Update (v933)
So, the time of the release of the new update. As expected, it came out big again, despite some problems in development. We focused on many elements that are in the game, and in general, we can say that we got a fairly large and pleasant innovation update: rebalances of some mechanics, reworking, a lot of new content. Including the plot. Of course, we worked on the story content for a sufficient amount of time and during this time we managed to make one of the endings in a new storyline with Yuki Oota, the journalism club and Ayano Yoshida. In addition, some changes have come to the plot of Yuki Oota: at the very beginning of the game, in its initial events, you will now have the opportunity to role-playing the character of your character in the same way as you can do it now with Ayano Yoshida. If you were annoyed by the nature of your character, then you can be role-playing something softer or neutral. In addition, to play the role, we have added many other new elements: you can get different scars, tattoos and piercings on your character's sprite. In general, the modifiability of the character is now at a good level, and all the content is distributed throughout the game in such a way that it is evenly revealed to you throughout the game. A new full-fledged sex scene was added along with the missionary pose, many subjects for sex scenes and their diversity were added, as well... A huge number of elements related to them have been redesigned. You can read more about everything in more detail below, in the changelogs.
New Content:
— The story continued with Yuki Oota, Ayano Yoshida and the journalism club with new events. In addition, the text has been edited in some places and some information/narrative of the plot has been changed in general, fewer delays have been made for the fallout of plot events in which your character can finally become the head of his own club.
— Changed and redesigned the initial events with Yuki Oota at the very beginning of the game to the current standards: now you can play the character of your character thanks to numerous choices. If before that, you disliked the character of your character, prescribed at the very beginning, then now you can safely move away from him and role-playing something else. Currently, the structure of events with her is similar in terms of elections to the structure of the initial events with Ayano Yoshida.
— A new full—fledged pose has been added for 18+ scenes with randomized female NPCs - the rider pose. It can be selected from the selection menu after the offer to have sex with the RNPCs girl.
— A new item has been added to the online store - condoms. Currently, they can be used in 18+ scenes for their intended purpose, which will change the visual appearance of the scene itself.
— A new item has been added to the online store - butt plug. It can be used in 18+ scenes with randomized NPCs. In addition, it also has minimal animation, which will improve the overall appearance of the scene.
— A new opportunity has been added to sex scenes with randomized NPCs — to change the pose. Especially for her, a new hand position was even drawn, in which your hero helps the RNPS in this.
— The branch with petting in sex scenes with randomized NPCs was divided into two parts: touching a girl's breasts and holding on to her leg. Depending on the choice, the visual appearance of the scene will change. Especially for these opportunities, this whole scene has been modified new hand positions, emotions and many others.
— New mini-events have been added to sex scenes with randomized NPCs, some changes have been made to them and the overall appearance of the existing 18+ scenes has been improved. In addition, the existing ones are rebalanced: corrected the chance of premature ejaculation, the inability to control your character in a missionary position, and others.
— Now randomized NPCs can get tired of dialogues with your character: the more you talk to him, the more tired he feels. When he gets tired, he can interrupt communication with your character and leave him. In addition, local fatigue was also added to communicate about something. Now it will not be possible to just spam with one dialog, thereby increasing relations with the RNPCs. All this is directly influenced by the sociability of the RNPC, its other influence statistics, the eloquence of your character, as well as some other factors.
— A small storyline of hooligans in an abandoned factory has been continued. Now, pumping your reputation with them, you will get events, at the end of which your character will be able to become a full-fledged member of their grouping, which will allow him to receive some bonuses from this.
— Now stockings are displayed in the editor of randomized NPCs on female RNPCs. In addition, now they can be edited there by selecting the desired set using the necessary settings and parameters.
— Now in the hug scene between your character and a randomized NPC, the details of generation are considered: hair color, hairstyle of the RNPC and your character. In addition, the women's clothing is also considered.
— The system of layers of existing scenes with randomized NPCs has been changed, which will fix some bugs and flaws, as well as remove microfreezes on weak devices when they are loaded.
— A dozen tattoos have been added on female randomized NPCs. They can get spawn on them if they have high courage, or they have an aggressive character trait.
— Now every randomized NPC who is a member of the united hooligan community has a tattoo on his neck, and it is displayed on the sprite.
— New pieces of clothing were added for female randomized NPCs: two pairs of new stockings, as well as two pairs of new pantyhose. They can be generated on them when creating a new session, and they can also be selected in the randomized NPCS editor.
— Now the appearance features you selected for your character at the very beginning of the game will be displayed on it in full: height, cuteness, and so on - everything will change the appearance of your character in one direction or another.
— Added a new character trait for randomized female NPCs - "Loveliness". It appears in characters with high romanticism, vulgarity and boldness, and it gives a greater chance of agreeing to 18+ scenes.
— Now, when searching for characters using the function of the same name, the text with it will indicate three randomized NPCs with whom your character last communicated.
— Changed some appearance generation conditions for randomized NPCs: now more unique RNPCs are generated, as well as with a more pleasant appearance. In addition, some conditions for generating their attributes and some influence statistics have also been changed.
— Now you can communicate with a randomized NPC on the phone on various topics: about everyday life, romance and vulgarity. All these conversations increase their influence statistics in their own way, change your relationship with them, and also require different conditions.
— Now your character can get drunk thanks to purchased alcohol. He has a level of intoxication, from which, if he overdosed it with alcohol, he can fully disconnect. In addition, the level of intoxication now affects the level of health of your character in fights, increasing it.
— The level leveling formula has been adjusted: now the experience required to increase it needs 65% less.
— For male randomized NPCs, more than a dozen new variations of tattoos have been added, as well as more than two dozen piercing options. They may have a chance to spawn on a randomized NPC bully, and you will also be able to distribute them yourself in the RNPCs editor.
— For randomized male NPCs, more than two dozen different types of scars were added. They may have some chance to spawn as randomized NPCs who have high courage, love of weapons and criminality. In addition, they can be changed directly in the NPC editor.
— No randomized male NPCs have bruises on their body/face/legs during and after fights in the same way as on randomized female NPCs. In addition, during fights, they now bleed in the same way.
— Two new options have been added to choose clothes for your character: "Underwear" and "Nude".
— The backgrounds of the locations "Roof", "Occult Club", "Student Council", as well as "Canteen" were completely redrawn.
— A new location has been added to the academy – the vocal club. It opens through the passage of a new story related to Ayano Yoshida, Yuki Oota and the journalism club.
— Now, the background of the Occult Club location is fully interactive and varies depending on the conditions: the more items were purchased from the club management menu, the more these items will appear on the background of the location. Absolutely all items from the list will appear there after purchase.
— Now, the content suitable for the NTR context is disabled by default and separated as content that needs to be included separately. You can enable and adjust this trigger from the subscriber's patreon console.
— The requirements for the reproduction of an event with sexual intercourse between randomized NPCs have been tightened twice. Now it requires much more relationship between them and more level of vulgarity.
— The game now, as before, starts at 08:00 on Sunday.
— Hints have been added to the game for incorrectly entered patreon code. In addition, now, if you do not enter the patreon code before entering the game, and also go through its input menu, instead of endless errors, you will be given a hint.
— Edited the number of courage, criminality and love of weapons points received from randomized NPCs during generation. Now these parameters depend even more on their individual qualities.
— The function of calculating the ID of saves has been changed, as well as the system of slots in which these very saves are saved. Now, regardless of their number and their identification number, they will still be saved to the slots that go after the last save, and not try to fill the already empty slots before them that arise after their deletion. This resolves many problems with them, including exceptions and the inability to create a save at all.
— Some modules of the game engine have been updated, which resolves many problems with it, such as, for example, an exception that came out with non-standard screen resolutions. In addition, the performance of integer calculations has been increased, which in general will speed up the game a little.
— New cheats have been added to the cheat menu: transfer all randomized NPCs to the occult club, add money to the occult club to the budget, and also increase the vulgarity of all randomized NPCs.
— Layers in sexual scene have been corrected, which will cause fewer graphical bugs and flaws. In addition, some moments in these scenes have been reworked: more highlights, emotions, movements have been added and, in general, the scenes look more dynamic than before.
— Now, if you talk to a randomized NPC during classes, he may refuse to have a dialogue with you with some chance, if he has a high level of responsibility, and then go to class, to classes.
— Now, if you interact with a randomized NPC in any way during the time when the academy closes, you will have a choice: you can either escort the RNPC with whom you communicated to the house, or offer him to relocate to another place. Otherwise, he will stop communicating.
— Now, when your character goes to a clothing store and chooses something, he gets a warning that the model in the interface is a regular model.
— Scenes of kissing, hugging, as well as some 18+ scenes began to consider tattoos on the body of your character/randomized NPC, as well as some other details of new updates that they had not considered before.
— Extra files were removed from the game directory, and also, in general, the existing files needed for the game are slightly better organized.
— Now, the relationship with randomized NPC hooligans directly affects your character's reputation among the hooligans in an abandoned factory.
— Now, at the very beginning of the game, when creating a character, not 10 points are given for distribution to attributes, but 30 unallocated points.
— Now your character in a fight can get visual scars depending on the outcome of the fight, luck, stamina and some other factors. A randomized male NPC can get the same scars after a fight with your character.
— Now your character can get tattoos in an abandoned factory, at the leader of the hooligans, if he is a full member of their group.
— The bonuses of the "Excellent Reflexes" perk have been combined with the bonuses of the "Dexterous Hands" perk. In addition, excellent reflexes were removed from the list of perks altogether.
— Added a new perk to select at the very beginning of the game - "Diligent Student". When you select it, your level will swing much faster, but at the same time your character will have some problems communicating with randomized NPCs,
— Added new bonuses to the Ladies' Man perk, which updates the perk for the current realities of the game.
— Added a new perk for buying for level points - "Talent for Learning". With it, your character will be able to get 10 percent more experience points.
— Added a new perk for buying levels for points - "Marketer". With it, randomized NPCs will get tired much less when talking to your character.
— Now, your character's reputation among bullies affects the price of their services. The more your reputation is, the less their services are worth.
— Now aggressive NPCs do not react to aggressive actions of your character, if they are not aimed at aggressive characters
— Now, if your character fights with NPCs whose character trait is not aggressive, his reputation among bullies increases.
— Removing scars in a beauty salon now removes not only the features of appearance, but also the visual scars on your character.
— The auto-save system has been changed: now the auto-saves made every in-game day/week are saved in a separate slot from the integer ones. They are marked in the autosave menu as day and week. In addition, now such auto-saves occur after each choice in the events, as well as at the beginning of communication with a randomized NPC.
— The appearance check function has been improved, which is triggered when a randomized NPC is clicked, and changes any parameters to it if there is an error in them: now this function recognizes generation errors much better and corrects them, and also makes mistakes much less, because of which female RNPCs may have male hairstyles and vice versa.
— Now, the minimum number of RNPS that can be generated is equal to the value of 60. In addition, some control elements of point generation have been improved: now the slider in them always shows the correct value, does not go beyond the boundaries.
— A new external feature has been added to the editor of the main character - "Piercing and tattoos". Thanks to her, your character will have them externally on the sprite.
— Completing homework now brings a little more points for boosting intelligence.
— Some game files have been optimized, which is why the weight of the game itself has decreased by 15 percent, without considering the added new scenes with their new files.
Fixed Bugs:
— Fixed some exceptions that could come out during the passage of the Ayano Yoshida story.
— Fixed a bug where exceptions were thrown during an attempt to buy clothes in a clothing store.
— Fixed a bug in which the choker on the NPC was displayed incorrectly. — Fixed a bug where an exception could be displayed when clicking on a randomized male NPC having the first basic hairstyle.
— Fixed a bug where the timing could stop along with all the necessary modules for the game to work, which caused everything to break.
— Fixed a bug where 200 skill points were not given to the card playing skill when buying the "Card Genius" perk.
— Fixed some bugs regarding the construction of layers for randomized male NPCs.
— Fixed a flaw in which objects appeared in your character's room when the light was turned on, which were still not there by that time.
— Fixed bugs and shortcomings of the time of day converter. This fixes problems with incorrect timing after the start of a new day, such as sleep or any other activity that takes more than one day.
— Fixed crashes during game launch on Linux devices, as well as MAC devices with Apple M1 and M2 microprocessors.
— Fixed a bug where an exception was thrown when entering an incorrect patreon code in the input menu. Now there is a text about the incorrectly entered code, as it should be.
— Fixed a bug that made it impossible to enter the "Cafe" location at 6 o'clock in the morning.
— Fixed a bug in which the number of participants in the occult club was incorrectly calculated after the expulsion of a character. Now everything is working correctly.
— Fixed a bug where some statistics/anything else values showed fractional values instead of an integer result.
— Fixed a bug in which during the training of the card game, two choices were repeated, "Repeat again.".
— Resolved all problems for users who bought the game on the itch website. Now everything is working well and there will be no more problems logging into the game.
— The module of auto-entry into the game has been improved with the patreon code entered. Now it produces fewer errors and works more stable.
— Fixed a bug where a man could position himself in the pool instead of a woman in an 18+ event.
— Fixed a bug in which the activity menu of randomized NPCs on characters with the character trait "Aggressive" did not change the sleeves, unlike the position of the hands.
— Fixed a bug in which the last name could be repeated twice in the interaction menu with a randomized NPC.
— Fixed a bug where notifications with achievements incorrectly displayed the names of the achievements themselves in the English translation of the game.
— Fixed a bug in which the amulets of genius and constancy could not be thrown out of the inventory without having a relationship amulet.
— Fixed a bug where several level-up warnings could come out while doing homework, even if your character didn't level up
— Fixed a bug in which the indicator "Number of blows" in fights could have a fractional, not an integer value.
— Fixed bugs with incorrect display of the selected skill in the skill purchase menu per level.
— Fixed some typos in the Russian translation of the game, as well as spelling/punctuation errors in the English translation of the game in some of its moments.
— Fixed a bug where randomized NPCs were generated with an American set of names, even if some other one was selected.
— Fixed some exceptions that occur during the passage of the storyline with bullies.
— Fixed bugs where an incorrect item name could be displayed in the player's inventory.
— Fixed a bug in which your character spawned with some features of appearance that should not have been.
— Fixed a bug where randomized male NPCs, as well as when creating your character's appearance, had an evil facial expression instead of a neutral one.
— Fixed many visual flaws during scenes with randomized NPCs: kiss scene, hug scene, 18+ scenes. Many of them have received admits that correct these very flaws.
— Fixed a flaw in which randomized NPCs did not go to class during the lesson at 10:00.
— Fixed a flaw in which some backgrounds in story events did not stretch to the full screen.
— Fixed a flaw in which during 18+ scenes, emotions in the missionary position could incorrectly overlap each other incorrectly.
— Fixed a bug where there was no background in the "Fountain at the Park" location under certain conditions during conversations/interactions with a randomized NPC.
— Fixed a bug when an exception could come out in the level leveling menu when entering the diary.
— Fixed a bug due to which the amulet of genius did not give a percentage increase to the experience gained.
— Fixed a bug where events with randomized NPCs that were supposed to occur in academy locations occurred even in urban locations.
— Fixed a flaw in which your character could rip off clothes from a randomized NPC, while not having the "Dexterous Hands" perk.
— Fixed a flaw in which when the level of experience points was increased could be more than zero.
— Fixed a bug where randomized NPCs with a weak and downtrodden character had 4 hands due to incorrect conditions while they were showing their underwear.
— Fixed a bug where it was possible to continue studying and reading books in the library while having a low energy level. In addition, it is now impossible to do homework with about zero energy in the city library.
— The randomized NPC generator has been improved: now it allows for much fewer generation errors, due to which a randomized NPC may have an outgoing hairstyle or clothes from a sprite.
— Fixed a flaw in which an exception could come out during the purchase of something in a clothing store.
— Fixed a bug where disabling/enabling any functions in the English translation of the game in the console could not have any text and translation.
— Fixed a bug where an exception could occur if you open the grocery store shopping menu.
— Fixed a flaw that made it impossible to complete a quest to exterminate hooligans because one of the goals was considered the head of hooligans.
— Fixed a bug where a randomized female NPC could change her hairstyle/clothes to a male one after some time.
Get School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game
Status | In development |
Author | Kaito |
Genre | Visual Novel, Role Playing, Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, Sandbox, Singleplayer |
Languages | English, Russian, Chinese |
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