Weekly News #95

Without further ado - the time of the release of the new WN. This short period of time turned out to be quite busy and effective from the point of view of the content part of the game. We also fixed some bugs that the players sent us, and in general, everything turned out to be quite voluminous. However, from this moment on, we can sort everything out in order...
First, randomized NPCs. And here, in fact, there were many changes, even in the gameplay part. For example, during this short period of time, we have slightly improved the dialog system: now randomized NPCs get tired of dialogues. As well as from local, and in global.
As you can see in this screenshot, now in the menu interaction with NPC shows a fatigue percentage slightly below the relationship indicators. It increases with any interaction by a certain percentage, and in the end, when it reaches 100 percent, the randomized NPC will stop communicating with your character. Everything is set up so that you can communicate with a randomized NPC for more than 8 hours of in-game time, which theoretically is enough for the development of relationships, and also to some extent removes the exploit with endless spam of the same dialogue. In addition, some other changes have come to the relationship system that will improve it in some way, but this is already in the list of changes. Now about the content part. And here, in fact, the most important thing is a new 18+ scene. The cowgirls pose. It is not fully ready yet, but already now it can be tested directly in the game without any problems. Its appearance can be viewed in our discord channel. In addition to the scene, small changes have also occurred to the appearance of the sprites of randomized female NPCs: now tattoos can be spawned on them, and they will be shown in many actual game scenes on them. There were enough changes for all of this, therefore... We'll just leave some more screenshots of what's been added and move on to the next items.
Secondly, the plot. We did not abandon this part of the development either. Currently, during this period of time, new events have already been added to the storyline with Yuki Oota, the journalism club and Ayano Yoshida, and... some edits have been made in the initial events with Yuki Oota. Currently, they are not inserted into the game, but these edits will change the look of the initial events to what Ayano has now: your character will have the opportunity to play the role, you will be able to react to situations in your own way, and not just statically read the scene, while getting mixed feelings from the behavior of your character. At the same time, most of the events with it will come to this kind.
Third, the backgrounds. Well, and here we will leave the only background made during this time, right here:
Fourth, fixed bugs. Well, and here, as always, we'll just post a list of changes to the 932b version:
New content:
- The story concerning the journalism club, Yuki Oota, and Ayano Yoshida were continued with new events. In addition, the new story events were in the diary, which is a step-by-step guide to the passage.
- A new full-fledged pose has been added for 18+ scenes with randomized female NPCs - the cowgirl pose. It can be selected from the selection menu after the offer to have sex with the RNPC girl.
- Now randomized NPCs can get tired of dialogues with your character: the more you talk to him, the more tired he feels. When he gets tired, he can interrupt communication with your character and leave him. In addition, local fatigue was also added to communicate about something. Now it will not be possible to just spam with one dialog, thereby increasing relations with the NPC. All this is directly influenced by the sociability of the RNPCs, its other influence statistics, the eloquence of your character, as well as some other factors.
- A small storyline of hooligans in an abandoned factory has been continued. Now, pumping your reputation with them, you will get events, at the end of which your character will be able to become a full-fledged member of their group, which will allow him to receive some bonuses from this.
- Stockings are now displayed in the editor of randomized NPCs on female RNPCs. In addition, now they can be edited there by selecting the desired set using the necessary settings and parameters.
- Now in the hug scene between your character and a randomized NPC, the details of generation are considered: hair color, hairstyle of the RNPCs and your character. In addition, the latter's clothes are also considered.
- The system of layers of existing scenes with randomized NPCs has been changed, which will fix some bugs and flaws, as well as remove microfreezes on weak devices when they are loaded.
- A dozen tattoos have been added on female randomized NPCs. They can spawn on them if they have high courage or they have an aggressive character trait.
- Now every randomized NPC who is a member of the united hooligan community has a tattoo on his neck, and it is displayed on the sprite.
- New pieces of clothing were added for female randomized NPCs: two pairs of new stockings, as well as two pairs of new tights. They can be generated on them when creating a new session, and they can also be selected in the randomized NPCs editor.
- Now the appearance features you selected for your character at the very beginning of the game will be displayed on it in full: height, cuteness, and so on - everything will change the appearance of your character in one direction or another.
- Now, when searching for characters using the function of the same name, the text with it will indicate three randomized NPCs with whom your character last communicated.
- Changed some appearance generation conditions for randomized NPCs: now more unique RNPCs are generated, as well as with a more pleasant appearance. In addition, some conditions for generating their attributes and some influence statistics have also been changed.
- Now you can communicate with a randomized NPC on the phone on various topics: about everyday life, romance and vulgarity. All these conversations increase their influence statistics in their own way, change your relationship with them, and also require different conditions.
- Now your character can get drunk thanks to purchased alcohol. He has a level of intoxication, from which, if he overdoes it with alcohol, he can fully disconnect. In addition, the level of intoxication now affects the level of health of your character in fights, increasing it.
- Now, if you talk to a randomized NPC during classes, he may refuse to have a dialogue with you with some chance, if he has a high level of responsibility, and then go to class, to classes.
- Now, if you interact with a randomized NPC in any way during the time when the academy closes, you will have a choice: you can either escort the RNPCs with whom you communicated to the house, or offer him to relocate to another place. Otherwise, he will stop communicating.
- Now, when your character goes to a clothing store and chooses something, he gets a warning that the model in the interface is a regular model.
- Now, the relationship with randomized NPC hooligans directly affects your character's reputation among hooligans in an abandoned factory.
- Scenes of kissing, hugging, as well as some 18+ scenes began to consider tattoos on the body of your character/randomized NPC, as well as some other details of new updates that they had not considered before.
- Extra files were removed from the game directory, and also, in general, the existing files needed for the game are slightly better organized. The game began to weigh a little less.
- The backgrounds of the "Roof" and "Canteen" locations were completely redrawn.
- Now the subject "Condom" can be used in the missionary position. In addition, some aspects of its use have been changed, which will slightly improve the visual part of the scene.
- Now, at the very beginning of the game, when creating a character, not 10 points are given for distribution to attributes, but 35 unallocated points.
Fixed Bugs:
- Fixed a bug where several level-up warnings could come out while doing homework, even if your character didn't level up
- Fixed a flaw in which the indicator "Number of blows" in fights could have a fractional, not an integer value.
- Fixed bugs with incorrect display of the selected skill in the skill purchase menu per level.
- Fixed some typos in the Russian translation of the game, as well as spelling/punctuation errors in the English translation of the game in some of its moments.
- Fixed a bug where randomized NPCs were generated with an American set of names, even if some other one was selected.
- Fixed some exceptions that occur during the passage of the storyline with bullies.
- Fixed bugs where an incorrect item name could be displayed in the player's inventory.
- Fixed a flaw in which your character spawned with some features of appearance that should not have been.
- Fixed a flaw in which randomized male NPCs, as well as when creating the appearance of your character, had an evil facial expression instead of a neutral one.
- Fixed many visual flaws during scenes with randomized NPCs: kiss scene, hug scene, 18+ scenes. Many of them have received edits that correct these very flaws.
- Fixed a flaw in which randomized NPCs did not go to class during the lesson at 10:00.
As you might have noticed, we are not lagging the set pace of development and will continue to try to increase them. Naturally, by the release of the 933 update, most of the content from Yuki Oota in the plot plan will be inserted, as we promised in the previous vote, well, now it remains to wait. Wait until the 27th, when the 933 update will be released.
In addition, we would like to thank everyone who helps us financially and supports us in these difficult times again! Soon we will be able to increase the speed of game development even more, thanks to you, and make something much better out of it than it is now!
Get School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game
Status | In development |
Author | Kaito |
Genre | Visual Novel, Role Playing, Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, Sandbox, Singleplayer |
Languages | English, Russian, Chinese |
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