Weekly News #132
So, dear friends, time for the next news release. A week and a half has already passed, we managed to do quite a lot, a huge amount of content and corrections. However, all this will be told after the voting results are summed up.

You can see them just above. In principle, recently the voting results have not changed much from weekly news to weekly news, which is why work has already been done on some of the points. Of course, now we will begin to talk about what has been done.
First, randomized NPCs. The first thing you should pay attention to is a dozen new hairstyles. They don't appear in scenes with randomized NPCs yet, but that's a work in progress at the moment. This will greatly increase the number of different looks among the randomized NPCs, and you can see all the hairstyles in more detail below:
The second thing that was done was the opportunity to meet. The opportunity to meet men, women, and even play for a girl while playing. We've finally worked out all the possible interactions in this regard, which will increase the number of variations of everything. Additionally, we have significantly improved the impact of the orientation of randomized NPCs on their responses to your character.
Third - SMS. A new possible interaction is to correspond with them. In addition, you can now also invite them to your location via SMS. Well, or visit. All possible variations have been worked out and now this is a full-fledged opportunity on a par with calls. This should greatly simplify interactions with them and reduce the number of problems with finding them.
Fourth, a complete redesign of the “change your image” interaction. Now, if a randomized NPC agrees, it opens not just with a selection menu, but an entire interface with settings/subsettings that will give you the opportunity to customize the complete image of the randomized NPC: swimsuits, clothes, stockings, even accessories. In the near future we will provide the ability to customize tattoos and piercings.
Fifth, we see that there are people interested in the pregnancy of randomized NPCs. However, it should be understood that if we make such an opportunity, it will be entirely in the policy of Patreon, as the fundamental platform that allows us to generate income. It will be somewhat limited so that we don't get banned there. However, as on some other platforms. Our hands are somewhat tied, but we will try to come up with something about this and arrange a vote as a separate item with pregnancy to see if this is really what many people need from the next vote on the content part of our game. In any case, thanks to you, we are expanding our staff of artists so that you get more visual content possible.
Secondly, the plot. The main part is the development of the plot character of Suzuki Matsui: new interactions with her, the development of some scenarios that could have suspended the storyline with Ayano Yoshida, the development of internal scenarios with her. More options are always good, right?
In addition, plot RNPС. RNPC, which sells strange glasses, now also sells strange pills that increase your character's physical attributes, increase the possible cap and generally work in all ways to increase your character's physical capabilities.
Third, systemic changes. Changes to the system for leveling up attributes, capping attributes and many other systems that are now adjusted to the current conditions of the game. In addition, these changes are now more transparent. They give you insight into how they work right in your character editor: Almost every choice is now further explained in your character editor, giving you an understanding of what each choice does.
In addition, some improvements to playing as a female character have been completed. Of course, we see players' interest in this feature, and we are constantly working on it. Now we have finalized a couple of interactions and opportunities in the corresponding interactions with randomized NPCs, which you can read about below in the list of changes. In addition, you now have the opportunity to date guys and girls, as mentioned above.
Fourth, bugs fixed and code refactoring. You can find out more about this below, in the full list of changes:
New content:
- Added a new interaction for randomized NPCs of two genders when you play as a female character: now your character can date any character from the game. The interaction itself has been significantly redesigned specifically to allow you to do this.
- Added a new interaction for randomized male NPCs when playing as a male - let's date.
- The orientation system for randomized NPCs has been significantly improved: now, in the event of a mismatch in orientation, your character will receive a permanent refusal to meet. In addition, a special prompt will appear in this case, which will directly indicate the orientation mismatch.
- A new option has been added to the interaction with Suzuki Matsui when cohabiting with her: “Talk about a possible performance at your academy with Yoshido Ayano.” It now appears when completing the storyline with Ayano, and now cohabitation does not block the further passage of this storyline.
- When playing as a girl and when interacting with randomized NPCs, now there are new interactions of their own, rewritten specifically for this gameplay, in these interactions: “drive away from the location”, “show your panties”, “change your image”.
- The interaction with randomized female NPCs “change your image” has been completely redesigned. Now this opens not the usual in-game selection of clothes, stockings and other things, but an entire interface where you can customize a randomized NPC as your heart desires.
- The "change image" interaction is now also available for randomized male NPCs.
- The message system, the “where are you” selection in your character’s phone, was refactored: now they answer much more often, more clearly and they are “less busy”. In addition, the location pool is now automatically replenished when new locations are created and is linked to the general list of all locations from the game.
- A new possible SMS interaction has been added to your character's phone, in the SMS category: invite to your place. With it, you can invite this RNPC to your location where your character is currently located: city, academic, or even to your home.
- A new possible SMS interaction has been added to your character's phone, in the SMS category: texting. Using it, you can slightly improve your relationship with a randomized NPC, as well as restore some energy to your character. The success of the correspondence itself depends on many possible factors.
- Now in the diary, in the category with a list of randomized NPCs, the “Location” function is displayed only in one case: if you are playing on easy difficulty. On others it will be absent.
- The chances of generating randomized NPCs and their appearance have been slightly adjusted: now the game makes more diverse and individual randomized NPCs, each different from each other.
- Calls to randomized NPCs have been improved: they now take into account many more factors that influence the success of the call, as well as the response to it. In addition, the text now changes depending on these same factors.
- For randomized female NPCs, 10 new full-fledged hairstyles have been added, which will complement the general generation pool. Among them there are both very short hairstyles and long ones, which can also symbolize the character trait of the generated NPC.
- Some interactions with randomized NPCs that were completely failsafe now have a failover and a corresponding variation in how the RNPC interacts with your character.
- A new possible interaction with randomized NPCs has been added: offer to smoke. With it, you can diversify your typical relationship with him with new events/actions.
- A minor refactoring of the interface related to the menu for interacting with randomized NPCs was carried out: the code itself began to contain less repetition, became more understandable and less loaded.
- The system for dropping events with randomized NPCs has been completely redesigned: now, firstly, it completely shuffles all existing events from the list, creating more randomness and creating more diverse situations in the game session, and secondly, restrictions have been added, due to which it can now only one event will occur per in-game hour with randomized NPCs of a non-plot nature.
- The code responsible for the clothing of a randomized male NPC and for determining whether he is wearing clothes, underwear, or even naked was refactored.
- The eighth face type is no longer automatically generated as part of the face of a randomized female NPC. It can still be selected in the editor.
- Now, when choosing the reasons for the transfer, the audience for classes, even the choice of marital status, a sign appears in your character editor explaining the effect of the choice (attributes, initial capital, other information). This was done for a more transparent understanding of how attributes, leveling up and further gameplay for your character are built.
- A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for character creation was carried out: now they work more stable, they have much fewer flaws and errors that negatively affect the user experience.
- Reasons for transferring to the academy have been slightly rebalanced, setting from your character editor.
- Now, when changing the base hairstyle type from your character editor/randomized NPC, the hairstyle length is automatically set to 1.
- Now outfits, which were previously a major ban on changing hip types for randomized female NPCs, allow customization, but with one condition - a changed waist type.
- Now, when your character's waist type is changed, the first hip type is automatically set, which corrects many graphical shortcomings associated with the clothing of randomized female NPCs.
- New story branches have been added for the story character Suzuki Matsui, with which you can continue the storyline even if you choose “totally” bad options for the development of events for it. They are available if cohabitation with her is refused.
- For story character Suzuki Matsui, a new major interaction has been added to her interaction menu: watch movies. It contains more than a dozen different variations and will perfectly complement the overall picture of interactions with it.
- For the story character Suzuki Matsui, one non-story event was added, which can be obtained by cohabiting with her.
- Two new items have been added for purchase from the RNPS, which sells X-ray glasses: strange pills that increase the speed of pumping up physical attributes, as well as strange pills that increase the total cap for pumping up these same attributes. You can buy them as soon as your character completes the entire available storyline with her.
- Now, next to the general indicators of your character’s attributes in the diary, the maximum available for leveling up is now displayed.
- The attribute level cap system has been greatly improved and redesigned to include many more factors, make it more logical, and create more room for potential replayability.
- A significant refactoring of the systems responsible for determining the state of your character’s attributes was carried out: it was divided into several modules (level limit, temporary and permanent effects module, general rendering module), itself became more stable and began to produce fewer possible and impossible errors . In addition, some effects have also been redesigned: they now work more logically than before.
- In the 18+ blowjob scene with randomized female NPCs, new types of face and hands have been added, which is why, in case of changed data types of settings in the RNPC editor/during generation, it will be displayed in this scene as it should.
- A minor refactoring of the code was carried out, which concerns the appearance determinant of randomized NPCs: now it works in a more understandable way, many sections of the code were divided into separate functions, which is why the code itself began to work a little clearer and faster.
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed a bug due to which the skin color of a randomized NPC/your character was not applied to the waist shape, which is why he had different colored skin in the RNPC editor/in the interaction menu.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when selecting an 18+ cowgirl pose scene with a randomized female NPC if any character inside it had their skin color changed.
- Fixed a bug due to which, with a certain type of eyebrows in the 18+ cowgirl pose scene with a randomized female NPC, the skin color in certain areas of the face could be different.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when selecting a 18+ side pose scene with a randomized female NPC.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when wearing a bracelet and having a hand shape far from the standard, an exception would occur in a game session when trying to interact with such an NPC.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could be thrown when trying to interact with randomized NPCs that had a different eye color from the non-standard one. The error could have come out with some chance.
- Fixed an issue where the hands of randomized NPCs were one pixel lower than they should be, causing a small gap to be visible between the back of the hands and the front.
- Fixed a bug due to which, in the activity menu with a randomized NPC, the clothes of the female RNPC were hanging somewhere in the air in the middle of the screen. Now everything works as it should.
- Fixed a bug due to which the position of the T-shirt in space during the masturbation scene of a female randomized NPC, as well as if this randomized NPC had a “Small” breast size, was incorrect.
- Now the emotions of randomized NPCs in the activity menu with them are also displayed on male RNPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs could have absolutely no clothes in events with them, even if they should have had them at that time.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur at some specific moments when entering the menu for interacting with male RNPCs/exiting an event/viewing the activity menu.
- Fixed a bug where an exception could occur when playing a petting scene with randomized female NPCs if they had a base hair type of 4.
- Fixed a bug due to which in some events, in which female RNPCs were supposed to be positioned, there could be male RNPCs, which looked extremely strange.
- Fixed an issue where the delivery of a cognitive enhancement bar could take less time than stated in the event text.
- Fixed an issue where Suzuki Matsui could be called and would even answer the call when someone was cohabiting with her.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur at certain moments/installed modifications/some other conditions when entering the randomized NPC editor.
- Fixed a bug due to which the attribute indicator when creating your character could endlessly produce unallocated attribute points.
- Fixed a bug where vestigial appearance features that were previously in the game would affect your character's attributes, changing their attributes.
- Fixed an issue due to which, when increasing the level of the Intelligence/Speech attribute, the points given in Cunning could be removed and another attribute could be upgraded from this in the character editor.
- Fixed a bug due to which the table with hints, the background under it, was permanently open, even if there was absolutely no text on it.
- Fixed a bug due to which the 4th base hairstyle, when changing a randomized male NPC/your character, would show that she had 3 base hair lengths, even though this was not the case.
- Fixed a bug due to which the nun's outfit in the RNPS editor/gameplay could work incorrectly due to which the front of the arms could be displayed on top of the costume itself, which looked strange.
- Fixed an issue due to which in the RNPС/your character editor, before setting the face shape for a female, the path to the files of this face could be displayed.
- Fixed a bug where some outfits that weren't supposed to support stockings would allow customization, causing them to look terrible.
- Fixed a bug due to which the shoulders could extend beyond the Jacket and Skirt outfit when the shape of the arms was changed.
- Fixed a bug due to which, under certain conditions, certain parameters did not reset after sleep: boxing, jogging, as well as some others, which made it impossible to engage in these location interactions.
- Fixed a bug due to which an event could occur where a randomized female NPC is thrown out of the locker room/swimsuit is pulled off, but the positioned NPC could be a man.
- Fixed a bug due to which, instead of any tattoos in the “tattoo parlor” location, all the tabs could be missing, which is why it was simply impossible to make them. This appeared under certain conditions.
- Fixed a bug due to which underwear could be incorrectly worn on your character sprite in some locations where your character sprite was shown at all.
- Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs could not have any clothes and even underwear in some certain cases when this was not required.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur due to the game's inability to determine what eye color a randomized NPC has right now
- Fixed a bug due to which during some events with randomized NPCs an exception was thrown that did not allow further play.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when some manipulations with the in-game interface, an exception was thrown, preventing further play in this game session.
- Fixed a bug due to which, after an event where Ayano Yoshida is sick, if you close the in-game map at the same time, it was impossible to continue the game further, since the entire interface was hidden without the ability to open it again.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game in some individual moments could confuse the gender of a randomized NPC, which is why an exception was thrown.
- Fixed an issue where the game might not immediately load your character's height, causing his sprite size to change when attempting to interact with him in any way from the equip menu.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when the “AI Developer” perk was selected for the levels, some functions added to the game might not be displayed in the menu for interacting with a randomized NPC.
- Fixed a bug due to which when changing the base hair type, if the hair color indicator was outside the limit of the available colors of the selected hair, an exception was thrown in the RNPС editor.
- Fixed an issue that caused hair to be applied twice in the petting scene of your character by a female RNPC.
- Fixed a bug due to which the masturbation scene of a female randomized NPC could throw an exception when wearing a bra and medium breast size.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when using the 18+ scene of the "Side" pose under conditions if the randomized female NPC had a 3rd base hairstyle.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when changing hair types in 80 percent of existing scenes with randomized female NPCs.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when the eye shape of hairstyles was changed in 30 percent of existing scenes with randomized female NPCs.
- Fixed a bug where scenes with randomized female NPCs could cause an exception when hair mods were installed.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the 18+ scene “Doggy Style” pose the hair could be incorrectly matched to the scene when modifications were installed that added new hairstyles.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when performing scenes with randomized female NPCs in the “Give me a blowjob” interaction when the face type was changed.
- Fixed a bug due to which, in some isolated cases, an exception could be thrown when trying to initialize a non-existent eye color for a randomized female NPC.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when in the call/SMS menu with randomized NPCs, the game could throw errors and exceptions.
- Fixed a bug due to which in some events with randomized NPCs, where they are in a hurry somewhere, their gender could be confused, and they could be referred to as a girl in the event, even if this RNPC is a guy.
- Fixed an issue where your character could be transported to the location they were in for no reason during certain interactions and when certain conditions were met. Defects were also corrected, due to which the opposite happened - it was not thrown into the location, although the text said otherwise.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in English, there could be certain problems with the display of text in some places in the game, which made it impossible to continue the game further.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in English, the translation into this language might not be displayed at some points in the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in English, some certain buttons in the game interface might not be displayed/displayed correctly.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when randomizing a randomized NPC and its appearance in the RNPC editor.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when trying to enter the interaction menu with a randomized NPC in some special cases.
As you can see, a lot of content has actually been created. Of course, we are always working on this and will continue to work on it. Now we have expanded our staff to a large extent, which gives us a free hand in some aspects, however, it still needs to be trained so that all the content meets the proper quality. We will be working on this in the near future. Well, the full update, as always, comes out on the 27th, February 27th, and we are sure that we will not disappoint you in terms of content for this update!
Get School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game
Status | In development |
Author | Kaito |
Genre | Visual Novel, Role Playing, Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, Sandbox, Singleplayer |
Languages | English, Russian, Chinese |
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