to delete the photo.just be careful when you go on a first date with her, she will ask you why you put the camera in the room or something like that .just say it was an accident or your relationship won't last

But after that there will be 2 options, if you save the video and not delete it, the route changes to the blackmail route.And if the video is deleted, I can't find meiko anywhere Even in the pool?

(1 edit)

 if you say that I will not delete the video, you are actually continuing to blackmailling her, and in fact, you have no chance of having a romantic relationship with Meiko. Tell her that you will delete the video, but it is not necessary to delete the video, just say it😉

And then be at the high school on Friday night

Now I remembered that she will ask you three questions. In these questions, do not choose option 1 and do not choose option 3 twice. My suggestion is that you choose all 2.

My problem is, that the third option of blackmail branch isnt even there anymore and after the swimming competition meiko just talks about her current boyfriend, gets upset and then disappears forever. No option works for me to build a relationship. Can someone explain pls?

how many fridays do i have to wait?
(1 edit)

I'm stuck here too😅

Wrong path, you choose to betray yuki and choose journalism club..

If u pick Yuki, You get scane 69 (b***j** from Yuki).. on the roof.

Hitomi is a spy sent by yuki, if I'm not mistaken..

Sorry for spoiler and my English...😁

(1 edit)

It's not a problem, my English is not very good either. and I have no problem with spoil😂

You have to start from the beginning of the game...But if you have save file before student council meeting, You can start from there...

I saved before the meeting and i tried both routs. as a result I was able to get all 59 photos of Yuki. I just want to be the student council president. I even threatened all the candidates in the journalist club, but I don't know what to do anymore

My quest is waiting for an event from the occult club..

Hitomi , wait for the next update..

I think the quest from Ayano waiting for the event from the occult club is a bug.

Sad to have to start from the beginning because I forgot to save the game..

Did you betrayed Yuki or not? If you didn't, this is not a bug😐

(1 edit)

How to break the bully?

Not enough cruelty, What should I do? 

If you beat the person who gave you the quest you can just take all the money they would give you instead of fighting all the bullies

(1 edit)

that's the main quest From ayano...I missed talking to the hooligans at the factory,

Oh shit I fucked up

Nvm bro,I started a new game..

Start a fight with them, after you win, you can break them, when you repeat this a few times, your authority will increase and you can break them without a fight.

(1 edit)

I have tried, cannot break NPC with lowest (I forgot what was written)

Start a fight with them, after you win, you can break them, when you repeat this a few times, your authority will increase and you can break them without a fight.

error at the beach with the realtor. wouldn't rollback

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

ScriptError: Name ('game/tl/english/act.rpy', 1655061952, 46305) is defined twice, at act.rpyc:4 and tl/english/act.rpyc:4.

how to install please tell me it does not open

(1 edit)

Hello, I'm stuck on this moment with Hitomi.What to do next?

Go to city park at night Until dawn

You have to talk to the leader of the bullies. It is marked with the tag [QG]

Bro, I've been waiting for a few weeks, but he never showed up, what should I do?

Maybe you choose the wrong answer when you talk to the leader of the hooligans, 

I think you should talk to hitomi di journalism club...

If you don't see Hitomi or don't see the journalism club at sch school..

You need to start from the beginning of the game.. or the saved game before  student council meeting..

Hey! Is it possible to play as a female MC and date guys or is it just a male MC with female dating options?


its only male for now, female will be added soon hopefully when they reach the goal on patreon

ty for ur reply :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Does this game have Yaoi?

sadly no it didnt win in the poll

It doesn't matter how many Fridays I wait for it to happen, but it doesn't happen, should I be in a certain place at that moment or is this an error? I've been stuck here for 3 days, please tell me how can I skip this episode.

Can you make it .apk not .zip?  I tried everything but i cant play the game?

Use s file manager to unzip it to a folder the just run the apk.


Firstly there is an untranslated when you area in the hospital and hotel and secondly, can you make it so a previous save can work in the newest version because I have a lot of progress done and now I can't get to it. It works but bugs out if you try anything.


Hi, love the game! Out of curiosity, is male/male content ever a thing that could happen in this game?

when we reach certain goals i assume it will be i saw a poll of it on patreon hopefully itll be a thing soon


I just installed the v936 on Android and

 In game tried to buy piggy bank from pc but it gives error

you will have to downgrade to 935 since 936 is really buggy


V 936 online store is nonfunctional, downgrade to 935 to make purchases in the online store. Your save file will work between the two versions, so you can save in 936 then close, open 935 to make your purchases, then save the purchases and open 936 again. At least doing so works on PC, I don't use my phone for games, so don't know if this will work for you.

sooo, how do i downoad the v935?

its so that i can acces the pc


Does anyone know how many points does it needs to have sex with npc

Some just need 250 if they're lewd, others might need atleast 350, also some girls want to get paid at first until you reach 400

you can bribe some of them with money

Can you explain to me how i get camera for photo? And where i can buy a card to play card game whit npc?,

Great game do ilike it very much

I think they are in the online shop which you can find in the pc

pc at your house but 936 has a bug so it might not work 

So i can make game progres??

Hello! I really enjoy this game but im stuck to Ayano route after recruiting members talking with her this error pop up but not only on this part when i try to jog/swim it start to repeat till my stamina gone low or the hotel it force close the app. Please help I'll be waiting for the reply. 

There's to much bugs on 936 you'll have to downgrade to 935 on patreon

If I pay $9.60 right now, does that give me access to future premium versions of the game? Or is it just for this version of the game?

1-3 version game. The patreon code usually works for more than a year and can be used after purchase on the free versions of the game.


Will futanari creation be an option only for patreon subscribers or will it become available for everyone in the later updates?

will it become available for everyone in the later updates

Should I be worried about a character showing up in the character list twice?

Maybe? There is a chance that absolutely identical characters will be generated, but it is extremely low

This is something that has persisted across saves and versions. Seems when I favorite someone, their name shows up on the list twice. It's... odd, but doesn't seem to break the game.


Sorry to bother you, but where can i find mods for this?

There is none

it's keep happening when I open PC,and if I click ignore it will more appear

yes there is a pc bug on 936 and 937 version (not as bad like that on 937) hopefully first aid will be added to hospital and pc will get fixed

This error fixed in 937?

yes so I recommend not to use pc in 936

This is not a good solution given, you know, entire quest lines and many mechanics of the game revolve around use of the PC (video camera for Meiko, apartment upgrades, etc).

Are we actually going to need to wait a month for a bug to be fixed because of some odd monetization model?

(2 edits)

sorry ik its not and im not sure it will get fixed but u can always go back to 935 version if it really is that bad of a bug some ppl have or i do giveaways in the shool games discord server lol so then u would have 937 version if i do that giveaway just another suggestion as well

The Darkskin Girl at Swimming Club I'm forget the name,it has quest to buy camera in PC lol rip :vbut you can skip just talk to her and said you got the video and it will automatically skip camera quest

for some reason no matter what i do i cant meet suzuki. i go in to the grocery store and fast forward to 12:00 and work and she's never there.

its 15;00

game says 12:00


just trying to help out i did 15:00 if you do not want to try then its fine too

Updated the game and can no longer open explorer on the pc, the error screen says name 'rubber_vagin' is not defined

Hei we have same problem

yes their is a pc bug on that version it kinda got fixed in 937 but it auto scrolls down in that version which does get annoying

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