Weekly News #124
So, dear friends, another week and a half has passed since the new update was released and the weekly news was released. This is the last news release this month, and then there is only the release of a new full version, however, we are more than sure that you will like what we did, but from this moment, perhaps, we will sum up the results of our voting.
Oddly enough, the overwhelming majority voted for improving the sexual system with randomized NPCs, however, you can be sure that we did not only do that. For many reasons. At a minimum, because if you throw all your energy into the sex scenes, other people working on the game will be idle... However, here we can start talking in more detail about what would be done.
First, randomized NPCs. There are a huge number of small and large changes here. Everyone will find something of their own, but initially - a sex scene. A settings menu has been added to the sex scene with randomized NPCs.
As you can see, two new features have been added: setting where your character will cum, as well as the speed at which your character ejaculates when sexually experienced. These are useful features, especially since we had to modify 50 percent of the current scenes specifically for these features.
In addition, the scenes themselves have been improved - you can now display underwear in the petting scene, and the blowjob scene has been completely redrawn. The only negative is that it is not inserted, but you can see the results of our work in our discord channel.
New events - a huge number of new events have arrived here. Not all of them have 18+ content, however, most of them will complement your gameplay with new stories and, if you're lucky, sexual adventures.
New interaction when a randomized NPC is visiting your character - sit silently. However, here your story can also be replenished with new sexual stories...
Secondly, your character. Here we listened to constant requests, especially since it was not too labor-intensive to do - the opportunity to make your character a futanari.
In addition, page 7 from the old point-to-game session setup interface has been added to the same new character customization. You can see this below:
Thirdly, the plot. And... Here you can make a small remark. We understand that the majority always votes for other things, but at the moment we have expanded the staff, which is small, but can develop this topic every update. It should be understood that the development vector is exactly the one set by you, dear Patreon subscribers, and we fully follow it. This update is a slight exception in terms of plot, because we last worked on it six months ago, and it requires some innovations and updates. However, we assure you that these innovations were not affected contrary to the points won, but were done by our people in their free time.
The first is the continuation of the plot with Suzuki Matsui. Everything is simple here - the thread continued and will tell the story of this character, which was simply interrupted at one point. She wasn't a character that anyone would be interested in, so we started working on her.
The second is the continuation of the romantic thread with Yuki Oota. And here you should understand - this is one of the plot threads that is difficult to knock out. We’ll write here how to knock it out in new updates, but there will be spoilers, so scroll a little further: Do not expel Yuki Oota from the post of head of the student council > confess your love to her > eliminate the manager from the vocal club by any available means without unnecessary contact with him. Soon you will reach the desired branch. With time.
Third, improving and updating the gallery. Yes, now everything works as it should, and with the help of the same cheats you can watch all the scenes we added with story characters.
Fourth, making it easier to drop all story events. Seeing a lot of complaints about how someone can't get a story event, we can't leave it aside...
Fourth, refactoring and bug fixing. Of course, here we can simply post a list of changes, which we will do, but first, we fixed one big fundamental bug in the structure of the game, which will correct many errors and shortcomings. Improved artificial intelligence of randomized NPCs. However, from now on we can show the entire list of changes for this period:
New content:
- The romantic plot with Yuki Oota was continued with certain events telling about her goals and telling about her life. To reach him, you need to confess your love to her after the meeting and successfully progress through her branch.
- The storyline involving Suzuki Matsui was continued. Now, after the events with cards and her training, new events have also appeared that tell about her story. Events have many choices that affect the further progression of the story.
- You can now make futanari in your character editor. In addition, the corresponding settings have been added to this tab - penis size and phimosis. This feature is only available to Best Friend level subscribers and above, and only from your character's female gender page in the Body Customization tab.
- A new small storyline has been added related to the city and its city events. It is already completely finished, and there is also a slight variation in how it could end.
- New events have been added with randomized female NPCs of 18+ orientation.
- Now randomized NPCs can order a beating of your character from hooligans, which is why new events have appeared in the game, where your character will be forced to fight if he does not have the appropriate perks and/or relationships with hooligans.
- A wrinkle customization feature has been added to the new character editor.
- Added a new possible interaction with randomized NPCs when they are visiting your character - sit silently. It can lead to extremely unexpected consequences...
- A new button has been added to the new sex interface with randomized NPCs - settings, where there are settings for the speed of your character's ejaculation, as well as a setting for where he will cum at the end of the scene.
- In the missionary position scene, a new scene ending was added to the new interface for sexual contact with randomized NPCs - outside.
- For all 18+ scenes, new positions have been added to end that same scene. Now, when choosing where to cum: outside or inside, it also takes into account whether your character is wearing a condom or not.
- Bras have been added to the petting scene, which will be displayed on the female RNPC if they are wearing one.
- A page has been added to the new character editor that allows you to fine-tune your gaming session. It is still available to Patreon subscribers at the Best Friend level and above.
- Now randomized NPCs during a dialogue with your character may ask you to move to another location for a conversation with some chance.
- The possibility of random generation has been added to the new editor of your character: now next to the input field for your character's name, there is a button that allows you to randomize your character.
- The model of movement of randomized NPCs across locations on weekdays has been improved: now randomized NPCs spend much more of this time at the academy, especially during school hours. At the same time, instead of abruptly leaving the academy afterwards, they slowly leave it, and by the time it closes, only a few RNPCs remain there instead of a huge pack of all the generated characters.
- Improved system of absenteeism/return to the academy by randomized NPCs. Now such actions are influenced by much more of their individual qualities than before.
- A new public cheat has been added to the game: now, if you enter “azumi” into the console, all the scenes in the gallery with the character Azumi Yoshida will open.
- A new public cheat has been added to the game: now, if you enter “all_scenes” into the console, absolutely all scenes with all available story characters will open in the game gallery.
- The generation function "All RNPCs have different heights" has been removed due to its irrelevance from the menu for point generation of randomized NPCs.
- The generation function "All RNPCs have a new body type" has been removed due to its irrelevance from the menu for point generation of randomized NPCs.
- Now the back button that switches pages of your character editor also works as a back button when editing your appearance. If any settings page is open, you will be redirected to the settings category selection page.
- A check has been added to check whether an event with a randomized NPC meets the conditions, which is why there will no longer be errors related to the incorrect occurrence of events.
- The "No clothes" button now works as a "Put on clothes" button. It displays the state of the function, in which you can either disable the display of clothing or enable it in the new editor of your character.
- Changed and improved some backgrounds that affected Ayano Yoshida's storyline.
- Certain time periods for story events have been changed in order to prevent a potential player from winning a story event for several game weeks under the conditions that he had to win it in the same game week.
- The meeting of the student council, necessary to move forward in the plot, can now take place not only on Friday, but also on Saturday and Sunday, which will eliminate moments of “jam” during the passage.
- Now, if a randomized NPC has low intelligence, their character trait changes to "Stupid". Also vice versa: if a character has more than 31 intelligence units, his character trait will change to any other, except stupid, perverted and some others.
- The module responsible for determining the initiator/initiated has been improved. Now there should be no errors related to the character's appearance during everyday scenes.
- The situation related to memory leaks during long gaming sessions has been improved: for this purpose, certain functions have been added that close and delete unnecessary data, and some screens and labels have been redesigned.
- A function has been added to the game to check for the existence of RGB, which means that if RGB is missing, the game will issue a corresponding warning when the color of the RNPC name changes.
- The initial loading of the game was accelerated on devices with poor internet and/or when playing through devices whose location was too far from the game servers.
- Improved performance in game locations for weaker Android devices: now the delay when going to a location/switching RNPS from the menu is faster.
- A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for opening scenes with story characters was carried out: now all this is opened using functions without unnecessary repetitions in the code, which could cause shortcomings and errors.
- A new potion has been added for possible creation to the corresponding menu - Regeneration Potion. With it, your character will be able to remove scars that he may develop over time.
- A new item has been added to the online store - a bag. By purchasing it, your character will receive twice as many ingredients for going for them.
- New ingredients have been added for possible searching to create some potions.
- Now cheats in the menu for interacting with randomized NPCs, working when you press the F9, F11 and F12 buttons, give not five points, but ten.
- Now your character is no longer kicked off the world map for being overweight if you play on easy difficulty.
- The performance of game servers has been improved: connections are much faster than before. There are more additional servers in case of crashes and/or lack of capacity of one.
- Removed some individual rudimentary pieces of code that were no longer used by the game, however, existed in it due to its use in older updates.
- Changed some individual animations in the new interface for sexual contact with randomized NPCs.
- A button for putting on/removing a bra from a randomized NPC has been added to the new interface for sexual contact with randomized female NPCs.
- Now, when using the new interface with randomized NPCs, if your character cums, he can increase his agility with some chance.
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed a bug due to which the hide interface button in the new sex interface with randomized NPCs did not hide notifications and some other interface details.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if you open a sexual contact through the interaction menu with the RNPC when he is visiting you, the choice of which menu to open would not open: the menu of the new sexual contact with the interface or the old one.
- Fixed a bug due to which some events that required a fight, when escaping from a given fight, sometimes set incorrect results, not taking into account the possible success of this action.
- Fixed a bug due to which a fight in an event with the destruction of a sand castle of a randomized NPC, and in the event of a loss in this very fight, was transferred to the interaction menu with this character.
- Fixed a bug due to which your character could receive a double “reward” for losing/winning in a fight with a randomized NPC.
- Fixed incorrect translation in some places in the game when playing in English.
- Fixed a bug due to which some lines were not displayed at all when playing in English.
- Fixed a bug due to which some buttons were not displayed when playing in English.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could appear on your screen indicating that your email is not registered.
- Fixed a bug due to which the storyline with Ayano Yoshida could not be completed to the end if choosing options that were not the ones that should have been chosen initially.
- Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs could not move through all existing locations in the academy, which created an unpleasant feeling of emptiness in certain places.
- Fixed a bug due to which not all story events would start in certain locations if the conditions required that your character be within the academy location.
- Fixed a bug due to which the variable minutes and hours could have a fractional value, which could result in incorrect movements of randomized NPCs, non-dropping of some events, as well as many other errors.
- Fixed a bug due to which some events with Yuki Oota simply did not waste energy, satiety, and did not even take time, if they happened at all.
- Fixed a bug due to which the cheat code for opening all scenes with Yuki Oota did not open some scenes, leaving the available tabs “empty”.
- Fixed a bug due to which the cheat code for opening all scenes with Yuki Tsukasa did not open some scenes, leaving the available tabs “empty”.
- Fixed a bug due to which in some events with randomized NPCs the incorrect translation was displayed when playing in the English translation of the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which cheats that work on the F9, F11 and F12 buttons in the interaction menu with randomized NPCs did not always work if they were used in certain places.
- Fixed a bug due to which part of the translation of events with phone calls from randomized NPCs was displayed in Russian in the English translation of the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which certain items in the inventory could be mixed up, which created significant confusion and the inability to exit the location if your character was overloaded.
- Fixed an issue where changing gender using your character editor could not work correctly due to some incorrect in-game features.
- Fixed an issue where your character randomizer from the editor would still give your character a male first and last name when changing gender.
- Fixed an issue where if you changed the dictionary, your character randomizer would still give your character a Japanese first and last name.
- Fixed a bug where your character randomizer would only give your character 30 attributes, which was inconsistent with some game balance changes.
- Fixed a bug where paying for a new apartment only increased the debt for it, which made it useless to put money on a deposit and/or pay for it, because over time your character's debt would increase.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when opening the perks tab through your character's diary.
- Fixed a bug due to which the name of the location in the diary in the “Friends” category in the Russian translation of the game had an English translation.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when playing any events from the interaction menu with randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which the skin color of a randomized NPC was not displayed in the information menu when using the phone.
- Fixed an issue that caused your character to be kicked out of the cheat menu into your character's apartment, even if he was elsewhere at the time. In case the cheat menu was opened via the phone.
- Fixed an issue due to which, if you entered a Patreon code in an already running game session, your character could be thrown into your apartment, even if he was in a completely different place.
- Fixed a bug due to which your character could be thrown out of the cheat menu into the randomized NPC editor if he was in a certain location.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur if an event with RNPS was released at the beginning of the game session due to some data unloading.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception was thrown during the start of some events with randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which the English translation of the game might not be displayed when editing randomized NPCs from the RNS editor in the "Phimosis" button.
- Fixed an issue where in the new editor your character could have the "Phimosis" and "Body Hair" settings, even when playing as a female gender that did not initially include these appearance settings.
- Fixed a bug due to which the "No Clothes" setting was actually missing from your character editor when playing as a female, being replaced by the "Legs and Black Top" clothing selection button. In addition, if such a function was turned on, it could no longer be turned off.
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to exit the clothing edit menu in the new character editor. There was simply no back button.
- Fixed a bug due to which the "Pubic Hair" button did not work at all in your character editor. Regardless of the switch, nothing changed.
- Fixed a bug due to which the RNPC could have two indicators of vulgarity, which could differ from each other and which, in general, broke the possibility of developing this attribute.
- Fixed a bug due to which some lines in the RNPS location distribution module did not work properly, causing errors.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if you entered an incorrect RGB to display it in the RNPС name, an error was thrown. Now, instead of an error, this RGB will simply be reset when moving to a location if the game finds such an error.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if you find an abandoned factory through the "Find a Character" function, your character could get stuck in an event where he is not allowed out of the abandoned factory.
- Fixed a bug due to which the “Character Stuck” function from the game settings menu did not work properly: after clicking it and then opening the settings menu, your character was simply transported to the location where your character was stuck before.
- Fixed a bug due to which the appearance of your character in an event where a randomized NPC offers to kiss could be incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where in Suzuki Matsui's storyline she might not call your character back when making certain choices that were inconsistent with the game's choices.
As you can see, we've done a lot of things, however, we'll be putting a lot more together in the next week and a half, so now all that remains is to wait until October 27th, when we'll release a full update and you'll see a lot more content than we've done right now !
Get School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game
Status | In development |
Author | Kaito |
Genre | Visual Novel, Role Playing, Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, Sandbox, Singleplayer |
Languages | English, Russian, Chinese |
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Whens the marry a person and live a long happy life in an isolated forest near a cliffside with a beautiful view over the sunset update?