Released 0.945 version

So, dear friends, a month has passed, it's time for the release of the update. We, as always, were actively working on the game, creating new content and doing everything to make it more replayable, more stable, and also as interesting as possible for you. For this, new mechanics, systems and events were created - all this together will create the desired picture. However, we will not hide the fact that the foundation of this update was to improve stability in the game. In this update, we fixed just as many bugs as in the previous update, which definitely shows our interest in creating stability. However, we are united not only by fixing bugs and refactoring: new mechanics have been added. For example, we have added a new sex system mechanic with randomized NPCs, which will do everything to make your “sexual relations” with given characters as interesting and productive as possible. Especially for her, an interface, animations and many other things were made - this whole system will be constantly refined and something new will be added to it. Well, now you can fully test it in the 945 update. In addition, arm wrestling has been added, a new RNPS mini-game, many new interactions, certain changes in story characters, new mechanics such as searching for ingredients and creating "potions" - a huge number of interesting mechanics are waiting for you.
New content:
- The plot was modified in some places related to Azumi: certain adjustments were made to the development of events, points related to the conditions of event dropout were reworked, text was edited in certain places so that there were no logical errors.
- The plot with Yuki Oota was modified in some places: new choices were added, old and irrelevant ones were removed and edited, in some places the text of story events was edited and updated.
- When having sex with randomized female NPCs, you now have the choice of having sex with a new type or an old one. When choosing the first option, instead of the usual sexual contact, there will be a separate interface with a choice of positions, tempo, and various other options for editing the scene. In addition, in this interface, all scenes are relatively animated, there is no text and nothing superfluous - only the most important thing. The old type implies sexual contact, as in novels - with text and long sexual intercourse.
- The system of sexual contacts with randomized female NPCs has been changed: an indicator of general fatigue has been added, depending on the indicator of your sexual experience, this very indicator of fatigue requires the player to change postures, and if it is exceeded, your character is thrown out of the stage. Now, in case you want long 18+ scenes with randomized NPCs, physical attributes alone are not enough - you also need sexual experience.
- Added a new storyline with a randomized NPC, which is knocked out in the forest location with some chance. It can give out ingredients and some potions.
- Added a new 18+ scene that is displayed during some events with randomized NPCs.
- Now, if you talk to a female character who is in the toilet, your character will be shown a new separately drawn scene where she is doing her business in the toilet stall. This scene takes into account all the features of the appearance, the clothes worn on the RNPC, underwear, and even moles with skin color.
- A new interaction has been added to the interaction menu with randomized female NPCs - jerk you off. In this case, if the RNPС agrees, it will be a street scene with its own text and its own outcomes.
- A new interaction has been added to the interaction menu with randomized female NPCs - masturbate in front of me. In this case, if the RNPС agrees, it will be a street scene with its own text and its own outcomes.
- New details have been added to the petting sex scene with randomized female NPCs: clothing that is displayed when necessary.
- Now, randomized male NPCs can add beards, of which there are more than a dozen different types and shapes, in the RNPС editor: classically they do not spawn on them, however, they are in the editor.
- Wrinkles can now be added to randomized male NPCs in the RNPС editor: they do not automatically spawn on them, however, they are in the editor.
- Added a system of hints: now, if the RNPC is talking about something romantic with a noticeable hint / implication, he will agree to this interaction in any case with one hundred percent probability.
- The system of romantic relationships with guys has been improved: now, if the main problem is in orientation, it is immediately mentioned, if in general relationships, the same thing. Also, they have more text and some big takeaways.
- Added a new 18+ scene for randomized male NPCs - blowjob scene. It also takes into account multiple roles for your character.
- Added a new interaction with randomized NPCs - arm wrestling. Especially for him, a mini-game was made with its own interface and systems. The interaction itself improves the relationship with the RNPC with which the interaction is going on, and also increases the physical attributes.
- Added a new possible interaction available for randomized NPCs - invite to your home. It is shown in neutral categories.
- Now, when choosing a skin color in the point generation change mode, the names of the skin colors are highlighted in different colors that match the specified shade.
- The system of sleep, energy for it, hunger and other moments was rebalanced: now energy will not be given to the maximum available level for inadequate sleep, depending on the number of hours spent on the bed, more energy will be given out, but for the maximum available you will need to sleep at least 7 hours.
- Improved the "Doggy Pose" scene. Added a little more emotes and editable markups in the middle of the scene itself.
- A new major mechanic has been added to the game - alchemy and potions. Now in the forest outside the city, you can collect ingredients and make potions of your choice, which each in their own way will improve your character and give him new abilities. There are about a dozen potions in the game, and three dozen ingredients. This diversifies the gameplay and will give a greater incentive to explore the in-game world.
- Now, when answering your character via phone, the busyness of a single randomized NPC is also taken into account - if he is busy with something important, he will tell you to call him back later.
- Now, along with the modifications, you can install the directories attached to them. This will give modders more versatility when creating mods.
- Mods now download in multi-threaded mode: there are no friezes while they are downloading. Everything will happen in the background.
- A new feature has been added for downloading mods via the internet: the Mod Downloader. It distributes modifications by itself when you click "download modification" into the queue, which is why you don't have to wait for another to download one modification.
- Now the progress of downloading a modification via the Internet is displayed in the description of the modification itself under the line “Progress download”.
- Added links to telegrams in the main menu of the game. Now the transition there is available directly from the interface.
- Added new possible activities for randomized NPCs that your character can interfere with, while having events on the screen that decide the fate of your character and randomized NPC.
- Now, the formula for calculating the success of answering a call also takes into account the level of fear of a randomized NPC: the higher it is, the more likely this very randomized NPC will answer.
- A new location for a possible transition has been added to the city map - a martial arts hall. In it, your character will be able to box and increase combat experience, while not participating in fights.
- A new sub-location has been added for the academy location - a secret corner. Your character's classmates gather there for certain interactions.
- New sub-locations have been added to the "academy" location: men's and women's toilets.
- New sub-locations have been added to the "mall" location: men's and women's toilets.
- A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for moving through locations using the map interface has been carried out: the academy location identifiers have been improved, the transition itself is carried out with a large number of conditions, which will fix errors associated with this very transition, and the number of RNPC shown in the interface, their the score becomes much more accurate.
- Added new settings for editing accessories on randomized NPCs: settings for hairpins, chains and bracelets on the left/right hand.
- It's now a little easier to level the physical stamina attribute of your character: every interaction that reduces limb health by a significant amount in any way has a small chance to increase that attribute.
-Added more locations that require time for your character to navigate through.
- Now in the field for entering paths for downloading online modifications / cross-save, the ability to insert text is available.
- Meiko is no longer displayed in the occult club interface during “Uprising” events.
- Now the phone number of a randomized NPC can be taken under "threats", and not just having a good level of relations with him.
- Improved the health formulas for the fear mechanic on randomized male and female NPCs. Fear now has a much greater impact on interactions that it previously had less of an impact on. In addition, the randomized NPC's courage score now has a greater influence on this.
- Added a new location that can be visited during street 18+ scenes - forest.
- Added a new possible interaction with randomized NPCs - friendly sparring. In it, you will be able to fight safely without losing any relationships with randomized NPCs, but only in the locations of an abandoned factory, forest, alley, and some others.
- Added new possible locations for movement in the "Walk to..." interaction: forest, martial arts hall, lane.
- The consequences for your character entering the women's locker room, while learning about it, are now much higher: firstly, his academic performance decreases, and secondly, the indicator of relations with all the RNPs that were in the locker room at that time decreases. In addition, entering the women's locker room itself has become much less critical than before, and relations with the RNPC are not so much "killed".
- Now, when opening a map of the in-game world, the focus is transferred to the middle of this very map, where there are most locations, and not the beginning, where there is one beach.
- Now, instead of the swipe control setting on PC devices, the discord integration control setting is displayed in the game settings interface, on the first page.
- A map icon has been added when opening the city map interface, with which it is possible to close this interface in the old way.
- Removed some old rudimentary functions/sections of code.
- A new editing feature has been added to the point generation interface: skin color. With it, you can edit the generator so that the skin colors you need are simply not generated.
- In the fight menu after defeating a randomized NPC, an explanation of what gives this or that interaction, such as threats/beating, etc., now appears.
- The artificial intelligence of randomized NPCs has been significantly improved: the determinant of their current activity, changing their taste preferences in clothes has been improved. Now they change their taste preferences not right on the street, but at home, changing clothes at the same time. The activities themselves now depend on the number of NPCs in the locations, who they communicate with, and other factors that depend on each other.
- Improved the dialogue system with randomized NPCs: new reactions were added when one is your guest, more conditions were generally added for the manifestation of these same reactions to improve the effect of immersion in the game.
- Fixed certain inconsistencies in the story with Ayano Yoshida: removed certain events, redid some old ones that did not fit her character, cut out certain interactions that negatively affect the game experience.
- Ayano Yoshida from the interaction menu now has a 95 percent maximum chance of agreeing to any interaction, and a 5 percent minimum chance of rejection. There will be no more such problems with exorbitant interest.
- Any fights on Easy difficulty no longer apply debuffs to your character's attributes.
- Added more validation functions to fix some data generation/initialization errors.
- A minor code refactoring was carried out regarding the display of male randomized NPCs: unnecessary code sections were removed, new ones were added that calculate high probabilities, many bugs were fixed with their display.
- Improved data transfer to the group activity interface: now there should not be such that the data did not have time to calculate, because of which sometimes the text could be traced "Conversing with No No", etc.
- Slightly improved the code responsible for limb damage to your character.
- Now, when playing in English, unnecessary links to the game, where there are Russian-language sources, are not displayed.
- The system for transferring and initializing initial data by the game has been changed: the system has become more stable, which causes fewer errors and works a little faster.
- Now, if a randomized NPC is already wearing glasses, the "Wear glasses" rule will be executed, due to which, on top of one accessory on this very RNPC, another one will not be put on, on the same slot, overlapping each other.
- Fixed a bug where the skin color during the side sex scene with randomized NPC girls could display incorrectly in some areas.
- Now, in order not to confuse the player, the story NPCs on the phone have only one function - to call. SMS and information board that did not work with them are automatically hidden when using these contacts.
- Now absolutely all sexual scenes with randomized NPCs increase their vulgarity in quite significant quantities.
- Ayano Yoshida's apartment has been moved a bit further down the map to avoid missclicks.
- Now absolutely every pose where your hero “ends up” counts towards the total number of ejaculations, which is why it will no longer be possible to spam the same scene over and over again.
- Now, when you click on any contact in the phone, the information menu about it permanently opens without unnecessary gestures towards the information button.
- Now the discord integration module does not work permanently with your game, recording its different moments in the game console.
- Now, if mini-games are disabled during mini-games, they will be skipped naturally.
- The "Character stuck" option now takes you not to the park area, but to the main character's room.
- Now any dialogue and selection of rules closes this very menu with rules, which will fix many bugs associated with this.
- Changed the conditions for the achievement "I am a programmer" to drop. It now drops if your character has more than 200 programming points in skills.
- Removed some rudimentary features that did not work correctly and were not needed by the game at this stage of its development.
- All settings from the "General" category are now permanent data that is saved even if a new game session is created.
- The "Ask for a phone number" interaction has been moved to a neutral interaction category to make it easier to work with the interface.
- The existing interactions, the formulas for responding to the success of these interactions, and in general some of the mechanics associated with them have been improved. Now there is no such thing in the game, because of which you may experience some "illogicalities", in the dialogues there is a little less randomness and other moments that could negatively affect the gaming experience.
- The maximum satiety/energy/achievements system has been redesigned. Now all this is calculated not in game locations and actions, but constantly in the game time calculation function, which will correct some of the shortcomings associated with calculations.
- Improved the emotion modifier module for randomized NPCs, making it more stable, and fixing possible bugs it causes.
- Now, when opening the purchase interface in the grocery store, all other unnecessary interface is closed so as not to distract the player from the main action.
- Now for the fact that your character makes potions, he can get experience.
- Improved certain animations in some of the game's interfaces to be smoother and less jagged, making the game more immersive and more pleasing to the eye.
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed a bug where a low chance exception could be thrown after starting a new game due to certain data initialization errors.
- Fixed a bug that caused the inventory to open without any animations.
- Fixed an issue where adding an item to the cart from the grocery store UI could cause it to disappear for a couple of milliseconds.
- Fixed a bug due to which, after moving to any location, the main activity menu with randomized NPCs was opened, which could cause certain misunderstandings.
- Fixed a bug due to which the button to enable / disable discord integration was not shown when playing in English.
- Fixed a bug due to which screens of scenes with randomized NPCs could not close after going to the interaction menu with RNPС, which is why they simply overlapped everything.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the event with randomized female NPCs with hugs, absolutely no scene was shown.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when displaying any scenes with randomized NPCs, they could not be closed in certain cases, due to which they were superimposed on top of other scenes / sprites and other moments.
- Fixed a bug where any RNPC could be made to do things for you, even if you had a significant lack of relationship/speech and other requirements.
- Fixed a bug due to which, even if the interaction was positioned that the randomized NPC left you, it would still open a dialog box, and not redirect to the location that your character was last in.
- Fixed a bug due to which, for the negative impact of interactions with RNPС, they did not always remove relationship points from you and your character.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown when inviting a randomized NPC to your home.
- Fixed a bug due to which some interactions with RNPС removed the relationship values that they should not remove.
- Fixed a bug due to which there were inscriptions near the name in the RNPС biography menu that were not needed.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in English, the "adjust skin tone" button was not displayed in the point generation mode of the game session.
- Fixed a bug due to which the "Show RNPС gender tag" button was reset after each re-entry into the game session.
- Fixed a bug due to which when opening a diary from the interface for changing clothes for your character and when you go to the page with "acquaintances", your character's sprite moved to a different part of the screen.
- Fixed a bug due to which, after playing cards on the computer, your character, when opening the clothing editing menu, could be in a different part of the screen, and not in the middle where it should be.
- Fixed a bug due to which limb health could not be restored after the end of sleep, if there was one at the beginning of the game day.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception during a park event that was related to horizontal bars.
- Fixed a bug where programming did not consume limb health, and could also be done even when your character had very low head health.
- Fixed a bug due to which, after events at your house, if at that time there was a transition just the same to your house, your character was transferred to the location where you were before.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown in some specific cases in the randomized NPC editor.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown when opening the club management menu in some specific gameplay scenarios.
- A bug has been fixed, due to which, if there was nothing in the input field for the alarm time, an exception was thrown.
- Fixed a bug due to which some locations on the map in the game were displayed incorrectly when playing in the English translation of the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which some locations were not displayed in the list of sublocations during the passage of the game in the English translation of the game.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown in some specific cases when moving from locations to events with randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to get into some locations during their opening for some time, even if the in-game time matched the schedule on the map.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur during the "shells" and "even/odd" events for some choices.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown during the grocery store mini-game in some scenarios.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was possible to click the "Character Stuck" function from the main menu of the game, which led to exceptions and the inability to continue the game further.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur if the game couldn't find the "Maximum Satiety" setting for your character in a game session.
- Fixed a bug where the maximum satiety level could fluctuate throughout the game due to strange circumstances due to the game not initializing certain variables required for rendering.
- Fixed a bug where feeding through the refrigerator and the "cooking" interface could lower the overall satiety level if it was near the maximum level, and not vice versa increase.
- Fixed a bug where the overall level of achievements could change depending on different circumstances, despite the fact that the actually completed achievements were at the same level at that moment.
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to add an RNPС to the favorites list via the interaction interface if it had too low a relationship level with your character.
- Fixed a bug where it was not possible to add/remove rules to randomized female NPCs if they had too low a relationship level with your character, which had a negative effect when playing the role of a bully.
- Fixed a bug due to which, even if the RNPС with which your character communicates said that he was leaving in the event that occurs when the interaction starts at low relations, the interaction menu with him would still open, although it should have been redirected to the location, where your character was before.
- Fixed a bug that caused selections to appear above your character's sprite in a scene with randomized Doggy Pose NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which the achievement "I am a programmer" could not drop in your game session.
- Fixed a bug that caused Randomized Missionary NPCs' scores to be lower in layers than hair, causing them to display incorrectly in a certain scene.
- Fixed a bug that caused nipple piercings to appear in the 18+ scene with randomized female NPCs in side pose, even when they shouldn't have.
- Fixed a bug due to which tattoos were incorrectly displayed in an 18+ scene with randomized NPCs, in a side pose.
- Fixed a bug due to which an incorrect beard was displayed in an 18+ scene, pose 69, with randomized female NPCs.
- Fixed a bug that caused nipple piercings to display incorrectly in an 18+ scene with randomized NPCs, doggy pose.
- Fixed a bug due to which the inclusion of the function "Disable mini-games" made the checkbox enable and on the function "Character stuck" in the game settings.
- Fixed a bug due to which events in your apartment took you at the end not to the apartment itself, but to the location where your character was before.
- Fixed a fundamental bug due to which some events were too frequent, and others did not come across at all in the game session.
- Fixed a bug due to which an event with a certain NPC could occur even when it was not at the location.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when auto-feeding was on, your character literally ate the entire refrigerator, and after that, satiety from 800 could be reset to normal, but the food would not return.
- Fixed a bug due to which the "Main Menu" button was displayed in the settings menu, even if you opened this same settings menu from the main menu. However, this button was not even clickable.
- Fixed a bug due to which the "Temple" location in the background could be displayed incorrectly when interacting with randomized NPCs from other locations and/or when searching for them while they were in the temple.
- Fixed a bug due to which hunger when changing difficulty through the settings menu from easy to any other would still not be removed after that in the game session.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to be thrown when using the create cross-save folder feature.
- Fixed a bug that caused incorrect positioning of randomized NPCs in text in some group activities.
- Fixed a bug that caused the location of randomized NPCs to be incorrectly positioned in the text in some group activities.
- Fixed an issue where the Randomized NPC Credit Pickup event did not indicate the exact number of credits your character could lose/gain.
- Fixed a bug due to which the event with randomized NPCs, where one loses money and demands them from your character, dropped out too often with RNPs that have a good level of relations with your character.
- Fixed a bug where even if your character incorrectly guessed the answer in the even/odd game, the randomized NPC would say that the answer was wrong, while in the next sentence he would say the opposite.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was possible to call/write/do something to someone using the phone, even if there was not a single number in your number book.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if you open the information board without clicking on any of the contacts, the appearance of the last randomized NPC with whom you communicated was displayed, while you could call / text him, even if you did not have his contact in your notebook.
- Fixed a bug due to which the fatigue indicator could have too large a fractional value in the information table of randomized NPCs, leaving the UI fields with its values.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to be thrown if a randomized female NPC was wearing panties above ID 9 and their masturbation scene was open.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception in the 18+ "Rider" pose with randomized female NPCs if they were bald.
- Minor code refactoring was carried out, which is responsible for phone calls / SMS. Now when you open the phone, the buttons are not displayed permanently, but only when you call a contact. In addition, some repetitions in the code and incorrect points were fixed, complicating general miscalculations.
- The SMS icon was hidden from the player's phone, which opened exactly the same as the call icon. In addition, all interactions there have been sorted out and now the phone itself does not have useless empty fields.
- Now the patreon code or any cheat code can be entered directly on the player's phone, if one has not been entered before.
- The Randomized NPC Appearance Calculation function has been improved: there are more variables that it transmits and changes, fewer errors in calculations and other points that will fix some exceptions during the gameplay.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur in some individual events with randomized female NPCs.
- Fixed a bug that caused an event in a Gym with a randomized NPC to be treated as a regular event, causing the game to not always be able to launch it even if the drop conditions for that event were met.
- Fixed a bug due to which, even if Meiko Tsukasa was expelled from the occult club, she still brought any points and privileges to the club by doing her "job".
- Now, if you click on a location that is closed at the current moment of the day, you will see a notification about this, and not just close the game map without any warnings.
- Fixed a bug where after using the "Walk to..." interaction with a randomized NPC, the interaction screen behind them could be completely black.
- Fixed a bug where in the group activity menu with randomized NPCs, the text "NPC is not busy" could have any number over it.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the English translation of the game some individual activities of randomized NPCs could not be displayed in the interface itself.
- Fixed a bug due to which the correct reaction was not displayed in the reaction panel in the interaction menu of the RNPС while the RNPС was visiting your house.
- Fixed a bug due to which incorrect emotions were displayed in the interaction menu with randomized NPCs while they were visiting your house.
- Fixed a bug due to which your character was not ejected from the map interface, even in case of overload.
- Fixed a bug due to which bold randomized NPCs, on the contrary, were more affected by aggressive actions than cowardly ones.
- Fixed a bug where interacting with the Randomized NPC "Show Panties" would cause it to talk about underwear when it might not have been there at all.
- Fixed a bug due to which, during some interactions with randomized NPCs, the sprite of the male randomized NPC simply did not appear on the screen.
- Fixed a bug that prevented your character from getting an achievement when they asked for a phone number from a randomized male NPC.
- Fixed a bug that caused a randomized female NPC to show their "underwear" in a reaction even if they didn't have one.
- Fixed a bug that caused some "shaving pubic hair" mechanics to work incorrectly on randomized female NPCs.
- Fixed a bug related to incorrect display of underwear with the standard skin color in the masturbation scene.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown when going into the interactions menu with randomized female NPCs with some very low chance of doing so.
- Fixed a bug due to which some incorrect values \u200b\u200bof their height and chest size could be transmitted to the interface for displaying randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when changing facial expressions on randomized male NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could be thrown during interaction with a randomized NPC if its appearance was incorrectly generated: face type.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to be thrown when initializing a randomized NPC's power in the interaction menu in rare cases.
- Fixed a bug due to which, despite the success of the conducted date with a randomized NPC, it was still considered unsuccessful.
- Fixed a bug that could cause Meiko to disappear from the Occult Club UI, making it impossible to continue the story further.
- Fixed a bug due to which, in very rare cases, an exception could occur in the selection menu anywhere and completely by accident, for no reason.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to paste text using keyboard shortcuts on Linux and MAC devices in the Patreon code input field.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game allowed entering the wrong slash in the path for rocking modifications/cross-save.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when choosing the Diligent Student perk at the beginning of a game session, your character was not given character level 10.
- Fixed a bug due to which the scrollbar was not displayed in the accessory settings menu for female randomized NPCs, which made it impossible to exit it on Android devices.
- Fixed a bug due to which some locations of a non-new type were not displayed correctly from the menu for interacting with randomized NPCs.
- Fixed some bugs related to the balance and removal of health to the limbs of your character.
- Fixed a bug due to which, in very rare cases, an exception could occur in the selection menu anywhere and completely by accident, for no reason.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to paste text using keyboard shortcuts on Linux and MAC devices in the Patreon code input field.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game allowed entering the wrong slash in the path for rocking modifications/cross-save.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when choosing the Diligent Student perk at the beginning of a game session, your character was not given character level 10.
- Fixed a bug due to which the scrollbar was not displayed in the accessory settings menu for female randomized NPCs, which made it impossible to exit it on Android devices.
- Fixed a bug due to which some locations of a non-new type were not displayed correctly from the menu for interacting with randomized NPCs.
- Fixed some bugs related to the balance and removal of health to the limbs of your character.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a rare exception to occur when entering the interaction menu with randomized male NPCs.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown when changing gender from female to male in some rare cases.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the diary, on the "Acquaintances" page, it was impossible to click on the buttons with the categories "Achievements", "Profile", "Statistics" and "Skills" due to the fact that the scrollbar simply overlapped them.
- Fixed a bug due to which, in some locations of the academy, an incomplete list of sublocations was displayed. Instead, only a certain part was displayed.
- Fixed a typo in the in-game world map showing Ayano Yoshida's house.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to enter the academy in some special cases using the in-game world map.
- Fixed a bug that caused your character to be kicked out of the academy location at 8:00 a.m. while they were there.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to get out of the map interface after the release of the event where your character is kicked out of the academy location.
- Fixed a bug due to which the event where your character was kicked out of the academy location did not exit at the right time from some locations of the academy.
- Fixed a bug due to which the event where your character is kicked out of the academy location could exit at the wrong time.
- Fixed a bug due to which your character could be kicked out of the academy location when he was in the event dialog.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown when using the inventory interface.
- Fixed a bug due to which the clothing color of randomized female NPCs in the randomized NPC editor was incorrectly displayed.
- Fixed a bug that caused randomized NPCs to have the wrong clothing color when running Best Friend ($10) and above.
- Fixed a bug due to which clothes were given the wrong color of clothes automatically when running a Best Friend ($10) subscription and above.
- Fixed a bug due to which the data with the user's nickname was not transferred immediately to the main menu of the game after entering the user's Patreon code.
- Fixed some bugs related to the incorrect mail identifier in case of incorrect input with certain characters, due to which the game could become unstable.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game could run very slowly if an incorrect Patreon code was entered.
- Fixed a bug due to which the attributes of agility and stamina did not level up at all, despite notifications and attempts by the player to do something with these attributes.
- Fixed a bug with incorrect work of the functions of pumping eloquence and strength.
- Fixed a bug due to which some text from the game was translated into English.
- Fixed a bug due to which some buttons in the interface were not displayed in the English translation of the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the event for "found credits" lost by one of the randomized NPCs, from three to eight hundred credits were given if your character took them for himself, despite the fact that the event text said about one hundred .
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when your character enters some group activities with randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which some events were released too often at the very beginning of the game session.
- Fixed a bug where overlay skin color could incorrectly overlap with some of the mouth layers of randomized female NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which during any interactions after fights with randomized NPCs and their further selection, the level of satiety and energy was not removed.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the "Humiliate" interaction in a fight with a randomized female NPC, it was not displayed at all.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if you move the list to the very bottom in the point generation interface, it was impossible to select any items in the "Breast Size" category.
- Fixed a bug due to which not all clothes were removed from the generation list if the player changed them from the point generation menu.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game after the start of the game session could crash for no reason.
- Fixed a bug that could result in a low probability exception after the start of a game session due to the game not having time to generate all the randomized NPCs before the game started.
- Fixed a bug due to which the randomized NPC that your character communicates with could have some activity at the same time.
- Fixed a bug due to which the activity of a character who interacted with an NPC communicating with your character was not reset at all.
- Fixed a bug due to which the relief on the stomach of your character was displayed incorrectly due to the fact that the game was not receiving data from your character's attributes on the screen.
- Fixed an issue where the wrinkle layer was on top of the beard layer, causing them to overlap incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug due to which the tattoos in the tattoo parlor were not applied to your character at all.
- Fixed a bug due to which your character in the tattoo parlor was completely naked.
- Fixed an issue where the Tattoo/Piercing Remove option in the Tattoo Parlor would warn you that you don't have enough money to get a Tattoo/Piercing.
- Fixed a bug that caused a randomized NPC to appear busy when in fact it was not busy at the same time.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if your character interfered with group activity, one of the randomized NPCs could not be what they should be.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception during some events with the story character "Ayano Yoshida".
- Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to exit the Randomized NPC body settings menu in the RNPС editor due to the lack of a scrollbar.
- Fixed a bug due to which the sex scene with randomized NPCs called "Side Pose" did not show freckles and moles on the randomized NPC sprite.
- Fixed a bug that was kicking your character out of the sexual encounter interaction after the "Side Pose" scene with randomized female NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the scene 18+ with randomized and female NPCs in "Side Pose" did not display accessories (nipple piercing, glasses, choker, etc.)
- Fixed a bug due to which the tattoos were not displayed in the 18+ scene with randomized female NPCs in Side Pose.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception in the "Masturbation" scene of a randomized female NPC if they had "Very Small Breasts".
- Fixed a bug due to which in the 18+ scene with randomized female NPCs in “Masturbation”, accessories (nipple piercings, glasses, choker, etc.), tattoos, appearance features (moles, freckles) and some others were not displayed elements.
- Fixed a bug where in the “Petting You” scene with randomized female NPCs with skin color changes, the skin color of your character's member was also changed.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the 18+ scene with randomized female NPCs in “Petting You”, appearance features (moles, freckles) and some other elements were not displayed.
- Fixed a bug where changing the hairstyle in the randomized NPC editor could change the hairstyle to one that was made for the other gender.
- Fixed a bug with an exception in the 18+ pose scene "69" with randomized female NPCs.
- Fixed a bug with incorrect display of the hairstyle of the randomized female NPC in the 18+ scene of the pose "69".
- Fixed a bug due to which 18+ scene with randomized female NPCs in the "69" position was kicked out of the sexual interaction at all.
- Fixed a bug with white tinted hair shadows during sex scene with randomized NPCs in 69 pose with changed skin tone.
- Fixed a bug with white skin tones around the eye during the sex scene with randomized NPCs in the 69 pose with the skin tone changed.
- Fixed a bug due to which the hairstyle of your character was displayed incorrectly in the sex scene "Pose 69".
- Fixed a bug due to which in the 18+ scene with randomized female NPCs in “Pose 69”, accessories (nipple piercings, glasses, choker, etc.), tattoos, appearance features (moles, freckles), and some other elements of the appearance of the RNPС.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception in the 18+ scene with randomized female NPCs if the “Masturbation” scene was positioned on the screen, and the RNPС had more than 10 sets of underwear.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to be thrown if a randomized female NPC had very small breasts and was wearing any clothing.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to enable cloud saves from the very beginning of the game session for patreon subscribers - it wrote that there was no Internet connection.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to be thrown in some cases when a hair clip/elastic band or other hair accessory was generated on a randomized female NPC.
- Fixed a bug that caused chains/hairpins and bracelets to go beyond the clothing texture.
- Fixed a bug due to which when a randomized NPC refused to have sexual contact with your character, they did not lose relationship and affection points.
- Fixed a bug due to which some sexual interactions with randomized NPCs did not give attachment points at all.
- Fixed a bug due to which sexual contact with randomized NPC guys did not count towards "Sexual Experience" at all.
- Fixed a bug due to which items from modifications were not added to the grocery and online stores.
- Fixed some bugs with function initialization from modification files: now everything works as it should.
- Fixed a bug due to which the information board was displayed even while using story contacts in the phone interface.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to be thrown when calling randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown in some cases when clicking on group activities of randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which the 3rd and 4th set of clothes for randomized male NPCs were not displayed in the kiss scene.
- Fixed a bug that caused the kiss scene with a randomized female NPCs to display the wrong body type for your character.
- Fixed a bug related to incorrect rendering of your character's appearance during scenes with randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the sex scene with petting absolutely no physique on the part of your character was taken into account.
- Fixed a bug that left a rudimentary "Face Shape" setting for Randomized Male NPCs in the Randomized NPC Editor that didn't change anything.
- Fixed a bug due to which the color of the skin near the lips did not change during the 18+ missionary scene with randomized NPCs with changed skin color.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur during playback of a petting scene on your character by randomized female NPCs.
- Fixed a bug with the display of clothes and their shadows in the masturbation scene with randomized female NPCs.
- Fixed an issue with hair shadows in the masturbation scene with randomized female NPCs.
- Fixed a bug that caused the incorrect base hairstyle to be displayed in the masturbation scene. Not the one that the randomized NPC had.
- Fixed a bug that caused the randomized NPC's hair color to be incorrect in the masturbation scene.
- Fixed a bug that caused the mod menu to open without any animation.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown at the end of any group activity with randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug that could exit due to some generation errors when entering the interaction menu with a randomized male NPC.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown when kissing a randomized NPC that had hair type 1 or 3.
- Fixed a bug due to which scenes with kisses and douches were not always closed after the end of these very scenes, causing some discomfort for the player and hiding a separate part of the content from him.
- Fixed a bug due to which scenes with kisses and douches were not always closed after the end of these very scenes, causing some discomfort for the player and hiding a separate part of the content from him.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in the English translation of the game, extra and rudimentary buttons were displayed in the main menu of the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which links to patreon were not displayed in the English version of the game in its main menu.
- Fixed a bug due to which the username, when connected to your Patreon account, could not be displayed immediately, but only when the game was restarted.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to fail to launch in some regions and simply crash on launch.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception if your character was wearing a new set of clothes.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown when using a costume dacha on a randomized NPC.
- Fixed a bug due to which items added with the mod did not work.
- Fixed a bug due to which the function that calculates the weight of items with / without modifications worked incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug due to which the function that calculates the weight of items with / without modifications worked incorrectly.
- Fixed a bug that occurred when initializing the appearance of a randomized NPC that was in some kind of costume.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to download modifications for absolutely no role of the patreon subscriber.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception at the very beginning of the game during the start of the game session.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception was thrown during the event with a horizontal bar in the park.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when using the “Find Character” feature.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur during sexual contact with a randomized male NPC that had a third base hair style.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if you go to the gym without a subscription and money, you could stay there forever.
- Fixed a bug that caused the sports top to be considered part of the skirt, which could cause girls in tracksuits to lift non-existent skirt edges.
- Fixed a bug due to which the presence of hairpins / rubber bands and other appearance features was incorrectly considered a game, taking as a basis the basic back hairstyle, which might not have been at all.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a randomized NPC to not have one of the clothing sets, which could cause them to stand naked in the middle of the street.
- Fixed a bug due to which some 18+ scenes with randomized NPCs could display incorrect body types for your character.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the sex scene "Side Pose" with randomized female NPCs, the front part of the hair could not be displayed correctly on the screen.
- Fixed a bug that caused randomized NPCs to wear outerwear that did not fit their chest, which could either fall out of clothing textures or create a push-up effect.
- Fixed a bug with a randomized NPC sprite going over all scene screens and other moments.
- Fixed a bug due to which the color of the skin of the hands was different from the body in the chest pawing scene of a randomized female NPC.
Get School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game
Status | In development |
Author | Kaito |
Genre | Visual Novel, Role Playing, Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, Sandbox, Singleplayer |
Languages | English, Russian, Chinese |
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- Released 0.963 version5 days ago
- Weekly News #15617 days ago
- Weekly News #15527 days ago
- Released 0.962 version36 days ago
- Weekly News #15448 days ago
- Weekly News #15358 days ago
- Released 0.961 version67 days ago
- Weekly News #15279 days ago
- Weekly News #15189 days ago
- Released 0.960 version97 days ago
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Question, what features are missing in the itch version? You make a comment on the game's page about the itch version having lesser features?
As far as I can tell from the context of the paragraph, is that it's just poor wording and actually means that the Itch version is a version or two behind the Patreon version.
This game looks like its gonna be domething truly special. Like even without the nsfw, the actual game looks like its gonna be impressive. I just wish it would stop crashing on my phone. I cant even get into the game long enough to try it in this state.
what's the name of that song that the Unknown Lady and Unknown man sang to convince the "Hero" to join their Religion
This music has been write on our order. You can download it on this link:
Hey, Kaito Devs.
Can you please consider hiring a skilled English writer instead of relying solely on a machine translator? I'm really into the concept of this game, but I think it's high time to bring in real writers who can minimize the errors in each update. The current situation is starting to feel quite absurd! Also, start working on fixing bugs more often as well. Thank you.
I would be happy to hire someone, but such people ask for too heavy sums, which can go to more acceptable things. They literally devour half of all budgets.