Update (v943)
Another month has passed since the release of the new version, which means that it's time for the release of another version, and also ... The fulfillment of some of our promises. Naturally, we did our best with this update, and we hope that our players will enjoy this version, but first, it's worth talking about its main features - skin colors and the ability to play as a girl. If the first will be available to everyone, then the second will be available only to certain users - subscribers of the Best Friend level and above. This will continue for five more full-fledged versions until this feature is fully completed in its development. Many other things have also been added and many more bugs have been fixed, but you can read about everything in more detail below.
New content:
— A new button has been added to your character editor that allows you to change the gender of your character. At the moment, a small number of mechanics and systems have been adapted for this possibility.
— Over a dozen different skin tones were added for randomized female NPCs, ranging from lighter to darker. This skin tone is displayed in all CGs scenes and in the appearance of randomized NPCs, respectively.
— A new mechanic has been added to the game: now randomized NPCs can call your character if they have his phone number. Especially for this opportunity, more than two dozen different variations of the call were written, which change depending on the character and some other factors.
— For randomized female NPCs, a new scene has been added - pose 69. It is available from the scene selection menu.
— For randomized female NPCs, 6 new bras and 6 new sets of underwear have been added: they can be selected in the randomized NPC editor, and they will also spawn on randomized NPCs on their own.
— For randomized female NPCs, 6 new pairs of swimsuits have been added that range from the vulgarity of the most randomized NPC. The more vulgar one is, the more depraved swimsuit will be generated on it.
— Changed and reworked some events with Yuki Oota to the current standards: now you can win back the character of your character through multiple choices. If before that you did not like his character, prescribed at the very beginning, now you can safely move away from him and play something else. At the moment, the structure of events with her is similar in terms of elections to the structure of the initial events with Ayano Yoshida.
— Some plot points shown in the overall storyline have been edited. In some places, the text has been changed, in some conditions, the drop conditions for events.
— The game engine has been ported to a new version - 8.1.1, which fixes some bugs and exceptions, and improves performance on Apple M1/M2 devices. In addition, new functions have been written for it and some features have been adapted, which will slightly improve performance on other devices such as Android, Windows or Linux.
— Now in the event where Barneybald's Preachers sings, a song made especially for this event plays.
— Added new story events that are available to drop for the story character "God Barneybald". In order to open them, it is enough to give the preachers in your apartment the necessary amount of money.
— Added new events related to the story character Robert the Cockroach.
— Added text to 18+ scene with randomized male NPCs.
— Minor refactoring of the code that is responsible for interactions with randomized NPCs was carried out: existing formulas were slightly edited, the code itself was improved, and some new functions were made that improve the performance of this section of code.
— Minor refactoring of the code responsible for the modifications was carried out: some bugs and shortcomings of this system were fixed, the performance of some points was improved, and the situation with this system was slightly improved in general.
— A minor refactoring of the code responsible for the efficiency of the fight system was carried out: the code responsible for this system was improved, some bugs and shortcomings were fixed, and the miscalculation formulas were updated to the current game standards
— A minor refactoring of the code was carried out, which concerns the system for determining the appearance of randomized NPCs: the look of the code itself has been improved, some bugs/shortcomings associated with this identifier have been fixed.
— Minor code refactoring was carried out, which is responsible for generating randomized NPCs: some bugs and flaws were fixed, rudimentary code sections were removed, and in general, work was carried out on the appearance of the code itself.
— A new background has been added to the game - the background of the church. This is currently available only in some in-game events.
— Now, if your character finds a randomized NPC using the «Find Character» feature in an abandoned factory, he will automatically open this location on the map.
— The function of taking photos / using the album was cut from the game for a while.
— A new tab has been added to the biography menu of randomized NPCs - skills. It shows cooking skills, gambler, experience in fights and other indicators of randomized NPCs.
— Dialogues that improve your character's skills now require that your character have that skill lower than the randomized NPC they're talking to.
— A new tattoo has been added for female randomized NPCs - Barneybald's tattoo. It can be done in the randomized NPC editor.
— The conditions for the completion/drop of some events with the story character Ayano Yoshida have been edited: there should now be much fewer errors associated with this moment of the game, as well as with the passage of the story of Ayano Yoshida.
— Minor refactoring of systems related to tattoos / scars in randomized NPCs was carried out: datasets were edited, methods for obtaining this data, and the system for recognizing these elements was slightly revised in general, which will slightly improve the situation associated with exceptions due to this system.
— The system for pumping the attribute of strength by your character has been improved: the calculations themselves have been improved, formulas of inverse proportionality have been added to it, and also, in general, the speed of pumping this attribute to other attributes of a physical character has been reworked.
— A complete refactoring of the systems responsible for leveling physical attributes was carried out: firstly, all this was transferred to separate functions, secondly, new mechanics were added that allow you not to lose extra points when leveling a single attribute, and thirdly, they were slightly changed and rebalanced the very conditions of pumping for the uniform development of your character.
— For randomized NPCs, new aggressive extortion events have been added.
— For randomized NPCs, a new hidden parameter has been added - cleanliness. It determines when RNPS shaves, what kind of sexual contact he makes with your character, and also affects some other things and game mechanics.
— For randomized NPCs, a hidden parameter has been added - sexual temperament. It determines how many times with this character you can get 18+ scenes per day.
— When loading saves made on an older version of the game, a warning is now issued about the possible presence of bugs and exceptions when continuing to play on this save.
— A new event has been added regarding part-time jobs at the grocery store.
— Minor refactoring of the code that was responsible for the game engine was carried out: defining functions were improved, known bugs and shortcomings related to this were fixed.
— A scrollbar has been added to the sponsors table, with which you can scroll through the entire list.
— The mechanics of distribution of biographies for randomized NPCs has been slightly changed, due to which the situation with their distribution has been slightly improved and some errors related to this have been fixed.
— There was a minor refactoring of the systems responsible for the initial load. In addition, systems running continuously with the game running have also been affected, which will fix some performance issues and some possible exceptions.
— Now your character does not get injured from fights if at the end of the fight he had more than 80 percent of his maximum health points. Prior to this, for this to happen, he needed to not take damage in fights at all.
— Now, if your character did not communicate with anyone before using the Character Search tab, instead of outputting a common empty array, it will be displayed that you have not communicated with anyone before.
— Now, if your character has a very unassuming appearance, and a randomized NPC is obsessed with appearance, he may want to stop communicating with your character.
— A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for dropping events with randomized NPCs was carried out, which improved the logic of their dropping out, and also improved the randomizer in general, with the help of which the desired RNP drops out in the desired event.
— Some points have been edited regarding the sorting of randomized NPCs in the general lists, with the help of which RNPs are selected for interaction.
— Added new events related to life situations/difficulties.
— The interface of the main character's appearance editor has been modified.
— There has been a minor refactoring of the system that is responsible for determining what clothes to wear on randomized female NPCs: now this function has many more possible uses.
— The system responsible for creating 18+ scenes with randomized NPCs has been slightly refactored: sprites are now assembled a little better, the system itself has much fewer errors that cause exceptions.
— Minor refactoring of the code responsible for determining which events with randomized NPCs are required to drop: now all events that drop on your character will drop with a large number of conditions, which will fix a bug where an event could drop without any prerequisites .
— A minor refactoring of the system responsible for dropping events with randomized NPCs was carried out: existing problems were fixed, the code itself was improved, and in general, this system now brings a little less problems.
— A minor refactoring of the system responsible for dressing up your character has been carried out: certain bugs/errors have been fixed, the situation with the code itself has been improved at this point in the game, and in general, this very code now looks a little better.
— Minor refactoring of the code has been carried out, which concerns operations on your character: lag during the operations themselves has been reduced, and also, in general, a little more possible functions have been added.
— Now, during the presence of any debuffs on your character's attributes, not only the percentage by which these same attributes are reduced is shown, but also the time it takes for this debuff to be removed.
— When used outside of combat, a Medkit will now remove all attribute debuffs that are applied to your character.
— The code responsible for clothing/underwear/swimwear preferences for randomized female NPCs was refactored: certain flaws were fixed, new things were added to the generation list.
— Events have been better sorted by new files/folders. In addition, some outputs have been fixed in some events with randomized NPCs, which will fix some bugs with incorrect time passing there / removing energy or satiety.
— A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for determining the time was carried out: the problems that related to the loss of events from these miscalculations, the functions that were in this section of the code, were slightly fixed, and the code itself was slightly improved in general, which will improve the situation with performance on some android devices, as well as remove a few potential exceptions/bugs.
— The «Harem Lover» perk adds a new feature to your character - because of it, randomized NPCs cannot throw your character into the friend zone.
— The Fast Learner perk now grants two XP every hour at a 50% chance instead of one. In addition, from the luck indicator, it can give 1 more experience point each time.
— The systems responsible for collecting sprites of randomized female NPCs / scenes with them were refactored: this fixed some errors and bugs, improved the structure itself and made it more flexible.
Fixed bugs:
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception if a randomized NPC had 13 or 14 eye colors in the editor and you changed their gender.
— Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to make heterochromia in some cases in the editor of the main character / randomized NPC.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when using the Gender Change feature in the Randomized NPC Editor.
— Fixed a bug due to which location interactions in the main character's room could be highlighted at the same time with each other when hovering over them.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur during the replay of an event where a randomized NPC attacks your character in defense.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when replaying your character's failure event when playing in the English translation of the game.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown when shopping for groceries at the grocery store.
— Fixed a bug due to which, in some cases, the translation of the game could not be displayed during the playback of certain events.
— Fixed an issue that caused some costumes/poses to display incorrectly on a randomized NPC.
— Fixed a bug due to which the class of a randomized NPC could be selected incorrectly during generation and / or with an exception.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when navigating through game locations at some points in the game story.
— Fixed a bug that caused all randomized male NPCs to be bald.
— Fixed a bug due to which the background with any CG with randomized NPCs could freeze on the screen in case of some interactions / manipulations and be shown on a permanent basis.
— Fixed the formula for avoiding your hero by a randomized NPC: now, in order to permanently avoid your character, a randomized NPC with him should have much more disadvantages in relation than initially.
— Fixed a bug where a significant amount of content was left untranslated into the English translation of the game.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an event to drop in which a randomized NPC went to visit your character when he already had a story character as a roommate.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when displaying a randomized female NPC's masturbation scene with some costumes. Additionally, a bug where breasts could not be displayed in the same scene has been fixed.
— Extra rudimentary game files that were used in older versions of the game but not in newer ones have been removed, slightly reducing the weight of the main game build.
— Increased the stats given for sleeping pills/caffeine/aphrodisiac use on randomized NPCs.
— Increased the chances of finding any characters using the corresponding function by 50 percent. In addition, in the event of an unsuccessful search, the amount of time spent on it has been reduced.
— Fixed a bug due to which during some events the choice options could not be displayed, which made it impossible to continue the game further.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur during the event with the story character Azumi Yoshida while receiving the "reward".
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur during daily/weekly game autosaves.
— Fixed a bug where, if you fail interviews, your character still counts as days off work.
— Fixed a bug due to which, with the purchased perk "Dreamer", bought for pumping points in the diary, power points were not issued after each dream.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur after some randomized NPC events drop.
— Fixed a bug due to which a randomized NPC could have an incorrect appearance during some events with him.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when using the “Bench Press” location interaction in the gym.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur during pull-ups in the stadium academy location.
— Fixed a bug that could cause deformed bodies/skin colors for randomized female NPCs when showing their body.
— Fixed a bug due to which the 4th base hair type could incorrectly display on randomized NPCs in the editor.
— Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when presenting a masturbation scene with randomized NPCs.
— Fixed a bug due to which the indicator of money could have a fractional value, and not an integer value after working days on a part-time job.
— Fixed a bug due to which the word "namenps" was displayed instead of the name of a randomized NPC in the event.
— A bug has been fixed that could cause an exception to be thrown on particularly weak devices during a game session.
— An issue has been fixed that could cause the diary interface to display incorrectly.
— Fixed a bug that could throw an exception during some location interactions.
— Fixed some typos in the translation of the game into Russian, and also fixed some moments when the text / translation was not displayed in the English version of the game.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when talking to randomized NPCs about fights.
— Fixed a bug due to which the gender in the "Character" category could be confused in the information field of randomized NPCs.
— Fixed an issue where the Meiko Tsukasa event in the romance line could be stopped under certain circumstances due to bugs in the code.
— Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to continue the story with Ayano Yoshida in case there were problems with the story of Suzuki Matsui, and the corresponding event with her was dropped.
— Fixed some bugs and shortcomings related to story events with story characters.
— Fixed bugs related to some events that drop in the main character's apartment: certain conditions for dropping out, problems with displaying choices in these events, as well as some issues related to the issuance of certain variables after the drop of these same events have been fixed.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception in the randomized NPC editor with some chance.
— Fixed a bug due to which the English translation of the game did not display some items in the inventory, such as a trimmer, as well as two new sub-locations in the main character's room.
— Fixed a bug due to which some events with randomized NPCs, some story events did not display translation into English and in general text.
— Fixed a bug due to which in the English translation of the game the perk "Tutoring habits" could be displayed in the diary with Cyrillic characters.
— Fixed a bug due to which the achievement "I am a programmer" was displayed in Cyrillic when playing in the English translation of the game.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when entering the interaction menu with randomized NPCs.
— Fixed a bug that could result in an exception during a game session.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when using location interaction on the Beach location.
— Fixed a bug due to which in the event with Robert the Cockroach there were two "Agree" selections.
— Fixed a bug that could cause events with Robert the Cockroach to have incorrect choices.
— Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to reduce the amount of authority in the character creation menu.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur over time if a randomized NPC was invited to a club.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur during 18+ scenes with randomized NPCs in some specific cases.
— Fixed a bug due to which the global project in the system of the occult club was not reset after the percentage reached 100 or more units.
— Fixed a bug due to which Azumi's apartment payment was reset after each new payment was made.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception in the Azumi apartment payment interface if incorrect values were entered.
— Fixed a bug due to which interactions with radnomized NPCs were displayed incorrectly when inviting them to your home.
— Fixed a bug due to which an exception could be thrown in case of moving through locations with a small chance.
— Fixed an issue where some text/buttons were not translated/missing when translating the game into English.
— Fixed a bug due to which your character could get into locations already removed from the game using the "Search for a character" function.
— Fixed a bug due to which an incorrect value could be displayed in the occult club management menu, in statistics.
— Fixed a bug due to which not all functions calculated the actions of randomized NPCs, thereby skipping the last one generated NPCs.
— Fixed a bug that caused the sizes of your character's penis in the diary to be confused in the names.
— Fixed a bug that caused members to be sized in the editor. randomized NPCs were shuffled in sequence number.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception related to the fact that data about the attributes of randomized NPCs with which activity / interaction is being conducted was not received.
— Fixed a bug due to which in some events with Suzuki Matsui the old background of your character's room could be shown, despite the fact that he lives in a different apartment.
— Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when playing any events with the Suzuki Matsui.
— Fixed a bug due to which, if a randomized NPC is preparing for the festival, the line with this action would not fit on the screen in the English translation of the game.
— Fixed issues that could cause randomized NPCs and their names to display incorrectly when playing in the English translation of the game.
Get School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game
Status | In development |
Author | Kaito |
Genre | Visual Novel, Role Playing, Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, Sandbox, Singleplayer |
Languages | English, Russian, Chinese |
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