Update (v932)

The release time of the new update is 932. Oddly enough, it turned out to be big, especially in terms of the content part. The most important thing that appeared in it is the logical end of the romantic branch of Meiko Tsukasa. Finally, now you have the opportunity to go through her on different endings as well... Enjoy the new 18+ scenes that were also written for this branch. In addition, the existing CG scenes with randomized NPCs were refined, new ones were created, and a huge share of various kinds of content appeared for the NPCs themselves. What in the event part, what in the technical part: of course, the development of relations with them. This system has been improved, it has received many new factors influencing each other, but at the same time it has become a little more transparent for the player. Of course, this is not all: in the new update, you have the opportunity to create the appearance of your own character, change his clothes right in the game session, in general, there are quite a lot of new mechanics, which you can read about a little lower in the list of changes.
New content:
— The romantic branch of the storyline with Meiko Tsukasa has been finished. Now, Meiko can either remain your friend or become your girlfriend - everything will depend on your choices in the storyline. Two new full-fledged 18+ scenes have also been added for her, which can be obtained after she becomes your character's girlfriend. Go on dates with her, call her and influence her life in new events, of which quite a lot has been done for this update.
— Added the ability to create an appearance for your character. You can do this at the very beginning of the game, in the settings menu of your character under the fifth item.
— A new icon has been added to the character control screen, which redirects to the change of clothes menu of your character. In it, you can also go to the diary, to the level up menu, achievements and other useful pages needed to understand the game progress.
— A new hairstyle for randomized male NPCs has been added to the Randomized NPCs editor.
— A new CG has been drawn and added for interactions with randomized female NPCs. It shows out when hugging them.
— New functional interactions related to training at the academy have been added to the menu of interaction with randomized NPCs. Thanks to them, you can ask or force them to do your homework for you, as well as go to classes.
— A new storyline has been added that is responsible for excluding your character in case of bad grades: initially your character will be called for a warning, but if his grades continue to go down, your character may well be expelled, and this will be the end of the game. Of course, the storyline itself will describe how and what to do with the aggravated school situation. In addition, it will be possible to get out of it in many ways.
— Now your character can be bullied by randomized NPCs of a hooligan nature, if they see that your character is weaker than them, you will have a low relationship, and many other factors affect this.
— Added a new 18+ content event for randomized NPCs who have the "Stupidity" character trait.
— Now, randomized NPCs with high sociability will try to get to know your character if they don't know him. A new full-fledged event was made for this system, where you can treat NPCs differently, ranging from friendliness to arrogance.
— The system of success of romantic and vulgar interactions from the menu of interactions with randomized NPCs has been changed: now each vulgar and romantic action has its own requirements for the predisposition to romance and vulgarity in RNPСs. If these indicators are not enough, then the action will be unsuccessful, the player will see hints on how to increase the necessary influence statistics, and also with some chance, if the RNPCs sees interest in itself from your character, he is the necessary statistics up for the success of the action.
— Now, randomized NPCs of an aggressive nature, if they are like fights, can try to fight with you if your character has a high level of combat experience. In addition, those who are actively bullied by your character can also fight with your character if he has a high level of courage.
— Four new books have been added to the city and school library, thanks to which it will be possible to develop your character and his skills: sexual skills, gambling, combat and technical. Each of them gives a different number of experience points, requires a different amount of energy and takes a different amount of time to master them.
— Now, randomized NPCs with whom you have strained relations can talk badly about you behind your character's back and spread bad rumors about him, which will have a bad effect on relationships with other RNPCs.
— Any interactions that your character makes are now divided into three categories: socially significant, aggressive and neutral. For socially significant actions, your character's grades increase, which already affect the scholarship, and for aggressive ones, on the contrary, they decrease. However, all of them may not change these same estimates if there are no randomized NPCs at the location during their execution.
— Added a new perk to the perk purchase menu for the level - "Professional Bully". With its help, it is much easier to role playing the bully, while not losing so much in academic performance because of this.
— Added a new location interaction to the pool location - swim in the pool. It opens if your character completed on a romantic branch with Meiko Tsukasa. Each use of it greatly improve all physical attributes.
— Added the ability to add randomized NPCs to favorites directly from the interaction menu with them.
— Added the ability to change the color of the name of a randomized NPC to any available RGB color directly from the interaction menu with it. It will be displayed in the location menu and can serve as a reminder.
— A new possible "Truant" perk has been added to the perk purchase menu per level. Because of him, some absenteeism of your character in the academy may not count with a 20 percent chance.
— The backgrounds of the locations "Entrance to the school", "School corridor", "Locker room", "Pool" and "Classroom" were completely redrawn.
— The Locker Room sublocation is now divided into male and female not only technically, but also visually. The women's and men's locker room snows each have their own background, differing in their own details.
— When importing the academy, there is now a choice in which you can either save all the relationships with all the NPCs when importing or, conversely, reset them all.
— New conditions have been added for the independent expulsion of a randomized NPC from the academy: now he must have not only 1000 fear points, but also a suitable character's trait for this.
— The energy system has been redesigned: now in fights, when doing homework, as well as in some other mechanics, instead of completely limiting the action, it will affect its success. In fights, there are fewer health points and action points, the chance of completing a task at low energy also becomes less. In the same way, it works with some other game mechanics.
— Added a new generation mode for patreon subscribers who have access to the point generation menu: all RNPCs have different growth.
— Now, if the game version that is in early access is launched and if the patreon code has not been entered in the main menu, the patreon code entry menu will open on its own instead of starting the game.
— The set of clothes "Evening Dress" now changes from the level of vulgarity of a randomized NPC: the more vulgarity points he has, the shorter the skirt will be. There are five such levels in total, starting from 0 and ending at 110.
— Some types of clothing have been modified and redesigned: they change from the level of vulgarity. Somewhere the jacket becomes shorter, somewhere some part of the set disappears altogether, which makes some part of the body much more exposed.
— Added more events related to RNPCs, romance and tenderness. Now they can ask for a "time of tenderness" from your character. They also use new CG kiss scenes.
— The diary was updated for the current versions: information about new quests with Ayano Yoshida appeared in it, as well as some information about other plot tasks was updated and supplemented. Including the romantic branch of Meiko Tsukasa.
— Now, any action of your character will be accompanied by a corresponding change in statistics with randomized NPCs. For example, studying in the library, you can get a small minus to the relationship among bullies, their level of fear will decrease in relation to your character. Other characters may react the other way around. However, any change in statistics occurs when the RNPCs knows your character, but not well enough. The relationship must be between 30 and 100 units, and the RNPCs must be in the same location as your character. Currently, this works with some location interactions, as well as when using some items, such as cigarettes.
— Now the kiss scene is made as a separate screen, and not a regular PNG file, which is why it now considers all hairstyles, accessories, appearance features and hair colors on a randomized NPC that your character is kissing. In addition, hairstyles and hair colors began to be considered also for your character, which you created at the very beginning of the game.
— Now, any aggressive interaction with the RNPCs adds a small plus to the relationship to all the hooligan characters on the location.
— The level of authority of your character now directly affects the number of relationship points received and increases the chance of agreeing to interactions with characters who have the "Aggressive" character trait.
— New functions have been added to the framework: firstly, you can now add your own location interactions in all currently available locations of the game without any problems, and secondly, you can now add your own locations with your own functionality. In addition, an example of using the framework is now being distributed along with the build of the game. It is located in a folder with modifications called mod1.rpy.
— The maximum of the "Depravity" parameter in the randomized NPCS editor has been raised to 120 units. Also, the maximum of obtaining depravity points has been raised, which can be obtained in-game up to 120 units.
— New conditions have been added for most events with randomized NPCs: now they will ask your character for anything much less. These additional requirements include the level of their courage, romance, criminality and other influence statistics, in which, if the desired value is not reached, the event will not be reproduced.
— New cheats have been added to the cheat menu for patreon subscribers: increase academic performance, increase romance for all randomized NPCs, increase their sociability, as well as change the value of the variable. Thanks to the latter, you can safely manipulate all in-game variables in the game if necessary.
— Added hints when clicking on blocked interactions with Ayano Yoshida, telling how to open these interactions.
— Now the activity menu opens with randomized NPCs, even if they are not busy with anything.
— Now, if someone lives with you, they will carry out constant cleaning, keeping your apartment clean.
— Added a new amulet for purchase - "Amulet of Permanence". By purchasing it, your character will receive one unit of experience every hour.
— Now, if your character runs away from a fight, the success of this action is calculated.
— The "Finish the Game" button has been added to the mini-game of cards with randomized NPCs.
— Now, if a randomized NPC has to low a depravity level, it can deny your character interactions involving 18+ scenes. In other words, there are now different requirements for depravity for different sexual poses, except for one - missionary. It is always available and under any circumstances.
— Changed the conditions for generating attributes, characters and some other elements of randomized NPCs under the current conditions of the game.
— The system of selecting locations for movement and the system of selecting activities for randomized NPCs has been changed: now they distribute everything more logically, they have much fewer problems, and now they consider more input data, which will cause fewer questions about their distribution.
— Conversations on romantic topics with randomized NPCs now give three times more romance for the success of the interaction.
— Randomized female NPCs will now spawn with a much higher romantic score.
— Now, using cigarettes from the inventory, your character replenishes twice as much energy.
— Changed the course of some plot tasks that relate to Ayano Yoshida, Yuki Oota and Meiko Tsukasa.
— Added a new location interaction to the shopping center - relax. With it, your character can recover some of his energy.
— The speech synthesizer was cut out due to frequent complaints about it.
— Now, your character is given a little experience for winning fights.
— Now, if a randomized NPC loses in a fight, his influence statistics "Courage" and "Criminality" decrease.
— Location interactions in the "Place of Residence" location were sorted by need: sleep and computer use are ahead of all interactions, and everything else that concerns interactivity or use once per game, like the same alarm clock, is placed at the very end of the scrolling list.
— Some game files have been optimized, which is why the weight of the game itself has decreased by 20 percent, without considering the added new scenes with their new files.
— In events and dates where there is an act of kissing your character and a randomized NPC, a new CG scene is now displayed.
— The "Show me your panties" scene was redesigned in the system plan. Now she uses other, much better working conditions, which is why there will be much fewer problems with her.
— The system of calculating the relationship modifier has been changed: now it is influenced by much more individual parameters of a randomized NPC. In addition, the system itself has become much simpler and more transparent for the player, and now it is displayed directly in the interaction menu with the RNPCs.
— The relationship modifier for randomized NPCs is now also affected by your character's ratings: depending on the character, everyone will react differently to this. However, to achieve this, your relationship must be in the range of 25 to 100 relationship points.
— The lower limits of the relationship modifier with RNPCs have been raised to 10 percent.
— Improved the analyzer of clothes on randomized NPCs: the system of miscalculations and conditions has been changed, which makes them more accurate, they make fewer mistakes, and also work much better. The, most of the mistakes and shortcomings with complex team clothes were solved.
— The text has been modified in some plot events, as well as events with randomized NPCs. In addition, some choices have been changed, and a small percentage of them have received hints that will make it clear what this choice leads to.
— Changed the number of relationship points received/deducted for events with randomized NPCs.
Fixed bugs:
— Fixed a bug where an exception was thrown after a long gaming session.
— Fixed a bug where if you quickly skip the text when kissing with a randomized NPC, CG could remain on the screen.
— Fixed a bug where an event with the exhibitionism of a randomized NPC could go into an infinite loop, which caused an exception.
— Fixed a bug where a randomized NPC could have no hands in the activity menu if he had a character trait of "Weak" or "Recluse".
— Fixed a bug in which, if the last name of the character was not entered in the "Find a character" interaction, an exception was thrown.
— Fixed a bug that caused an exception after winning a fight over a bully boss.
— Fixed a bug that caused an exception if you help any RNPСs in a fight between each other.
— Fixed a bug where an exception could come out if walking on the beach.
— Fixed a bug in which during an event related to exhibitionism in the park, a randomized NPC could be wearing clothes.
— Fixed a bug in which the hands could be incorrectly displayed in the activity menu with the changed body conjuncture.
— Fixed a bug in which the face of a randomized male NPC always had a negative expression during its editing.
— Fixed a bug in which if an exception was ignored, the patreon code and privileges could be reset without being able to get them back without restarting the game.
— Fixed a bug where the system thought that your character was skipping classes at the academy during weekends/festivals.
— Fixed a bug in which the import of the school could be accompanied without translation into English.
— Fixed a bug in which randomized NPCs with a high level of fear could still invite themselves to visit your character, as well as come with other requests that are more suitable for a friendly mood.
— Fixed some problems with generating randomized NPCs: now there are fewer flaws in their generation, new functions have been added to the appearance detection module, resolving the remaining problems associated with this.
— Fixed a bug in which when winning a mini-game of cards for money, your character was not given the amount you were playing for.
— Fixed bugs related to the "Women's Locker room" location. Now, firstly, male NPCs will not spawn there, and secondly, the script for calculating the throwing out of your character from there works adequately.
— Fixed a bug where the eloquence in the player's diary always showed the number zero. It was a visual bug and it didn't affect the gameplay.
— Fixed some generation errors that caused implausible randomized NPCs to be made.
— Fixed a bug in which randomized NPCs could have two surnames in the interaction menu with it.
— Fixed many issues regarding manual entry/auto-entry into the game. Now everything works much more stable, faster and better.
— Fixed problems in which the editor of randomized NPCs could not count a change in appearance if the editing was male RNPCs.
— Fixed a bug where there was no "Pray at the altar" button in the menu of location interactions.
— Fixed a bug where an incorrect numerical value of your character's academic grades was shown in square brackets in the diary.
— Fixed a bug in which the amulet of genius in the temple also performed the functions of a relationship amulet.
— Fixed a bug in which there was an incorrect numbering of romantic interactions with randomized NPCs in the interaction menu with them.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception in the middle of the game session.
— Fixed a bug in which the academic grades of the character were incorrectly calculated.
— Fixed a bug where all randomized NPCs could disappear/to be in the same location as a whole pack at 19:00 on weekdays and also at 20:00 on weekends. In addition, some other problems related to their movement system have also been fixed.
— Fixed a bug where during the selection of high/medium-level orders for freelancing, an error could be knocked out.
— Fixed a bug where if a randomized NPC is wearing clothes that vary from the level of his vulgarity, the "Show panties" interaction did not work.
— Fixed existing bugs and flaws related to the combined clothing with sleeves.
Get School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game
Status | In development |
Author | Kaito |
Genre | Visual Novel, Role Playing, Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, Sandbox, Singleplayer |
Languages | English, Russian, Chinese |
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