Weekly News #135
So, dear friends, a week and a half has passed since the update was released. The time has come to talk about what has been done during this period, as well as explain our plans. Especially about a feature that recently won a vote. Undoubtedly, we remember it, and the fact that it is not in the current vote does not mean that we are not working on it, as on the winner of the last vote. However, more about this a little later, in one of the paragraphs of this news. Now, what was done in this short period of time, and this is definitely one of the largest micro-updates in the entire existence of the game.
First, randomized NPCs. There is a lot that can be said here, but we will tell and show only the most important things. Redesigned interface for interacting with randomized NPCs. Not only the interface, but also the system is a completely new and pleasant system that is easy to supplement and modify. Minor changes in categories for general convenience, sorting of existing old interactions, an improved RNPS reaction system, and much, much more regarding this entire system. You can see the finished version just below:
In addition, we have made new options for editing randomized NPCs in the RNPC editor - your entire set of clothes. From any skirt, shorts/any top - this way you can create many more variable sets of clothes for your character and improve his appearance at your discretion. You can also see how it works below:
Not only that, we also made huge improvements and reworkings of existing systems. Randomized NPCs now change their clothing sets/underwear/accessories with a certain chance of changing to something different. Every day, randomized NPCs do this, improving their liveliness and showing their clothing preferences, which now also depend on the general statistics of the influence of these same RNPS.
New scar/bruise/blood system. Yes, if randomized NPCs fought before, they did not receive the appropriate markings. For a certain circle of people it looked strange, but now everything works as it should. Every blow can cause a scar, every internecine fight can cause a bruise/bruise on them. This can still be turned off, so anyone who doesn't like this can turn it off in content filtering.
In addition, in addition to such small changes, all existing scenes, except for the missionary one, have been completely modified: they take into account the shape of the eyes, the shape of the nose, as well as many other details of the randomized NPC from beginning to end, which will undoubtedly improve the overall look and feel of the scenes , and now... Now let's move on to other details. Pregnancy.
We know this item won last month and we are actively working to implement this mechanic into the game. It's not coming this month, and we're explaining why - we need to completely redraw the missionary position. In order for it to display all the changes from this process, faces, new hairstyles - we need to redraw it and make it in a new way. Why? It is about two years old and was painted by another artist who has long since moved on. Now we are collaborating with other people and have to, let's say, change the scene. Immediately after it, we will begin to make progress towards the mechanics of pregnancy, the events and progress of which we will keep you up to date with weekly news. Well, now you can see the scene we drew on our Twitter account, since the platforms where we post news don’t really like such content.
Secondly, the plot. Also one of the most important parts of the game, but there wasn’t much time, so we did only one event with Suzuki Matsui, which will slightly diversify your cohabitation.
Third, systemic changes. Well, here we can start with the fact that more than a dozen new perks for levels were made for the game. Definitely, this is a wonderful innovation that will breathe new breath into this system. Why? This was immediately followed by a huge amount of work on rebalancing a huge number of systems. For example, the system of your character's appearance: percentages, buffs, debuffs - everything has been completely redesigned to suit the current realities of the game.
Further more. Reworking the event system. It has been completely redesigned, brought under one type and now you will not have “endless spam” of events. For this purpose, special general treggers, chances and some other mechanics were made that will make all these events more even in dropout.
Mini-game. Remember the bench press and push-up mini-game? It has been redesigned. Now it’s much easier to pump up power, it’s more enjoyable to do it, and everything has been done to ensure that it doesn’t look as boring and dull as it did before.
And also a huge and huge number of rebalances and changes that we can list for a very long time, but in order not to delay you even longer, we will make do with the usual list of changes. There are also bug fixes and more detailed information about what was done:
New content:
For the story character "Suzuki Matsui" a new event has been added that can be dropped if she cohabits with your character and is also in your character's house at that moment.
The game's interface for interacting with randomized NPCs has been completely changed to a new, more modern and pleasant interface. It contains new functions, interactions with the RNPC are sorted there in a more pleasant and understandable way, it has animations, and in general it will be an excellent replacement for the old and imperfect, awarded interface.
A new system has been added to the game to make it more lively: randomized female NPCs can now change their clothes within a certain period of time. In addition, they also change underwear, accessories, swimsuits - it all depends on their internal preferences, clothing requirements and many other conditions that will significantly affect the “liveness” of the game world.
A new possible feature has been added to the randomized NPC editor: clothing customization. With its help, you can dress a randomized NPC completely independently: choose the bottom part of the clothes, the top part, and create your own set of clothes from existing materials. This will greatly give you more room to create unique, randomized NPCs to your liking.
A new perk has been added to the perk menu for levels - “Nimble Grip”. When you select it, your character will have the opportunity to undress female RNPCs during fights. The perk was carried over from the perks that could be obtained through "in-game achievements".
Daily set number two for randomized female NPCs has been added back to the game with one difference: it simply does not generate on randomized female NPCs, but can be selected in the RNPC editor.
A new perk has been added to the perk menu for levels - “Handsome”. When you select it, your character will receive bonuses to the attractiveness modifier equal to 20 percent of the overall indicator of this very attractiveness.
Added a new perk to the perk menu for levels - “Pretty Face”. When you select it, your character will receive bonuses to the attractiveness modifier equal to 50 percent to the overall indicator of this very attractiveness.
Added a new perk to the perk menu for levels - “Bad Boy Attractiveness”. When selected, your character will receive bonuses to the attractiveness modifier for having any tattoos.
Added a new perk to the level perk menu - “Bad Boy Luck”. When selected, your character will receive bonuses to the luck attribute for having any tattoos.
A new perk has been added to the perk menu for levels - “Authority”. When you select it, your character will receive bonuses to the authority attribute for having any tattoos.
Having any tattoos/piercings/scars now gives your character +1 point to their Authority attribute, and also adds +1 point to your character's maximum Authority attribute value.
Now, for having absolutely any tattoos/scars, your character will receive a significant increase in the agreement for interaction/relationship points with a randomized NPC who has the “Aggressive” character trait. Before this, he received a small bonus only for having scars, now also for tattoos, and the bonus itself has been doubled.
The game system responsible for the mini-game with which you can pump up the strength attribute has been completely redesigned: now this system works more adequately. Firstly, for each bench press/push-up your character is given leveling points, depending on his strength level. The more power he has, the less progress he will get in the attribute roller and vice versa, and also all these parameters greatly increase the power of the click, which will balance this whole system and give it a kind of "progression". In addition, the time for the game itself has become less - 29 seconds.
The values of the scholarship that is given to your character from the academy for his academic performance have been adjusted: now you cannot exploit this mechanic to receive a scholarship greater than your salary in a grocery store.
The drop times of the first and subsequent events that drop in the grocery store location with Suzuki Matsui have been adjusted. Now they are much easier to knock out than before - the period of time has become much longer and more convenient.
Now a first aid kit, used through the inventory, removes the consequences of a fight with a randomized NPC, completely neutralizing the debuff on attributes if it exists at all.
Now having any scars on your character's body/face reduces your character's attractiveness modifier by 5% for each. In addition, the presence of tattoos/piercings on your character increases this very parameter by a small 1% for each tattoo/piercing.
Now your character can receive some kind of injury during each hit from a randomized NPC during a fight. In addition, with some chance, he may also receive scars, which will be on your sprite until you decide to remove them from the sprite of this very character.
A randomized NPC is now more likely to receive some kind of scars/bruises and other damage that will be permanently on their sprite: with some chance, depending on the stamina of the given character, they can receive a scar after receiving a bruise/bruise.
Now randomized NPCs can receive not only bruises and bruises for internecine fights/showdowns with the use of violence and other aggressive interactions, but also scars that will be on the sprite of a given randomized NPC on a permanent basis.
A new perk has been added to the menu of perks for levels - “Friends Among Strangers”. When you choose it, your character will receive a one-time reputation for hooligans, which will allow you to quickly join their team.
A new perk has been added to the perk menu for levels - “Perverted Aura”. When selected, the overall vulgarity of the academy increases by a significant factor, giving your character more options to change the standardized form/certain other mechanics.
A new perk has been added to the perk menu for levels - “Stranger Among Own”. If you choose it, your character will gain a lot of reputation among the academy students.
The "Here and Now" perk, which gives your character an instant level, now costs 0 level points, making it more balanced.
A significant refactoring of the code was carried out, which is responsible for timing, effects and many other mechanics: some mechanics and systems were moved to separate independent modules, something in general was improved in its form. In addition, the performance and stability of this module has been improved, allowing it to operate in much greater conditions than before.
A minor refactoring of the calculation of all existing randomized NPCs was carried out: all this was transferred to a separate function that independently calculates them depending on many factors.
The systems responsible for tattoos of randomized NPC hooligans were refactored: now such a system is not separate from the general tattoo system, which corrects many possible bugs, exceptions and shortcomings. In addition, in the editor you can now completely disable this, which, in general, will give more space for creating a game session.
A button to disable/enable experimental features has also been added to the edit/create your character menu.
A significant refactoring of the systems responsible for generating, donning, and many other clothing systems for randomized female NPCs was carried out. Many generation conditions have been added, the generation of these very clothes has been improved, more input data has been added, such as requirements for the vulgarity/courage of randomized NPCs, access in terms of generation, as well as some other points that make the module itself more modifiable and stable than previously.
A significant refactoring of the systems responsible for rendering location activities/events with randomized NPCs/simply events was carried out. All old systems were cut out, all events were made to a single standard, which corrects a significant number of errors and shortcomings associated with these issues. In addition, some basic events regarding randomized NPCs, such as the desire to chat, hug, smoke, and so on, have been greatly improved in terms of drop conditions.
The possibility of obtaining certain perks for “in-game achievements” was completely removed.
Now absolutely everything, even story events, are taken into account in the general pool of dropped events, which is why they will interrupt the “endless” flow of events from randomized NPCs. In addition, events that drop into this same pool without randomized NPCs now also count.
Removed some redundant, rudimentary code that was no longer used by the game but was still present in the game files, making the code itself much cleaner in certain areas and running faster.
A minor refactoring of the code was carried out, which is responsible for the transition to the location: now the code contains fewer rudimentary sections, and has become slightly faster and more stable than before.
A huge refactoring of the reaction system from the menu for interacting with randomized NPCs was carried out: the system itself was improved, it became more modular, it became easier to add new content to it, and it also began to produce fewer possible “errors” that could spoil the impression of the game.
Now, if you changed a randomized NPC in terms of attributes and/or some other points, it will be marked as changed, which is why some game mechanics will not affect it: auto-leveling, choice of clothes, as well as some other points. This was done due to complaints about these same mechanics.
The mechanics of expelling randomized NPCs from the school who were very afraid of your character were completely removed.
A huge refactoring of the systems responsible for data initialization was carried out, which corrected a huge number of errors associated with “forgetting” data after a reboot, their deletion and many other things that could spoil the impression of the gameplay completely.
The screen with the rules for randomized NPCs has become modal, which means that when you open it, even if you miss the button, you will not get into any interaction that you may not need at that very moment.
Significant refactoring and updating of all interactions with randomized NPCs was carried out: the conditions for opening some interactions were revised, the transition itself was improved, and much more was done to make this system more modular and less problematic.
A significant refactoring of the systems responsible for the online functions of the game was carried out: server performance was improved, the speed of adding player login data to the databases was accelerated, and a lot of other work was done to make this system more stable and less problematic.
A significant refactoring of the system for calculating sprites of randomized NPCs/your character has been carried out: the system has become more stable and modifiable. In addition, now if there is an error in any of the modules, the game will not generate a critical error, and in general, the system itself has become much faster than before.
Now randomized NPCs can walk around the “Cinema” location with some chance and, if necessary, do so.
The mechanic that automatically removed the underwear of randomized NPCs if they had 120 vulgarity was removed from the game due to what was widely considered to be a bug.
Some network functions of the game have been improved, which is why they have become more stable when used (downloading modifications, cloud saves), and also ceased to be the cause of some errors/crashes/other problems.
New eye shapes from 6 to 12 have been added to the 18+ "Side" pose character scene with a randomized female NPC, and they are now displayed correctly there. In addition, the "Cat Ears" accessory has been added, which removes the exception when trying to initialize this scene if the randomized NPC at that moment had a base hairstyle from 6 to 15 values.
New eye shapes from 6 to 12 have been added to the breast groping scene with a randomized female NPC, and they are now displayed correctly there. In addition, the "Cat Ears" accessory has been added, which removes the exception when trying to initialize this scene if the randomized NPC at that moment had a base hairstyle from 6 to 15 values.
New eye shapes from 6 to 12 have been added to the 18+ Doggystyle character scene with a randomized female NPC, and they are now displayed correctly there. In addition, the "Cat Ears" accessory has been added, which removes the exception when trying to initialize this scene if the randomized NPC at that moment had a base hairstyle from 6 to 15 values.
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed a bug due to which, if there was a cat ears accessory on a randomized female NPC and their base hair type was changed from 6 to 15, an exception could occur in the kissing scene with her.
Fixed a bug due to which, if there was a cat ears accessory on a randomized female NPC and their base hair type was changed from 6 to 15, an exception could occur in the hug scene with her.
Fixed a bug due to which, if there was a cat ears accessory on a randomized female NPC and their base hair type was changed from 6 to 15, an exception could occur in the masturbation scene for your character.
Fixed a bug due to which, if there was a cat ears accessory on a randomized female NPC and their base hair type was changed from 6 to 15, an exception could occur in the 18+ scene of the “Сowgirl” pose character.
Fixed a bug due to which, in the chest groping scene with a randomized female NPC, there could be incorrect eye whites for some certain eye shapes.
Fixed a bug due to which the whites of the eyes could be repainted to match the skin color during the 18+ character scene of the “Side”, “Doggy Style” pose for a randomized female NPC.
Fixed a bug due to which, if there was a cat ears accessory on a randomized female NPC and their base hair type was changed from 6 to 15, an exception could occur in the 18+ character scene of the pose "69".
Fixed a bug due to which in the 18+ scene in the "Side" pose, a randomized female NPC could have the back of her hair, although she shouldn't, due to which the hair could have excess of a certain type/part of hair of a completely different color, which different from what she actually has.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur in the 18+ scene of the "Doggystyle", "Blowjob" pose due to some incorrect initializing data and incorrect conditions for displaying PNG files in very rare cases.
Fixed a visual bug that could show that the connection to the game servers was unsuccessful, even if the connection was successful. Now everything is displayed correctly.
Fixed a bug due to which the table of sponsors did not appear in the game when initially entering this very game: now everything works out right away.
Fixed a bug due to which the function of cloud saving and downloading modifications was unavailable with the words that there was no Internet connection, even though there was one at that very moment.
Fixed an issue due to which any notification not related to connectivity or any other network function could end with a proposal to solve connection problems, even though there may not have been any.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could crash when trying to connect to a subscriber's Patreon account: now everything works fine and the game will not crash due to certain circumstances.
Fixed a bug due to which, during some interactions with hooligans from an abandoned factory, reputation among these same hooligans could be incorrectly calculated, ignoring some certain points in this system.
A bug has been fixed due to which, when masturbating in the “Cinema” location, there was simply no background in the scene itself.
Fixed a bug due to which the biography menu of a randomized NPC might not close at certain points in the gameplay.
Fixed a huge fundamental bug that could cause game data to be reset: phone numbers of quest characters disappear, assigned tasks in the journalism club disappear, the closet in your apartment is cleared, as well as many other errors that could be annoying and completely interrupt all progress of the game.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs could incorrectly change their characters throughout the game.
Fixed a bug due to which quest giver characters might not be displayed with a special tag on locations, which made them much more difficult to find among regular RNPCs.
Fixed a bug due to which a randomized NPC, who is the quest giver to exterminate hooligans, could not appear in the park at the designated time, which completely interrupted the entire quest chain with her.
Fixed a bug due to which the number of the randomized NPC that gave your character X-ray glasses could disappear.
Fixed a bug due to which the amount of experience per week changed when hovering the mouse cursor over any button in the management menu of the occult club.
Fixed a bug due to which it was possible to increase the popularity indicator of the occult club for some purchased game items when hovering over different buttons in the corresponding interface.
Fixed a bug where an exception could be thrown at certain points when your character is watching a movie with the story character "Suzuki Matsui".
Fixed a bug due to which, at some points in the gameplay, the game could simply not close certain parts of the occult club management interface and overlay them on top of everything.
Fixed a bug due to which the list of location interactions in the Occult Club was too small and simply did not fit all the possible location interactions in itself, adding them behind the screen.
Fixed a bug due to which nothing in the menu for purchasing perks for levels was translated into English, which is why absolutely nothing was displayed when playing in this language.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs could incorrectly change their characters throughout the game.
Fixed a bug due to which quest giver characters might not be displayed with a special tag on locations, which made them much more difficult to find among regular RNPCs.
Fixed a bug due to which a randomized NPC, who is the quest giver to exterminate hooligans, could not appear in the park at the designated time, which completely interrupted the entire quest chain with her.
Fixed a bug due to which the number of the randomized NPC that gave your character X-ray glasses could disappear.
Fixed a bug due to which a nun's outfit could spawn on a randomized NPC with a certain low chance, although it should not have spawned at all.
Fixed a bug due to which the button to disable experimental functions was on the randomization button in the RNPС editor.
Fixed an issue where a randomized NPC might not have a neck tattoo if they were a bully in certain scenes with them.
Fixed a bug due to which, when trying to put a tattoo on the neck of a randomized NPC with the “Hooligan” character, it was written that it was not there, although in fact it was on the sprite and was successfully tattooed there several times.
Fixed a bug due to which the list of perks for levels might not scroll completely.
Fixed an issue due to which changing stockings using the "Change Image" button from the interaction menu with a randomized NPC could simply not work on the changed stockings, and they were "reset" almost immediately after that.
Fixed a bug due to which the body type from the operations menu on your character's appearance was available, although it should not have been at all. This setting has been completely removed from the Operations menu.
Fixed a bug due to which, if a randomized female NPC had a certain level of vulgarity, the game could end the scene with him almost immediately due to some calculation problems.
Fixed a bug where going straight to a new sexual encounter scene with a randomized NPC could cause an exception.
As you can see, a huge amount of work has been done. We plan to do even more over the next period, so stay tuned and read our next news, which will be released on April 15. All in all, we can assure you that there will be a huge amount of content that many were expecting, but they did not receive it due to certain reasons.
Get School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game
Status | In development |
Author | Kaito |
Genre | Visual Novel, Role Playing, Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, Sandbox, Singleplayer |
Languages | English, Russian, Chinese |
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