Weekly News #116 (significant)
A week and a half has passed since the release of version 943. Naturally, a new news release came out, in which ... We have something to tell you. Firstly, we need to tell you about what has already been done, secondly, about the results of the voting and the further development vector of the game, and thirdly, about some recently fulfilled promises. Naturally, let's talk about everything in order... Well, for starters, we'll start with the voting results.
As expected, I won the item with code refactoring, and at the same time by a huge margin from other items. Oddly enough, but that's what we basically did, fixing all the bugs and shortcomings of the game. The main part of the refactoring fell on the engine, however, more on that later. Voting ended with more than one refactoring - according to the classics, randomized NPCs, plot and locations prevail after, but we will talk about this at the very end. To begin with, we will lay out a small table of what was done, for a general understanding of the work done.
What you see are the plans for this update. Already, 43 percent of the code from the main part of the planned one has been redone, and more than 110 bugs and flaws, including critical ones, have been fixed. Some content was also made, but it was not inserted into the game. It will be inserted as soon as we fix as many more bugs and shortcomings, as well as rework the code in some places. Well, now we will proceed to other points, to our promises, once made on other platforms.
Initially - the least of what has been done. We had goals to make the framework easier to modify, and we basically did it, but, whatever one may say, first we had to prepare the technical part of the game at a slightly different level than before. Well, for this it was necessary to slightly modernize the game engine, add new features and capabilities to it. In general, in short, we made it possible to install modifications using the game right in the gameplay. It is enough to enter the game and click the "Download modification" button.
Then you don't need to do anything else - all the modifications you have chosen will be installed from our remote servers to the root folder with modifications and will work. This feature is available on all platforms from android to mac devices, and by version 945 it will be available to everyone, even those using the public version. Now, as expected, general tests of this feature are underway: checking billing, server capabilities, as well as generally improving this feature to the last. For starters, on the 943x version, it will only be available to Patreon subscribers of the Super Best Friend ($25) level and above. By 944, it will be released to lower level patrons, with the most popular role being Best Friend ($10) and up, and after that it will be released to the public. In addition, a lot more was done specifically for this function: adding a new root folder, which can be separate from the game folder, and from where modifications and any scripts will work, improving the definition of game paths on absolutely all devices, even on android, and also small improvements to the current framework and the parser responsible for it, in general and in general. By version 945, we will also improve the current framework as much as possible by hiring people to create modifications so that in the future the game itself will be replenished every day with some new content. On this we will release our documentation and make a convenient process for creating what a potential modder personally wants into the game. That was our first promise... But do you really think that's it?
So, the second promise. In terms of importance, probably on a par with the first promise - cloud saves.
As you can see, we've been working on them for a while and this feature is still being tested. However, its main difference from the same online modification download is that it will be available only to Patreon subscribers of the Super Best Friend level ($25) and above. At least for a while. To begin with, we need to get some feedback on it, so that in general and as a whole it will receive more widespread use. What does this function generally give? In general, a complete variety in changing gaming platforms. You will be able to safely make cloud saves from one device and use it on another. In fact, having made a save on a Windows device, you can download it on any Android device by logging into your personal account from the game (just enter your mail). Saves will be available at any time, they can lie for years on our cloud server, and you can download them at any time. However... To do this, we had to improve cross-platform, and also from now on we will make every effort so that saves from old versions can run on new ones with the least number of problems. This is our second promise.
Well, now let's get down to simpler things - for example, discord is now perceived by the game. You can turn on the Discord SDK at any time and your Discord profile will show you where you are and what you are doing.
Naturally, we understand that not everyone will like this, however, this feature is purely optional and the game will ask about its need at the very beginning, when it is launched. There you can also configure what will be displayed on your profile, however, this is not so important.
Of course, we didn't get away with just that. To fix some bugs and shortcomings, we had to completely redo some mechanics.
One of them is the subscriber's patreon account. Now it does not cause any errors, and most importantly, there you can choose a huge variety of different things that are useful for the player.
In the near future we will slightly improve the integration into this thing, because in the end ... Whatever one may say, there is some incorrect distribution of privileges when buying a game on different platforms. The best for this is the same patreon, but subscribers from other platforms should receive the privileges we promised in full, so in the near future we will deal with this cabinet more radically.
So, if you do not go into details, then that's it. We didn't add content, as one of our updates said, but in between, when our beta testers were looking for bugs, we did the things we promised. Our goal is to make sure that the player does not regret buying the game and enjoys it, so we will bring the 933 version to the ideal in the near future and it is quite possible that it will not differ so much from the same 933a or 933b versions, Therefore, we hope that Patreon subscribers of the Super Best Friend level and above will understand our somewhat drastic measures to improve the game. Soon everything will return to normal, and you will get more different opportunities and privileges! If you have questions about some of our plans - ask them under the posts or in any other form. We will try to answer them. In more detail about what we have done during this time, we will tell you in the next news, and now, perhaps, we will finish on this and lay out everything that has already been done. Enjoy.
List of changes on BugFix1 for version 943:
- Fixed an issue that caused the game to not launch on Android devices.
List of changes on BugFix2 for version 943:
- Improved performance of screens in the game: redundant ones are now closed, and not once again idle waiting for action, which will improve the situation with performance and memory leaks.
- Now instead of showing "Cock Size" when playing as a female character, it shows the size of the breasts in the diary with general information about the character.
- Increased the number of some checking functions, which will save the game from some problems, due to which there could be problems in the function of randomized NPCs activity with each other.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when any of the story events were supposed to drop.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to be thrown after the end of a fight with a randomized NPC.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when generating randomized NPCs in the early/mid game.
- Fixed a bug due to which the Patreon code could be constantly reset during the restart of the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game was not translated into English at some points in the game, which could cause blank screens, untranslated text and other problems of a similar nature.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception at the very beginning of the gameplay.
- Fixed a bug due to which a character with any activity could be active with himself.
- Fixed some UI issues that occurred after the user entered 'change Patreon code' in the main menu of the game in the subscriber's Patreon menu.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when opening the randomized NPC editor after generating a game session.
- Fixed a bug that caused the location interactions "Exercise on the horizontal bars" and "Run" to appear pressed when hovering over any of these buttons together.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur during the "Work out on the horizontal bars" location interaction in the academy stadium.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur during the "Bench Press" location interaction in the "Gym" location available on the city map.
- Fixed a bug due to which the location interaction "Exercise on the horizontal bars" did not fit in the button area, due to which there was an extra line transition.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur while leveling the stamina attribute.
- Fixed an issue that could cause mail to be reset in the Patreon сode field after restarting the game.
List of changes on BugFix3 for version 943:
- The android version of the game has a display icon again.
- Reduced the chance that a randomized NPC will offer your character a sexual encounter for money. In addition, the chances of some other events that dropped too often have been reworked as well.
- Now, when selecting a recipe book in any of the libraries, you will be able to learn the recipes in one interaction if desired, instead of entering ingredients alternately in the corresponding interface.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception was thrown during the pumping of any attributes of your character.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur during the Barneybald's event.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when interacting with a randomized NPC who cared about your character's appearance.
- Fixed a bug due to which some scenes with sexual contact with randomized NPCs could overlap each other.
- Fixed a bug due to which the event with escorting a randomized female NPC home could drop not only at the "Academy Entrance" location.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur during the RNPS kiss scene if your character is wearing 3 or 4 clothing sets.
- Fixed some engine errors after upgrading to a new version, which were caused due to the changed syntax of some parts of the code compared to older versions.
- Fixed a bug due to which the ability to change gender could work incorrectly in the menu for editing the appearance of your character.
List of changes on BugFix4 for version 943:
- The game settings menu has been improved, existing errors and shortcomings in it have been fixed, and the navigation system on it has been slightly improved in general, as some unnecessary buttons have been removed from there.
- Now, when pumping eloquence, the indicator that was before the attribute increase is taken into account, which is why the total indicator of points needed for pumping is saved taking into account the formula after, again, its increase.
- Randomized female NPCs visiting you are now 100% likely to turn off due to sleeping pills, and get 100% awake from caffeine use.
- The chance of dropping events that require luck has been reduced to 0.4 percent. In addition, some other conditions for their dropout have been changed, and some parts of the code have been moved to a function in order to simplify the creation of such events in the future.
- Slightly improved and edited the game icon displayed on android devices.
- Drop rate for the Lost Money event has been lowered due to the increased conditions required for such an event for randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception while leveling your character's eloquence.
- Fixed a bug due to which the "Ladies' man" indicator was not taken into account when pumping the attribute of eloquence.
- Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs with changed skin color did not display teeth or some other details in the smile/mouth.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when using the "Search for a character" function, the incorrect name of a randomized NPC could be displayed in the text. Not the one whose name was in the search.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was possible to find the leader of the hooligans using the "Search for a character" function, due to which the player could get into an endless loop from which it was difficult / impossible to get out.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when playing scene 69 with randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was possible to remove the stockings from a randomized NPC during sexual contact even when they were not wearing them.
- Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs with the "Wear only closed clothes" rule enabled could wear revealing outfits.
- Fixed a bug due to which the event in which your character is accused by hooligans of excessive violence on their territory could fall out with incorrect conditions. Now the event itself requires the player to have some indicator of "Hooligan Reputation".
- Fixed a bug due to which the event with bullying by randomized NPCs over your character could not fall out or, on the contrary, fall out too often, going from one extreme to another.
- Fixed a bug due to which the events with a call to fight, bullying, and exhibitionism from randomized NPCs had the same initialization variables, due to which they were mutually exclusive events.
- Fixed a bug due to which the facial contours of female randomized NPCs with the third basic type of face overlapped each other, thereby creating a graphical bug.
- Fixed a bug where the arms covering the chest of randomized female NPCs could move back a couple of pixels, creating a gap in that character's sprite.
- Fixed some issues and bugs that occurred when editing the average attribute value among randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in the English translation of the game, in some places with a text input field, one could not be displayed at all.
- Fixed absolutely all the flaws regarding the non-displaying text in the English translation of the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which, during the selection of something in the gameplay during events, there could be no selection at all, due to which the game would cycle in one place.
List of changes on BugFix5 for version 943:
- Some libraries for the game engine have been updated, which will improve the performance of the game in some areas, as well as in general and in general will give more scope for the development of game content.
- A new cheat code has been added to the list of cheat codes - 'code'. With it, you can make independent requests to the game scripts.
- Fixed a bug due to which the names could be mixed up in the event, which concerned the interaction of randomized NPCs with each other in events with 18+ content.
- Fixed a bug that caused the button with Ayano Yoshida in locations to display incorrectly when the relationship with her increased.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was possible to get into the location of the gym during its closing. In addition, now that the hall is closed, there is no way to get in at all.
- Fixed a bug where progress in the diary regarding the quest with Yuki Oota and her agitation could be reset when the totals reached the required values.
- Fixed bugs due to which the progress in the quests with Yuki Oota in the diary could be displayed incorrectly, as well as tips in it.
- Fixed a bug due to which, on some types of clothes with a changed skin color, a randomized NPC could have some graphical bugs.
- Fixed a bug where in the editor, when changing a character from the list, they always had only one eye color - white. Now everything is generated as it should be.
- Fixed a bug due to which the ticker could remain on the screen with modifications when abruptly switching there from the main menu.
List of changes on BugFix6 for version 943:
- The icon displayed for the game on android devices has been changed.
- The modification menu has been modified: it now displays the path where the files are being downloaded, the interface itself and its appearance have been slightly improved.
- Now, if any of the functions is not intended for a specific device, and it can cause errors, it will simply be hidden from the possibilities.
- The screen that appears at the very beginning when starting the game on android devices has been changed.
- The interface of the main menu has been slightly changed. More attention is focused on the necessary things, less on the less necessary. In addition, the interface of the subscriber's patreon cabinet has also been changed - it was completely made from scratch with the ability to enter text, disable many functions, and in general with a significant improvement in this whole feature.
- Now, when you enter the subscriber's patreon menu, you will automatically connect to the correct game servers so that there are no exceptions when using certain functions in it.
- New features have been added to the subscriber's patreon account: changing paths, changing the entered mail and some other features.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur after changing the gender of a randomized NPC to male from female if it had 13 or 14 eye colors.
- Fixed an issue where lines of text would not wrap during some elections, creating a graphical glitch.
- Fixed a bug due to which the application icon on Android devices could have an incorrect position, hiding some elements outside the screen border.
- Fixed a bug due to which gestures did not work when transferring a save from PC to Android.
- Fixed a bug due to which letters overlapped each other in the running line in the main menu on some Windows devices.
- Fixed a bug due to which the ticker had the effect of chewing on some of the stages of its display.
- Fixed a bug due to which it could not show the time of the gym when hovering over it on the map.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when calculating the appearance of a randomized NPC in the RNPS editor, the whole of it was not taken into account.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to import the academy in any way. A lot of errors were thrown. In addition, the code for this system has been refactored to be much more stable.
- Fixed a bug due to which a randomized NPC could spawn the wrong shape of a face / nose etc, intended for a different gender / already removed from the game altogether.
- Fixed a graphical flaw, due to which, when a patron code was entered, the transparency around the icon with the "patreon cabinet" changed.
- Fixed a bug that caused the patreon subscriber icon to appear as soon as the @ sign appeared in the field, while the same icon did not work properly.
- Fixed a bug due to which in some moments the main menu of the game could simply disappear after several transitions to it, which is why it was necessary to restart the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when opening the Patreon code input field, the extra interface from the main menu of the game did not close.
List of changes on BugFix7 for version 943
- Now, to play on MAC and Linux devices, it is not necessary to enter a separate Patreon code. Now just enter your email in the input field.
- Fixed a bug due to which some online functions did not work on MAC and Linux devices.
- Certain Python libraries for the game engine have been updated, which fixes some bugs and also improves game performance.
- Fixed a bug that caused the authentication code to run slowly. Now it works a little faster.
- Fixed some possible exceptions that could be thrown during game launch in a number of cases.
Lest you think that the bugfix came out too small, we’ll say right away that for the sake of it we redid more than half of the changes made in the engine and reworked some individual Python libraries to make everything work as it should. The main goal of this particular bugfix is to make the game work on Linux and MAC devices, so right now there may be certain errors on these devices. The game, for example, can run with varying success on MAC devices with Apple Silicon processors, as well as on Linux with unusual shells. In general, we are working on the stability of these versions, so in the near future everything will work as it should, even in public versions - even in them, mail input, online installation of modifications, as well as cloud saves will be available.
List of changes on BugFix8 for version 943
- Improved the code responsible for authentication: it has become more efficient and less confusing.
- Some rudimentary files that are no longer used in the game have been removed.
- Now instead of potential exceptions where they shouldn't be, there are notifications about what is preventing the game from working properly. - Especially for this, notifications were made, an interface was made for them and a separate system.
- Added new parsers to the appearance calculation function, which fixes some potential errors in the generation and post-generation of randomized NPCs.
- Now the "Go to class" button is not available in absolutely any classes - it disappears when your character enters a location.
- More animations have been added to the game interface.
- Fixed a bug related to the incorrect scrollbar in the main menu of the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the game itself, when you enter the wrong code, you were directed to the wrong links for help.
- Fixed issues that caused no tooltips to come out at some points.
- Fixed bugs, due to which, in some cases, exceptions in the game could fall out in an incorrect way, showing the wrong line / error etc.
- Fixed a bug that could cause you to jump to the wrong location from anywhere, which could cause your character to get stuck in an endless loop.
- Fixed a bug related to incorrect generation of breast size, where unnecessary files were added in the path.
- Fixed a typo in the phrase when working part-time in the temple when playing in Russian.
- Fixed a bug that could cause paths to become incorrect when playing on Windows devices.
For version 943a:
- The ability to download modifications using the game has been added. All you need to do now is go into the game, into the folder with modifications and click "download modification", after which this modification will be downloaded from the internal path. At the moment, the feature is only available to Patreon subscribers of the Super Best Friend ($25) level and above.
- A new feature has been added - cloud saves. Now you can make cloud saves at any time by enabling this feature in the subscriber's patreon account. All your saves in automatic mode will be loaded as soon as you go to the "Cloud" tab in the downloads. You can transfer saves in this way from an android to a PC device and vice versa, playing from the desired save at any time. All your saves are stored on a remote server and become available as soon as the subscriber's patreon mail is entered. This feature is currently only available to Super Best Friend ($25) and above subscribers.
- Improved performance for cross-platform saves: now when transferring one save to different devices on which the game is available, those will work more stable.
- Added Discord Integration: You can now turn on the option to display what you are playing while playing, and it will appear on your discord profile with all available information, starting with where your character is and what he is doing. This feature can be disabled, and the setting during the launch of the game will be responsible for it.
- An option has been added to the subscriber's patreon menu - creating a new root folder for the game. With this feature, you will be able to make a path for modifications outside of the game, anywhere on your device.
- Now the screen at the very beginning of the game with the choice of language appears much more smoothly on the screen, without strange choppy animations.
- New features have been added to the subscriber's patreon account: now you have a choice of common standard paths/driven in by you personally, as new root directories, when driving any paths into the input string.
- Now a modification with an example of how to generally make modifications to the game is not displayed in the lists. It's still in the files.
- Now, when you enter something in the text input line, it automatically adjusts to the field on which you are entering.
- Added even more hints in case an exception should have been thrown.
- Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs could not have any part of the set of clothes when hovering over them and for no reason (tendency to exhibitionism and other factors).
- Fixed a bug with flying hands at the 5th position of the hands in the randomized NPC activity menu.
- Fixed a bug with flying hands at the 6th position of the hands in the randomized NPC activity menu.
- Fixed a bug due to which, at some points in the game, it was possible to see the underwear of a randomized NPC in the activity menu with him.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the beach event to award the wrong number of credits for winning. In addition, in general, certain conditions have been fixed in order for the event to work as it should.
- Fixed a bug due to which when opening the folder with modifications through the main menu, a crash could occur if the Patreon code was not entered before.
- Fixed a bug that caused the early access warning window to pop up multiple times in the character creation menu
Get School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game
Status | In development |
Author | Kaito |
Genre | Visual Novel, Role Playing, Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, Sandbox, Singleplayer |
Languages | English, Russian, Chinese |
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