Released 0.949 version
So, another month has passed since the last update was released. Oddly enough, during this time we have done a huge number of things, but the most important thing we have done is given the opportunity to develop our framework. There are currently over a dozen different mods for the game, which we think is a really good achievement considering that most of them were created this month. Obviously, this is a huge share of content, but let’s also not forget what was done besides this: optimization, the game began to work much faster, a new 18+ scene, a completely new menu of modifications inside the game, continuation of the story with Suzuki Matsui, including introduce new mechanics and systems, as well as much more... This is the largest update for this year, and in general for the entire existence of the game, so instead of long descriptions, you can see the full list of changes below.
You can download modification from our discord channel.
New content:
- The 18+ scene was completely redrawn with randomized “doggy style” NPCs. Now, instead of the old scene, which did not look so good, a new one has appeared, which displays all the appearance features, tattoos, accessories, hair types and other elements of the appearance of the randomized NPCs. It is available from the new menu of sexual contacts with randomized NPCs.
- The interface for downloading modifications from our servers has been completely changed and improved: firstly, the interface itself has become much more beautiful and informative, less “wooden”, animations and other things pleasing to the eye with various details have appeared in it. In addition, it now has a huge variety of possible interactions with modifications, which will greatly simplify their downloading: pages with screenshots of modifications have appeared, dates of their last update have appeared, notifications that you can download a new modification update, a restart button, and much more , which will make it much easier for you to download and select modifications from the existing game library.
- A cohabitation system was created with Suzuki Matsui, which is absolutely unique in its own way for the game: it has a schedule, mood, employment, and you can now interact with it. Each interaction changes greatly depending on her mood, actions. In addition, she now has an "overall relationship level" system that shows her affection for your character. Overall, this will add a huge note of variety after cohabiting with Yuki and Ayano.
- More than 5 new possible events have been added with Suzuki Matsui, which are available when completing a new plot with her: they drop out completely randomly and give out various privileges to your character, which will significantly expand the overall pool of variety in your character’s life.
- A huge number of new settings have been added for your character to change his appearance: customization of accessories, tattoos, piercings, scars, many more settings for clothes, underwear and even body shape. At the moment, your character editor completely replicates the settings of the RNPS editor, which is why you even have the opportunity to use any of the modifications for your character.
- Added a new possible setting for changing eye color: Eye Tint. Due to this feature, a randomized NPC can now have around 1000 shades of eye colors, making the generation pool more diverse. In addition, using this setting you can also change the eye color of randomized NPCs in the editor or change the eye color for your character.
- Now, when starting a sexual encounter with a randomized female NPC, it is now possible to choose not only a hotel and your apartment as the location for the sexual encounter, but also a “right here” feature that allows your character to have a sexual encounter right on the street of the local city. The chance of agreement is affected by the level of courage of the randomized NPC - he must be very brave.
- The ability to select hair shades has been added to the game, bringing the total number of possible colors to over 5,000 variations instead of the previous 16. This is available in the new randomized NPC editor, as well as when generating a new game session.
- Performance settings have been added after launching the game with three presets: "Maximum Performance", "Simulation" and "Full Simulation". Each performance setting significantly affects gaming performance, making it possible to play even on the weakest devices.
- The architecture of activity miscalculations was completely changed, due to which the overall performance of the game in some moments increased by two or more times. Especially for this, all modules related to the activity of randomized NPCs were refactored and finalized. In addition, all memory leaks associated with this have also been fixed, which is why the game will no longer crash during particularly busy moments in the game.
- Quite a lot of documentation on creating modifications in the game was written and also added! This documentation is available in the modifications/doc/ folder in English and you can always open it and read how and what this or that function does.
- The sorting module and event detection were optimized, which made the game load much faster when rewinding time.
- Optimization was carried out on certain points related to reputation among bullies/reputation among peers/opening the menu for interacting with randomized NPCs. Now all this works much faster and, in general, has speeded up the game a little in moments of great tension.
- Now, if any costume/underwear is missing from your character or the second positioning person as a randomized NPC in the scene, any other outfit will be displayed instead, which will correct possible exceptions in this place.
- The system for changing clothes in the randomized NPC editor was completely rewritten, which is why this entire module has become more modernizable and more understandable for the average person.
- A significant refactoring of the code that is responsible for downloading modifications from the game servers was carried out: the code was improved, became more stable, and many features appeared in it, including the creation of directories if necessary. In addition, the loading system itself has been significantly accelerated and improved.
- A new possible function has been added to the framework for creating modifications, with which you can replace game files with files from the modification.
- Now you can log into your Patreon subscriber account using not only your email, but also your nickname in case you can’t use your email.
- Loading time has been accelerated after entering the Patreon code/your nickname in the Patreon login field. With the fast login it now takes about 5 seconds instead of 15, with the standard one about 15 seconds instead of the standard minute with an average Internet speed of 30 Mbps.
- The overall performance of the game has been accelerated: there is much less stuttering in the interface, microfreezes/freezes during gameplay, as well as other unpleasant moments that can ruin the gaming experience.
- Now the settings for interval calculations also affect the activity module of randomized NPCs, which will significantly improve the efficiency of this module.
- Now all autosaves that are made in the game are done using multithreading, which is why the game will no longer freeze for a couple of milliseconds after the end of the day/week/month or when making choices in the story/while entering the interaction menu with a randomized NPC.
- A significant refactoring of the systems responsible for distributing RNPC across locations was carried out: firstly, it now works much faster, secondly, it was moved to a separate function, thirdly, it uses much less data for calculations without loss of accuracy, which will reduce RAM requirements.
- A minor refactoring of the code responsible for determining the modifications available for download was carried out: now this part of the code, firstly, works many times faster, and secondly, does not slow down individual sections of the code.
- The module that is responsible for calculating the overall level of vulgarity in a session has been refactored: now it does not unnecessarily load the system, but acts only when necessary.
- A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for distributing activity to randomized NPCs was carried out: the module works faster and better, and there are much fewer unnecessary mistakes.
- A new possible accessory feature has been added to the modding framework. Especially for it, the entire system related to accessories was redone from scratch, because of which, firstly, the game began to work a little faster, and secondly, more stable.
- The framework for adding underwear has added a special ability to give your underwear a name. In addition, it is now also possible to add underwear for men if you add the gender property to the function.
- A significant refactoring of many systems in the randomized NPC editor was carried out: certain bugs and shortcomings were fixed, self-updating and self-expanding lists with accessories and underwear were added, and in general the interface itself became more modifiable than before.
- The code responsible for downloading modifications has been significantly improved: it now works much more stable, it can create entire directories with files if necessary, and also provides more options for interacting with it.
- New global capabilities were added to the framework for creating modifications: firstly, functions were added to the framework itself that allow you to inject your code directly into game files, which is why a potential modder has the opportunity to completely change the game at his own discretion, starting from plot characters and ending with the plot, secondly, a simple function has been added to it, with the help of which a potential modder will be able to change/add his location backgrounds to the game.
- The display system for absolutely all scenes with randomized NPCs was refactored: bugs were fixed, the stability of the scenes themselves was improved, and everything was done to ensure that they became the cause of game exceptions.
- A game menu has been made with tattoos for your character if he is a girl. Before this, the tattoo parlor was closed, but now it is open and gives you the opportunity to “score” your character if you so desire.
- The randomized NPC is now undressed in advance if you click on "Customize Bra" or "Customize Panties". In addition, now when you exit these menus, the characters return to their clothes.
- Now absolutely all indicators in the RNPS editor are centered in the right corner, which will correct shortcomings when the values went beyond the interface.
- The function that downloads modifications has been improved and updated: it now offers the ability to “update” files without downloading unnecessary, already existing files. In addition, it takes into account the time of the last “changes” within the server, which will give more scope for information.
- There has been a significant refactoring of everything related to downloading modifications, as well as downloading in general: it now works faster, takes into account more factors, and in general there are far fewer reasons for the download to “stop” or abruptly “interrupt”.
- A “Check files” button has been added to the modification download menu, which, if the necessary files are missing, will simply download them.
- The function responsible for removing modifications has been improved: it now works as it should, removing not only initialization files from the game, but also directories with modifications if necessary.
- The system for downloading modifications using our servers has been improved: the connection is more stable, the progress bar showing the download progress, more accurately indicates the number of files for “additional download”.
- Changed and improved some animations in 18+ scenes when using the new sexual contact interface with randomized NPCs.
- In the framework for creating modifications, kwarg functions have been added to certain sections, with the help of which it will be possible to more deeply customize a possible modification, starting from the chances of generation and ending with some specific skin colors.
- The list of modifications in the menu for downloading them using the game itself has been slightly sorted: from largest to smallest.
- Modifications that could break the game by throwing exceptions immediately after downloading have been removed from the ability to download modifications online.
- Work with the Moscow game servers with redirection has been improved three times, which is why entering the game has become more stable, and loading has been accelerated exactly three times. In addition, the requirements for entering the game have also become much smaller than before, which is why there should be many fewer problems with entering the Patreon code.
- The script has been significantly improved, adding the ability to log into the game and the subscriber’s Patreon account into the game, which is why the speed of adding has increased, as has the number of possible platforms for this.
- Modifications that could break the game by throwing exceptions immediately after downloading have been removed from the ability to download modifications online.
- The interface for adding tattoos/piercings for your character has been completely changed to be more practical. In addition, this interface now displays tattoos added by modifications.
- Now the maximum debuff that can be placed on your character's attributes after a fight is 80 percent and cannot go higher than this value.
- Automatic initialization of names and paths to modifications has been added to the framework, which makes this feature more practical and ultimately modifiable.
- The ability to add your own tattoos/piercings for randomized NPCs has been added to the framework for creating modifications.
- A significant refactoring of the systems responsible for tattooing and piercing randomized NPCs has been carried out: now this system works more adequately and better.
- A new kwargs function has been added to the framework's function for adding accessories, due to which the hair of the character wearing this accessory may disappear if necessary.
- In the modification framework, in the function for creating a set of clothes, a new kwarg function was added that allows you to remove the front of the arms if the clothes had too long sleeves.
- Added more possible hairstyles for editing in the editor of randomized NPCs, for males.
- Now the auto-leveling of randomized NPC attributes only applies to the game difficulty "Hard". For other difficulties this mechanic is currently irrelevant.
- New dependencies have been added to the missionary position, which now causes its background to change depending on the location. When having sex in a hotel and your apartment, the background remains the same as it was before.
- The code has been refactored for 18+ scenes with randomized NPCs: now they cause much fewer errors and exceptions, and generally work more stable than before.
- The system for distributing the activity of randomized NPCs has been changed to a more arcade version, in which there will be at least a couple of people at the location who have absolutely no activity.
- A significant refactoring of the system that is responsible for the hair of randomized male NPCs was carried out: now the system completely replicates the female system, which is why it becomes fully modifiable and more functional. In addition, functions have been added to the framework that allow you to add men's hairstyles in your modifications. - The tutorial that occurs throughout the game has been slightly changed. With a guide, with everything you might need.
- Now, if the donor table fails to load once, it will do so at some intervals without affecting the overall performance of the game.
- The overall loading time of the game on the first and subsequent launches has been accelerated: now it happens many times faster. To achieve this, there has been a significant refactoring of the systems responsible for populating the leaderboard, connecting to servers (if possible), as well as many other systems responsible for this. In addition, a significant refactoring of the systems responsible for the initial login to the subscriber’s Patreon account after entering the game was carried out, if one was ever logged in before.
- A minor refactoring and rethinking of the code was carried out, which concerns determining the appearance of a randomized NPC: now, firstly, it works many times faster, secondly, in a more understandable way, thirdly, it has additional functions that affect the stable operation of the game during interaction with RNPC.
- The system for generating/selecting stockings in the randomized NPC editor has been changed. Now it is more flexible and modifiable.
- A new setting has been added to the randomized NPC editor for females: customize swimsuits.
- A new function has been added to the framework for creating modifications: the function of adding your own sets of clothes.
- The example left in the folder as an example for creating modifications has been updated with new details on how to do this, with more possible comments for each function in this editor.
- A minor refactoring of the files responsible for the activity of randomized NPCs was carried out: now the game runs twice as fast when rewinding time, which, in general, will only have a positive effect on the overall load during the gameplay.
- A button has been added to the new randomized NPC editor that allows you to regenerate the selected NPC without any problems using existing algorithms.
- A minor refactoring of the code responsible for generating randomized NPCs was carried out: now it has much fewer errors than before.
- A new function has been added to the modification framework: the function of adding your own swimsuits for randomized female NPCs.
- A new function has been added to the framework for creating modifications: the function of adding your own types of underwear (panties) for randomized female NPCs.
- A new function has been added to the framework for creating modifications: the function of adding stockings/tights for randomized female NPCs.
- A minor refactoring of the randomized NPC editor code was carried out, which is why it, firstly, has fewer errors, and secondly, has a greater number of features.
- A significant refactoring of the systems responsible for generating hair on randomized female NPCs has been carried out. In addition, a new possible feature has been added to the modification framework - adding hair for female randomized NPCs.
- Significant work has been done to optimize the systems associated with the distribution of activity of randomized NPCs, due to which the overall performance of the individual module has improved twofold.
- A new feature has been added to the modification framework: adding bras. Some individual functions were rewritten especially for it so that it functions correctly.
- The system for displaying underwear (panties/bras) in the RNPC editor has been changed to a better way.
- Female NPC is currently wearing has been carried out - now this system works more logically, and there are also much fewer miscalculations in it than before.
- Now, at maximum performance settings, the average number of randomized NPCs is 160, rather than 200.
- Links to SubscriberStar have been added to the game, which are now permanently located in the main menu of the game.
- You can now add an accessory to the "middle" part of a randomized NPC's body, which will display before his clothing, but after the body is created on the screen.
- A new kwarg function has been added to the framework for creating modifications, in the function of adding clothes, with which you can now make “Not for generation” clothes. This will only be displayed in the RNPC editor.
- A minor refactoring of certain aspects of the framework has been carried out: it now works more stable and causes fewer possible errors. In addition, it has become more predictable and understandable for the average end user.
- The system associated with the sleeves of randomized female NPCs has been completely and completely changed: now there are much fewer problems with them, problematic sets of clothes have been corrected and now do not contain unpleasant flaws/bugs. In addition, many other aspects responsible for this part of the game have been significantly improved.
- A significant refactoring of the emotion system was carried out in the sprites of randomized NPCs, which are located in the corner of the screen, before the menu for interacting with them. Now the system is more flexible and allows significant changes in its functionality without unnecessary “modifications”.
- A significant refactoring of the systems that are responsible for the hand system of randomized female NPCs was carried out, which is why their modification has become simpler and more understandable, and the possibilities associated with it have become much greater than before.
- Now the cheat responsible for transferring randomized NPCs to the editor during the game necessarily transfers you to the new editor, and not to the old one.
- The old RNPCs editor was removed from the game due to its current irrelevance.
- The body type system for randomized female NPCs has been completely redesigned. Now it is, firstly, more modernizable, and secondly, it is no longer tied to physical attributes. The body type you need can now be selected in the RNPS editor if necessary.
- Added one new eye shape for randomized female NPCs to the randomized NPC editor.
- Added three new nose types for randomized female NPCs to the randomized NPC editor. They are not generated on them, but are displayed in the editor.
- Now the "Save system tweeks" modification is natively built into the game, which inverts the list of saves in the corresponding menu from newest to old, and also adds quick saves/loads to F5/F9. You can remove it without any problems if it is not necessary for you.
- A new possible function has been added to the framework for creating modifications, with which you can change the possible paths of movement of RNPCs and create new ones if your modification has any location in which they must move.
- A new feature has been added to the framework for creating modifications - adding custom types of noses for randomized female NPCs.
- A new function has been added to the framework for creating modifications - adding custom body types for randomized female NPCs.
- A new function has been added to the framework for creating modifications - adding your own face parts for randomized female NPCs.
- A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for generating the face type for randomized female NPCs was carried out: now this part is more modifiable, understandable and, in general, it now creates fewer possible errors. In addition, the general pool of possible face types for generation has been changed, which is why the general concept of this system changes quite significantly.
- A new possible function has been added to the framework for creating modifications - adding eye shapes for randomized male/female NPCs. Especially for this purpose, the generation and display of this part of the body was refactored and now it is more modifiable and understandable for the end user.
- A new possible function has been added to the download/view downloaded modification menu - viewing the version of the framework, with which you can understand whether the modification will be compatible with your version of the game or not. This will greatly simplify the potential installation of this or that modification.
- Now, if a randomized male NPC smokes, this is shown on his sprite in the activity menu/interaction menu.
- The system for resetting activity when interacting with a randomized NPC has been slightly reworked: now it raises fewer questions and works more logically than before.
- The system of behavior of randomized NPCs has been slightly changed, which is why it now takes more into account their individual characteristics and uses less randomness in this direction.
- Memory "auto-cleaning" is now automatically disabled in performance settings to avoid causing performance issues at certain points in the game.
- A new mechanic has been added to the subscriber's Patreon console - the ability to receive a video recording from Meiko Tsukasa.
- There has been a minor refactoring of the systems responsible for the Meiko photo/randomized NPC system, making it more understandable and less susceptible to changes within the code.
- Now the cost of getting a tattoo/piercing is 5,000 credits.
- A minor refactoring of the code responsible for the interface for changing clothes of a randomized NPC was carried out: now it is more understandable and closer to a new type of interface, becoming more modular than before and modifiable accordingly.
- Now modded clothing that is added to randomized male NPCs is also added to the existing pool of clothing available for your character to equip.
- Now you can replace the color of the “speaker” in the corresponding screen with the text of the box in which the event text is displayed.
- Added a new set of clothes for randomized male NPCs to the generator/interface for changing your character's appearance: without clothes, as well as underpants.
- A significant refactoring of the system that is responsible for your character’s clothing has been carried out: now it has much fewer errors than before, and is also generally more understandable and closer to the systems of randomized NPCs of ordinary people, which will make it more modular and functional.
- The systems responsible for determining what clothing a randomized NPC is wearing in scenes have been slightly modified. Now it is more flexible and functional, creating fewer problems.
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed a bug where an exception could occur if your character is wearing the third set of clothes while hugging a female RNPC.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception/incorrect hairstyle to be displayed during some scenes if your character or male RNPC might have modified hair.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown/incorrect clothing to be displayed during some scenes if your character or male RNPC could have a set of clothing with a modification.
- Fixed a bug due to which the menu for changing clothes did not work on your character at all: no matter how you tried to change clothes, it simply did not work and did not react in any way to clicks.
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to select the “No Clothes” option in the interface for changing your character’s clothes.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if an event appeared immediately after the warning that your character does not have the “exhibitionist” perk with a randomized NPC, it would be somewhere on the side, and not in the middle of the screen.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when a modification was installed that turned off the hair of a randomized NPC at the start of a game session.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur in some cases in the menu for changing clothes for your character.
- Fixed a bug due to which a randomized male NPC could have the wrong set of clothes that should have been generated on him
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when playing in English and while your character was talking about intimate topics with a randomized NPC.
- Fixed a bug where in some certain scenes with randomized NPCs an error could occur if your character had a third set of clothes, causing the scene to be skipped and it was impossible to continue the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which the generation of underwear on male RNPCs would not work correctly in certain places, making it impossible to continue the game further when the game generated someone male.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when starting a work day/trying to get a job at a grocery store.
- Fixed a bug due to which some modifications could throw an exception that did not depend on anything. The game simply did not accept some aspects of the framework.
- Fixed a bug where getting tattoos/piercings would cost your character nothing, allowing them to have it all for free.
- Fixed a bug due to which opening the menu for changing clothes for your character could be accompanied by an exception, due to which in the future it was simply impossible to open this very menu.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to open the menu with photos in the “Video Camera” item and an exception was thrown that did not allow you to continue playing.
- Fixed an incorrect initialization method for some performance settings.
- Fixed an issue due to which an overly long description in the menu of modifications available for download could extend beyond certain interface fields.
- Fixed a bug due to which the image of a screenshot of a modification was not “stretched” across the entire screen of your device, which made it impossible to view the screenshot itself “up close”.
- Fixed a bug where the futanari member might not appear in certain situations where it had a non-null skin color, which could cause some annoying issues.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when calculating the appearance of the sprite of a randomized male NPC, his eye shape was not taken into account, which is why this function could constantly change without any reason.
- Fixed a bug where body type changes for randomized male NPCs would not work in the randomized NPC editor, rendering any save changes to that effect useless.
- Fixed some shortcomings that related to issues that caused the loading of modifications to be interrupted when playing in a game session, and those were not loaded in the background.
- Fixed a bug due to which the eyeballs of randomized NPCs were repainted in the skin color of the randomized NPC, which, at least, did not look very nice.
- Fixed a bug due to which changing the nose type for randomized NPCs simply did not work in the randomized NPC editor.
- Fixed a bug due to which notifications that a successful connection to your Patreon account might not appear at all, which in general could confuse the user.
- Fixed a bug due to which the icon for connecting to a Patreon account could disappear immediately after it started, which could mislead that the game was not trying to connect using the necessary methods.
- Fixed a bug due to which, immediately after any RNPC corrections in the RNPS editor, opened through a game session, you were transferred to the game console, and when you pressed “back” to the game menu, which is why all progress was reset.
- Fixed a bug due to which the function of adding clothes in the existing framework for creating this very clothing did not add anything to the game if this very function worked for male randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug where certain things that would remove the hair of randomized NPCs would simply not work on certain things, causing the hair to go through them.
- Fixed an issue where, if a modification added a hairstyle to randomized male NPCs and also had less than 12 or more than 12 hair colors, this number would still be displayed as 12 in the editor.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to be thrown if you started customizing a randomized male NPC who was NOT body type 2 (very thin).
- Fixed an issue that caused certain features to not work under some circumstances. In addition, rpyc files have been removed from modifications available for download, which could cause the modifications to fail to launch if you download them all at once and then launch the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an exception at certain points while in the character editor. In addition, an exception that could have occurred in the RNPC editor has also been fixed.
- Fixed an issue due to which the model's hands in the clothing change menu for randomized NPCs were one pixel lower than expected.
- Fixed an issue where the academy's overall vulgarity score was a fractional value rather than an integer, which could cause it to go off screen.
- Fixed a bug due to which the function of changing the standardized academic uniform did not work and female RNPCs did not wear the outfits you selected that were available for wear.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception was thrown if a randomized NPC had the “No Clothes” clothing set directly in the RNPC editor or in the game itself.
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to change your character's gender using the randomize button for your character. Now everything works as it should, while still maintaining the overall male/female proportions in your gaming session.
- Fixed a bug due to which a randomized NPC could be bald with downloaded modifications and some manipulations in the RNPC editor. Now everything works as it should.
- A bug has been fixed that caused the list of accessories to display accessories that were not available for the character's gender, making it possible to dress the character inappropriately.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to open the information board with randomized NPCs in the phone tab. An exception simply occurred. Now everything works as it should.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception was thrown if you went to the menu with modifications without any subscription.
- Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs walked only in the park and temple, ignoring other locations.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to pay for an apartment with Azumi, since the entire amount went to your debt, and not to pay for the apartment.
- Fixed a bug due to which modifications available for download were not taken into account when opening the scroll bar in the modifications menu, which made it impossible to see what the modification contained at all, and also impossible to interact with this menu.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to download large files with modifications on Android devices. In addition, the game now requests permission to change files on the Android device itself in order to successfully implement this. All directories have been changed, and the necessary folders are created on the Android device itself, which allow it to function independently.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when downloading modifications, the game did not set the installation percentage as complete and stopped at the percentage of “100”.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could be thrown during a kiss if your character has a basic hair type of 3 or 4. In addition, a bug due to which an exception could be thrown at the same moment if one of the characters positioned in in this scene, no one had hair and was bald.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an exception at certain points and during certain generation in scenes with randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which the download progress of the modification could stop.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the randomized NPC editor all randomized NPCs could have the same level “technically”.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in English, there could be certain problems with the display of text in some places in the game, which made it impossible to continue the game further.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in English, the translation into this language might not be displayed at some points in the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in English, some certain buttons in the game interface might not be displayed/displayed correctly.
- Fixed a bug due to which the list of relationships of randomized NPCs to each other could be overwritten during the distribution of RNPC activity, which is why in the future any of their activities could not be the most logical.
- Fixed a bug due to which the leader of the hooligans could have some kind of group interaction that was not originally intended for him.
- Fixed a bug due to which the leader of the hooligans from the abandoned factory could be in the possible interaction menu not in the location of the abandoned factory.
- Fixed a bug due to which the chest customization function in the spot customization menu did not work at all, throwing exceptions and preventing the generation of randomized NPCs from finishing.
- Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs might not have a bra after generation due to some problems within it.
- Fixed a bug where you could get errors in your character's masturbation scene if he was wearing a sleeveless gachi suit/casual wear.
- Fixed a bug due to which an event with the same randomized NPC could drop, despite the fact that it could drop at least several times before.
- Fixed a bug due to which, after opening the settings menu in a new sex scene, it was impossible to close it in any way.
- Fixed a bug where Barnibold's bruises/blood and tattoo could appear on top of clothing on a randomized male NPC in the interaction menu/group activity menu with him.
- Fixed a bug due to which your character could have a completely different appearance in the tattoo parlor. There could even be a girl instead, which was not originally intended by the game.
- Fixed a bug that could occur if you changed the gender in your character editor due to the game incorrectly calculating the IDs of the generated accessories.
- Fixed a bug where an exception could occur when trying to assign randomized NPCs to their clubs due to certain issues and changing the total number of existing locations.
- Fixed a bug due to which, under certain conditions, the "Next" button could remain in the lower left corner of the screen after certain interactions in the randomized NPC editor.
- Fixed a bug due to which if you forcefully change the gender of your character in a game session, an exception will pop up.
- Fixed an issue due to which one pair of panties was not displayed in the randomized NPC editor when editing a female RNPC.
- Fixed a bug due to which some story events might not drop during the game due to problems with timing within existing game functions.
- Fixed a bug due to which the module for calculating the activity of randomized NPCs could make twice as many unnecessary calculations, which once again burdened the user’s device.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game could consider that the user had logged into the subscriber's Patreon profile, even if he had not.
- Fixed a bug where your Patreon account name could be displayed as “NoName” even though it was previously displayed normally.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the game to freeze/microfreeze when opening a subscriber's Patreon account.
- Fixed a bug due to which all randomized NPCs in the RNPC editor could have the same hairstyles, regardless of how these RNPCs actually looked in the game session.
- Fixed a bug due to which all randomized NPCs in the RNPC editor had the same points. There wasn't a single character who didn't have them.
- Fixed a bug due to which the gender change button in your character editor did not work, despite the subscriber code being entered.
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to change a character's gender in the randomized NPC editor.
- Fixed a bug due to which attributes in the new randomized NPC editor could fall below the value of "20", being even less than zero, and also above the values of 120/400, which are the maximum values for this game. In addition, a bug has been fixed, due to which it was possible to underestimate or overestimate the “Vulgarity” indicator of a randomized NPC too much.
- Fixed a bug due to which all randomized female NPCs had the same breast size in the randomized NPC editor, which looked quite strange.
- Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs did not spawn with clothes that were added via modification. Before this, it could only be selected in the RNPS/your character editor, but now everything works as it should.
- Fixed a bug where the game could show any group interactions of randomized NPCs with each other as actions happening with the randomized NPC 'No No'. Now the activity of those randomized NPCs who did not find the required NPC at the location is zero.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an exception if there were problems associated with incorrect gender determination when determining the tattoo on the body of a randomized NPC while opening the interaction menu with him.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the new blowjob scene for your character, the wrong body type that your character had was displayed, as well as the wrong type of breasts that the female randomized NPC had.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to add your own set of clothes for male RNPCs to the framework for creating modifications. Now everything works as it should.
- Fixed a bug due to which the “Professional Hooligan” perk did not work correctly in the game. It simply didn't work as well as it should, causing your character to have no reputation among the bullies after purchasing this perk.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an exception after purchasing a perk for the “Professional Hooligan” levels, if it was taken at the very beginning of the game session.
- Fixed a bug that could crash under some circumstances when moving to another location, regardless of what was happening on the screen.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur for certain biographies of a randomized NPC in the randomized NPC editor.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to invite a random NPC to your home for sex/stay/whatever, even in situations where Suzuki Matsui lived with your character.
- Fixed a bug due to which modified underwear in the petting scene for your character could fly in the air if the randomized NPC had modified underwear.
- Fixed a bug that caused the gender ratio in your character editor to display an incorrect number, which could simply be confusing when creating a game session.
- Fixed a bug where hair color would not be generated correctly when generating a game session for randomized female NPCs, causing the randomized NPCs to have the same hair color each.
- Fixed a bug due to which hairstyles from modifications could be generated incorrectly, causing an error in the game session itself.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when trying to change the hairstyle of a randomized male NPC in the RNPC editor.
- Fixed a bug due to which not all hair from modifications spawned on randomized NPCs after generating a game session.
- Fixed a bug due to which auto-leveling for randomized NPCs did not work on their physical attributes, which could look, at least, strange in the end.
- Fixed a bug due to which some events taking place in your character's room could be displayed without your apartment room.
- Fixed a bug due to which modifications in motion sickness lists could have extra padding at the beginning of their descriptions.
- Fixed a bug due to which the list of modifications in one place could contain both downloaded mods and those available for download, which could be confusing.
- Fixed a bug where, if randomized NPCs with cat ears were generated, an exception would be thrown, preventing you from playing further with modifications that add hair enabled.
- Fixed a bug where hair mods would cause hair to be displayed for the sprite rather than the scene, causing it to not look as good as it should have.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur with some modifications installed in the game that added a hairstyle to the game. Now everything works as it should in all scenes.
- Fixed a bug with incorrect connection to the subscriber's Patreon account.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game constantly tried to unsuccessfully connect to the game, which is why the game could freeze to death at certain moments.
- Fixed a bug due to which the "underwear" mode did not disappear from a randomized NPC in the new randomized NPC editor after editing this part of his clothing.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception was thrown when opening a profile category in your character's diary, it simply threw an exception that did not allow you to continue playing.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a Patreon subscriber to be disconnected from your account when re-entering the game menu/other actions, making it impossible to continue the game in some certain scenarios.
- Fixed a bug due to which the level of a Patreon subscription could be calculated incorrectly, which is why it was impossible to obtain privileges for this same Patreon subscription.
- Fixed a bug due to which the tattoo parlor/barbershop/beauty salon could show the wrong character for which you are playing, sometimes even he could be of the wrong gender, which caused the game to “break” at such a moment.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception was thrown when opening a profile category in your character's diary, it simply threw an exception that did not allow you to continue playing.
- Fixed a bug that could cause a Patreon subscriber to be disconnected from your account when re-entering the game menu/other actions, making it impossible to continue the game in some certain scenarios.
- Fixed a bug due to which the level of a Patreon subscription could be calculated incorrectly, which is why it was impossible to obtain privileges for this same Patreon subscription.
- Fixed a bug due to which the tattoo parlor/barbershop/beauty salon could show the wrong character for which you are playing, sometimes even he could be of the wrong gender, which caused the game to “break” at such a moment.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when displaying a certain color and hair set, making it impossible to continue the game further in the same game session.
- Fixed a bug with incorrect display of hair on a female randomized NPC in the "Riders" scene, with a hairstyle of the second basic type and hair length of the second.
- Fixed a bug due to which the percentages in loading modifications did not go beyond certain values at all without overloading the screen itself.
- Fixed a bug due to which breaking limbs did not work correctly for different difficulty levels, which is why the debuff was not applied after a fight on a hard difficulty level, but vice versa on an easy difficulty level.
- Fixed a bug that caused attribute debuffs to be displayed incorrectly if attributes were lost from damaged limbs in the attribute menu. Now everything is displayed as needed, taking into account all the indents.
- Fixed a bug due to which the eloquence attribute might not increase even if all the conditions for leveling it up were met.
- Fixed a bug due to which the corresponding background was not displayed in the tattoo parlor, but instead the background of the location in which your character was before was displayed. In addition, a bug was fixed, due to which even on the map the mark of a tattoo parlor displayed an incorrect background of the location.
- Fixed a bug that could occur when the identifier of a randomized NPC was incorrectly transferred to the event tag, which resulted in an exception that did not allow further play.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an exception when clicking on a randomized NPC from the "Characters in a location" menu.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the general list of randomized NPCs in the diary, they could have clothes for a different gender, hair, appearance details, and in general, someone who the randomized NPC was not could be displayed. Now everything is displayed as it should, taking into account all the appearance features, take the RNPC separately.
- Fixed a bug due to which the randomized NPC editor could have untranslated lines of text when playing in English, which, at the very least, looked strange and out of place.
- Fixed a bug due to which the cohabitation event with Suzuki Matsui could occur even if your character was already cohabiting with Yuki Oota or Ayano Yoshida.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the blowjob scene with randomized NPCs, the incorrect hair color of the randomized NPC was displayed in some certain situations.
- Fixed a bug due to which when playing in English, recently added content/buttons/translation were not always displayed. In general, absolutely all the problems that related to this unpleasant part of the gameplay were solved.
Screenshots of new update:
Get School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game
Status | In development |
Author | Kaito |
Genre | Visual Novel, Role Playing, Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, Sandbox, Singleplayer |
Languages | English, Russian, Chinese |
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