I bought the game but I still can't play because I am also a Patreon subscriber and they are under the same email. I emailed a couple of days ago but still no fix please help.
i purchased it march 20th i was able to play a prior release but when i downloaded the latest release i cant play because it only recognizes my email as the Pateron subscriber
How do you sell pictures online? Is it referring to pictures taken with your phone? It asks for the "code" for the picture, but I do not know what the code is. I look in the "album" and use those numbers, but those do not work.
I'm stuck at the beginning where it says this is your diary, literally the very start, how do I actually start the game? I clicked everywhere but nothing was working...
I think you are aware of the bug but I just downloaded the game and all the male characters are bald. Why are all the males bold Kaito? What did these poor dudes do to you to make them lose their hair. Otherwise, the game is just ridiculously good with great potential
guys i have a little problem playing this game i payed here on itch first for the best friend packet and then 20 for unlocking the last update and in game when i input my email it said that this email is not registered
Kaito the game has a lot of potential i don't want to sound like a nuisance because everyone ask you but i did just donate $100 for this game few minutes ago but if the goal isn't reached when is the latest you will add the ability to play as a girl character
Hi! Thank you for a large donation! The opportunity to play for the girl will be in any case, but at the initial stages there will be restrictions: for example, there will be no plot for her. A little later, accordingly, there will be another storyline for her, which requires funds (so that we hire those who will write it to us)
I think it'd make the game better if you could be a girl as well, Along with making it so some of the guys are able to molest/harass you during the playthrough (if they have that trait I mean)
The exit on top. I tapped the 100% done a trillion times yesterday thinking what I'm supposed to do then found it out. but after that all male characters became bald
skin color update?? Uhm there wasn't an update about that I don't think any talked about that but I assume when female comes out then maybe that'll be worked on
this game made me realize how life itself is a game and actions and discipline will determine who you will become and all the stats can be increased if you put in the work
Why doesn't my festival progress increase even though it's been done by many people and why is my project also never finished even though the progress has exceeded 100%
the penis sizes are the wrong way around... what appears as the biggest in the character creation is stated as "very small" in the profile. 2nd largest is "small", 2nd smallest is "medium" and the smallest dick is shown as "large" in the profile...
Hi, did downloaded the said file and can see it in-game mod that is running on v941, but it doesn't seems to fix anything about the penis sizes, picked the 1st one that looks the longest/biggest one, in the character creation, once started to play and check the info it says "penis size: very small".
Has there been a language bug in the game for a while now? Because every now and again I will end up with a choice being Russian while the others are English, or part of the Convo I'm having with a character is in Russian?
lol the public version doesn't even let me start a new game. Instant error after the 'click any button' screen. Can sort of force through, a little, but then I get more errors, and are eventually stuck.
You probably shouldn't use a version that can do that as the public version. That's gonna leave a bad impression.
im really confused i cant talk to yuki it wont let me and i dont know how to progress with meiko as it says 'corrupt meiko further' i have no idea what that means
Hi, I'm afraid that I'm still getting the error "class_npc referenced before assignment" for new start in v942bugfix1 - I can't even start my playthrough at this rate let alone trying out anything. Using mobile version startup prompts faced the same issue. This seems to happen if class size <100 (I did set at 60).
Using savegame from v940 doesn't work out for me too since NPC code checks for MC's [redacted] size in events, but there seems to be no fallback cases for this so the game crashes anyway.
← Return to game
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Having an issue with the game. When I finish talking to a character the screen shows only the background with none of the options.
We will be fixed this bug
I bought the game but I still can't play because I am also a Patreon subscriber and they are under the same email. I emailed a couple of days ago but still no fix please help.
Are you sure that you enter your email in the patreon code input field before entering the game?
Yes, I believe so. Its the thing that say profile and then you enter the email correct?
yes. Also, how long have you purchased the game? Perhaps you just didn't get into the database for some reason
i purchased it march 20th i was able to play a prior release but when i downloaded the latest release i cant play because it only recognizes my email as the Pateron subscriber
20th 2023 year or 2022?
where do you go to find Patreon code after paying, it says use this code but nothing is there, am I just stupid or how do a fix this problem?
Hi. Your patreon code - your email
it worked thank you for being a great dev.
Is their a sex scene with the realtor at all?
How do you sell pictures online? Is it referring to pictures taken with your phone? It asks for the "code" for the picture, but I do not know what the code is. I look in the "album" and use those numbers, but those do not work.
Sell pictures online available only with the RNPCs
Tried to put my email as my code but it still doesnt go through
You buy game for the one dollar or more?
I'm stuck at the beginning where it says this is your diary, literally the very start, how do I actually start the game? I clicked everywhere but nothing was working...
When it will be fixed yuki issue? Not with the mod i mean officially? I will wait until then...
I think you are aware of the bug but I just downloaded the game and all the male characters are bald. Why are all the males bold Kaito? What did these poor dudes do to you to make them lose their hair. Otherwise, the game is just ridiculously good with great potential
Thanks. All male RNPCs bold is bug
how do I get the blowjob
remove a few ribs
While running game code:
ScriptError: Name ('game/tl/english/act.rpy', 1655061952, 46305) is defined twice, at act.rpyc:4 and tl/english/act.rpyc:4.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "C:\Users\Vashtom\Documents\School-0.940-win\School-0.940-win\renpy\bootstrap.py", line 274, in bootstrap
File "C:\Users\Vashtom\Documents\School-0.940-win\School-0.940-win\renpy\main.py", line 490, in main
renpy.game.script.load_script() # sets renpy.game.script.
File "C:\Users\Vashtom\Documents\School-0.940-win\School-0.940-win\renpy\script.py", line 297, in load_script
self.load_appropriate_file(".rpyc", ".rpy", dir, fn, initcode)
File "C:\Users\Vashtom\Documents\School-0.940-win\School-0.940-win\renpy\script.py", line 809, in load_appropriate_file
self.finish_load(stmts, initcode, filename=lastfn) # type: ignore
File "C:\Users\Vashtom\Documents\School-0.940-win\School-0.940-win\renpy\script.py", line 487, in finish_load
File "C:\Users\Vashtom\Documents\School-0.940-win\School-0.940-win\renpy\script.py", line 463, in check_name
raise ScriptError("Name %s is defined twice, at %s:%d and %s:%d." %
ScriptError: Name ('game/tl/english/act.rpy', 1655061952, 46305) is defined twice, at act.rpyc:4 and tl/english/act.rpyc:4.
Windows-10-10.0.22000 AMD64
Sun Jun 11 17:13:37 2023
guys i have a little problem playing this game i payed here on itch first for the best friend packet and then 20 for unlocking the last update and in game when i input my email it said that this email is not registered
can you guys help ?
Hi. Try now
Where can I find mods? If there are some?
in discord game’s
Kaito the game has a lot of potential i don't want to sound like a nuisance because everyone ask you but i did just donate $100 for this game few minutes ago but if the goal isn't reached when is the latest you will add the ability to play as a girl character
Hi! Thank you for a large donation! The opportunity to play for the girl will be in any case, but at the initial stages there will be restrictions: for example, there will be no plot for her. A little later, accordingly, there will be another storyline for her, which requires funds (so that we hire those who will write it to us)
I think it'd make the game better if you could be a girl as well, Along with making it so some of the guys are able to molest/harass you during the playthrough (if they have that trait I mean)
it’s planned
Its awesome game but my phone doesnt allow me to "move" any folder into Android/data folder. Thats why i cant fix yuki issue.
I will just wait for an update for this yuki bug...
Why are all male characters bald
Having trouble figuring out how to get past this screen. I'm done editing, I just wanna play the game now. Plus help
While I'm sure you've figured out by now I'm guessing you press the exit sign on the top left or press 100% done I can't remember
The exit on top. I tapped the 100% done a trillion times yesterday thinking what I'm supposed to do then found it out. but after that all male characters became bald
Still waiting on the skin color update... or it was already released and I don't know, I don't check this place monthly
skin color update?? Uhm there wasn't an update about that I don't think any talked about that but I assume when female comes out then maybe that'll be worked on
How do you date the npcs I've tried with like three of them and none of them accepted : (
Still doesn't work?
this game made me realize how life itself is a game and actions and discipline will determine who you will become and all the stats can be increased if you put in the work
Hmm, I don't think the 12$ gave me the Patreon code. I checked my email... Is it somewhere else?
Contact our technical support if you have not received the patreon code
When you load into the game, It should just ask for email to verify code.
Loved it at first bug same as always there is new content but way too buggy
We are constantly working on their correction
Hello I bought the Game for 12$ but I cant play it because I have no Code???
It's your email
I tried that. The game says my mail is not registered
Please join the discord server and ping me my name is Kc
Someone has made a bug patch to fix 941 on discord please check there
the penis sizes are the wrong way around... what appears as the biggest in the character creation is stated as "very small" in the profile. 2nd largest is "small", 2nd smallest is "medium" and the smallest dick is shown as "large" in the profile...
Please go to the discord for 941 someone made a mod to fix bugs
Hi, did downloaded the said file and can see it in-game mod that is running on v941, but it doesn't seems to fix anything about the penis sizes, picked the 1st one that looks the longest/biggest one, in the character creation, once started to play and check the info it says "penis size: very small".
please check the discord someone had made it and it's a fan patch (they're not the devs) I think they responded to u though
hi uh i have been wondering what changes Initial Relationship in character editor of NPC's?
or if it doesnt really change anything rn what will it change in the future ?
initial relationship points with npc
Has there been a language bug in the game for a while now? Because every now and again I will end up with a choice being Russian while the others are English, or part of the Convo I'm having with a character is in Russian?
They can be, since the main text of the game is Russian, which is already being translated into English in the future
Are there any plans on adding a sex change to the character creator?
lol the public version doesn't even let me start a new game. Instant error after the 'click any button' screen. Can sort of force through, a little, but then I get more errors, and are eventually stuck.
You probably shouldn't use a version that can do that as the public version. That's gonna leave a bad impression.
how do you make meiko join the club?
im really confused i cant talk to yuki it wont let me and i dont know how to progress with meiko as it says 'corrupt meiko further' i have no idea what that means
when I try to have sex with RNPS, I get an error
Hi, I'm afraid that I'm still getting the error "class_npc referenced before assignment" for new start in v942bugfix1 - I can't even start my playthrough at this rate let alone trying out anything. Using mobile version startup prompts faced the same issue. This seems to happen if class size <100 (I did set at 60).
Using savegame from v940 doesn't work out for me too since NPC code checks for MC's [redacted] size in events, but there seems to be no fallback cases for this so the game crashes anyway.
SOOO many errors after a new game, no matter how much you press nothing happens, the fix also does not help
How do I visit the house of Ishida ayano
And why is the icon red
Короче, игра багается, создать новую игру не получается. Скрин скидывать не буду, ибо чел с такой же проблемой уже есть снизу.
сейчас попробуй, в папке с игрой багфикс2
Щас чекнем
Нет, после создания персонажа и скипа разъяснений, когда заканчивается заставка "в стиле голливудских боевиков", то игра выдаёт ошибку:
While running game code:
File "game/initializing_the_data.rpy", line 1332, in <module>
File "game/system/function_library.rpy", line 1721, in time1
NameError: name 'npc1' is not defined
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "initializing_the_data.rpyc", line 1332, in script
File "C:\Users\Thegu\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\School-0.941-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1131, in execute
renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
File "C:\Users\Thegu\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\School-0.941-win\renpy\python.py", line 1061, in py_exec_bytecode
exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "game/initializing_the_data.rpy", line 1332, in <module>
File "C:\Users\Thegu\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\School-0.941-win\renpy\exports.py", line 1538, in pause
rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse='pause', type='pause', roll_forward=roll_forward, pause=delay, pause_modal=modal)
File "C:\Users\Thegu\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\School-0.941-win\renpy\ui.py", line 299, in interact
rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\Thegu\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\School-0.941-win\renpy\display\core.py", line 3377, in interact
repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, pause_modal=pause_modal, **kwargs) # type: ignore
File "C:\Users\Thegu\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\School-0.941-win\renpy\display\core.py", line 3663, in interact_core
File "C:\Users\Thegu\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\School-0.941-win\renpy\display\core.py", line 2959, in compute_overlay
File "game/system/function_library.rpy", line 1721, in time1
File "C:\Users\Thegu\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\School-0.941-win\renpy\python.py", line 1092, in py_eval
return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals)
File "C:\Users\Thegu\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\School-0.941-win\renpy\python.py", line 1085, in py_eval_bytecode
return eval(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "<none>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'npc1' is not defined
Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64
School 0.941
Tue May 30 12:50:32 2023
А, ну и также сразу после создания персонажа происходит это:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/system/generator_randomized_npc.rpy", line 1366, in <module>
File "game/system/generator_randomized_npc.rpy", line 1258, in generate_npc
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'class_npc' referenced before assignment
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "system/generator_randomized_npc.rpyc", line 1362, in script
File "C:\Users\Thegu\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\School-0.941-win\renpy\ast.py", line 1131, in execute
renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store)
File "C:\Users\Thegu\OneDrive\Рабочий стол\School-0.941-win\renpy\python.py", line 1061, in py_exec_bytecode
exec(bytecode, globals, locals)
File "game/system/generator_randomized_npc.rpy", line 1366, in <module>
File "game/system/generator_randomized_npc.rpy", line 1258, in generate_npc
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'class_npc' referenced before assignment
Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64
School 0.941
Tue May 30 12:55:00 2023
все также
Кайто, может выгрузите версию 9.4.0? Она как минимум стабильна.
Does the inital purchase of the game ccover the future update, or do you have to purchase them sperately?
I may have skipped something but how does 'upload a save by id' work?