Weekly News #138
So, dear friends, another week and a half has passed since the release of the new version of the game, which means that it’s time for a new release of weekly news, as well as the release of a new part of the micro-update. Of course, we will also summarize the results of our voting here, talk about our future plans for a full update, and also show everything that has been done, perhaps we will start specifically from the first point:
Vote. And... You can see the results above. Almost more than 50 percent of players want to develop the ability to play as a girl, and we cannot ignore this, so we will be working on this in the coming days. As for the other points? We've worked on them quite a lot before, so there won't be any problems with this. Overall though... This update will definitely surprise you.
So, the first point, as always, is randomized NPCs. And the first thing worth mentioning here is the new sets of clothes. By increasing the number of artists, we can take on a much larger volume of work in exactly the same unit of time. This is good news, which is why we are showing you 7 new sets of clothes that will be available now in a new micro-update:
As you can see, they are quite diverse, but we are not only united by a set of clothes, right? Pregnancy. Now a randomized female NPC can become fully pregnant after having sex with your character. This depends on the fertility of your character, as well as on some conventions: you must definitely cum inside the girl without a condom. After this, a month later there will be a fairly large event in which your girlfriend will tell you that she is pregnant and you need to do something about it. Next - 9 months her belly will grow. We will continue to develop this system until the end of the next update, especially since we have work to do in this regard, but you can see the results of the work now...
And the last point is the sex system. It has been improved, especially when it comes to outdoor sex. Now your character and his passion can be noticed and interrupted, interfered with. In addition, some other systems have also been changed, which will make sexual intercourse with randomized NPCs less clumsy and more pleasant to use.
So, we're done with randomized NPCs. Other points simply do not deserve special mention here in detail. And so, in addition to these points, we made a few innovations, a few adjustments, which you can find out about below.
The second point is systemic. Usually there is a plot, but now the plot was not touched upon at all, but something else was touched upon: a new computer interface. Quite an interesting innovation that will make it possible to create more content related to this part of the game. So, you can see its interface below:
New icons in the city map menu and minor rearrangements. Not really a very important gameplay change, but it will make this interface more pleasant to use... Why not?
New conditions in the clothing equipment menu for your character, which will indicate any flaw/debuff. This is a system that was added a long time ago, but it did not take into account debuffs that could once again “harm” the player. Now it is more transparent in this regard and shows more possible information.
The third point is bug fixes and code refactoring. Well, here you can get by, as always, with a changelog, which we will tell in more detail about everything that we have done:
New content:
7 completely new clothing sets have been added for randomized female NPCs, which will greatly increase the uniqueness of individual randomized NPCs, as well as generally create more variety in the game session.
A pregnancy system has been added: now a girl with whom your character had unprotected intercourse, and also ejaculated without a contraceptive, can with some chance become pregnant. In this case, the size of her stomach and waist will change and will change over the next 9 months of in-game time from smaller to larger.
Events related to pregnancy have been added, with a huge number of choices and options for action. All of them directly depend on the character of the girl who is pregnant, on luck factors, as well as on her “month”. They appear as soon as the girl is already a month pregnant, and she informs your character about it.
Now, after a year has passed, the age of the randomized NPCs will change by one year, as expected.
The programming interface on the player's computer has been completely redesigned: some old and rudimentary mechanics have been removed, existing ones have been updated, and overall the interface now matches what is in the game, to a greater extent than it was before.
The gallery interface on the player's computer has been completely redesigned: the system that opens CG scenes in the gallery has been improved, to a large extent, the interface itself now matches what is in the game and does not stand out from the game in its appearance.
The interface of the online store on the player’s computer was completely redesigned, which is why it fits the style of the current game interface much more than before, without breaking out of the general look.
The interface of the online bank on the player’s computer was completely redesigned: new mechanics were added for entering more diverse numbers, and the mechanics of fully entering players’ own number. In addition, more quick number entry buttons have been added. The interface itself now corresponds to a much greater extent to the existing interface in the game and does not stand out in its style from the general appearance of the game.
The computer interface in your character's room has been completely redesigned: it has been changed to match the current interface style, it has become more modular and pleasing to the eye. It also supports more features and is more extensible, making it easier to populate with content than before.
The hacking system has been rebalanced: now the difficulty of the task depends entirely on its reward.
Now completing orders from the freelance exchange also increases your character's programming skill.
Closing notifications now occurs more correctly: they are closed not only by ESC or Enter, but also by the left mouse button.
A new perk has been added to the level perks category - the sexual giant, which increases your character's sexual experience by 25 units.
A new perk has been added to the level perks category - a deterrent, which will be especially useful during sex scenes with randomized NPCs.
A new perk has been added to the category of perks for levels - sexual experience, which affects the filling of the orgasm scale of female RNPCs during sexual intercourse.
In addition to the requirements of vulgarity from a girl when choosing positions in the sexual contact interface, some positions also now require sexual experience on the part of your character, without which these scenes will no longer be available.
Your character's initial arousal value now depends on the number of ejaculations per intercourse, as well as your character's Stamina, making this system more logical and understandable when combined with your character's Erection system in the new intercourse interface. In addition, the excitation itself cannot fall below this initial value.
Now, if during sexual intercourse in the interface of this very sexual act your character is insufficiently aroused, which is why he does not have an erection, your character will not be able to continue it without preliminary “stimulation”.
The amount of vulgarity for an orgasm on the part of a girl in the interface of a new sex scene with randomized NPCs has been reduced.
Now, in addition to pumping up the agility attribute for each ejaculation by your character in the interface of sexual intercourse with a randomized NPC, your character also pumps up strength and endurance.
Hints on the requirements for a certain position in the interface of sexual contact with a randomized NPC have been improved: now, in addition to the required vulgarity indicator from a randomized NPC, its current indicators are also shown for comparison and understanding of what needs to be done to get this or that scene.
The requirements for the 18+ sex scene of the “Masturbate me” character in the vulgarity of the girl in the new sexual contact interface have been removed.
The script for adding perks to the corresponding “perks per level” menu has been significantly improved. There are a lot more initialization functions in this system, more opportunities to create interesting perks for potential modders by slightly refactoring and improving this system.
The system of movement of randomized NPCs across city locations has been significantly refactored and improved: it is now more logical. At night, more RNPS spend time at home and do not leave there; during the day, on the contrary, depending on the day of the week, statistics of influence, or some moments, they walk around the city. In addition, if a randomized NPC happens to be at home, he will remain there and will continue to move from there with an obvious not particularly large and large desire to do so.
The "Night Walks" influence statistic has been replaced by a new influence statistic - desire for activity, which is a more correct version of the original statistic. It shows the desire for randomized NPCs to generally move around locations: at low values, he can sit at home during all odd hours and not leave there at all. At high levels, on the contrary, it will always try to walk along the city streets.
The system of sexual contact with randomized NPCs has been improved and made more logical: now after each ejaculation on the part of your character, it becomes much more difficult for him to come and he needs more possible tricks to get ejaculation. Each new one makes it harder to fill the scale by 10 percent, which creates a limit of 10 possible ejaculations per sexual act. On the girls' side, it's the other way around - when she gets an orgasm, it becomes 5 percent easier for her to get the next one. This was done to better balance some aspects of the system.
Now, a condom used in a sex scene with a randomized NPC has a certain meaning, since using it makes it much more difficult for your character to ejaculate than before, by 20 percent.
Access to putting on condoms in the new sexual encounter interface with randomized female NPCs is now available in more sex scenes.
The requirements for obtaining a visual “boner” for a male character during sex scenes with randomized NPCs/your character have been reduced from 20 units to 9.
Fixed a bug due to which the penis could disappear during the 18+ scene of the “Cowgirl” position when wearing a condom and choosing not to cum inside.
Minor changes have been made to the behavior when your character enters the women's locker room: now relationships do not deteriorate with all characters in it. Many factors are taken into account, including even the attitude towards your character and the character of individual NPCs at that moment.
Now, if you are engaged in sexual contact "Right Here", then you can be seen and prevent this process with a chance that depends on the physical attributes of your character, randomness and the number of people in the location. You can be noticed both at the beginning of the process and during it, and the “success” of being noticed will be displayed by a special indicator that is displayed in the interface if a location for sex has been selected in which you are here and now.
Now the “Sexual Experience” statistic is more useful than before: in addition to the understandable impact on the sex scene with randomized NPCs, it also affects the percentage of randomized NPCs agreeing to any interaction of an 18+ character. The percentage is calculated as one point of sexual experience adds 1 percent to the total resulting percentage of this very initial consent and increases this value by one percent.
The odds of having sex "right here" have been adjusted. Randomized NPCs are now more willing to agree to this than before.
П The location of the cinema has been moved to a better place on the city map. Now the name of this location does not merge with the type of terrain on this very map.
Now a grocery store is not a sublocation in a shopping center, but a full-fledged city location, displayed on the map and having its own description.
Now all debuffs that affect your character’s attributes, even in a negative way, can be viewed in the menu for changing your character’s clothing, which will give greater transparency to this system.
Added notification that changes to your character's appearance have been made due to these same changes in a tattoo parlor/hospital/barbershop or anywhere else.
Removed from the game a rudimentary piece that would appear when starting a sex scene with a randomized female NPC regarding removing underwear/stockings. Now this is only available in the interface itself.
The game's weight was reduced by 100 megabytes due to the removal of certain vestigial files that were no longer used in the game.
An automatic caching limitation was made, which in general will improve the stability of the game, reduce the device's memory requirements, reduce the number of crashes and, in general, this was a necessary move, which will significantly affect the performance of the game in a positive way.
The number of relationship points that are given for donating clothes or Stockings to a randomized NPC has been increased by two or three times, depending on what costs more. This was done for the sake of balance, since in the current version there is no other use for it.
The value of the modifier by which the number of relationship points received for giving a gift to a randomized NPC was multiplied: now this system is more flexible and takes into account a little more factors and individual characteristics of the randomized character than before.
More than ten new icons have been added to display the effects applied to your character in the interface for changing clothes for him, which will increase variety and make this interface more pleasing to look at.
New icons have been added to the map interface, which will improve the variety of this interface.
Now, after increasing the physical attributes of a randomized female NPC, she can change the shape of her legs and calves to a variant with more muscles. This can only manifest itself if the randomized NPC has high enough statistics for all physical attributes.
Now, if a randomized NPC during the generation of a game session has a sufficiently large indicator of physical attributes, he will have large thighs and calf muscles with a certain dryness, as well as a fairly large shoulder girdle.
Now a randomized female NPC cannot have “pumped up” legs and calf muscles during generation and after it, if she does not have a sufficient number of physical attributes.
Now some objectively bad hairstyles will not automatically spawn on randomized female NPCs, however, they are still available for selection in the editor.
A minor refactoring of the system, which is responsible for generating randomized female NPCs, was carried out: now they spawn more beautiful, with a more pleasant appearance, the generator itself corrects some bugs and generation shortcomings. In addition, it now takes into account many more factors and generation settings, which is why it has become more modular and its application has become on a much larger scale than before.
Now, if the physical attributes of a randomized NPC increase, their courage with a love of crime will also increase. In addition, if he was downtrodden or weak, then he has some chance of getting rid of this character trait, becoming "Reliable" if he has high enough courage, as well as above-average physical attributes.
Now, after increasing the physical attributes of a randomized female NPC, she can change the shape of her legs and calves to a variant with more muscles. This can only manifest itself if the randomized NPC has high enough statistics for all physical attributes.
Now, if a randomized NPC during the generation of a game session has a sufficiently large indicator of physical attributes, he will have large thighs and calf muscles with a certain dryness, as well as a fairly large shoulder girdle.
Now a randomized female NPC cannot have “pumped up” legs and calf muscles during generation and after it, if she does not have a sufficient number of physical attributes.
Now some objectively bad hairstyles will not automatically spawn on randomized female NPCs, however, they are still available for selection in the editor.
A minor refactoring of the system, which is responsible for generating randomized female NPCs, was carried out: now they spawn more beautiful, with a more pleasant appearance, the generator itself corrects some bugs and generation shortcomings. In addition, it now takes into account many more factors and generation settings, which is why it has become more modular and its application has become on a much larger scale than before.
Now, if the physical attributes of a randomized NPC increase, their courage with a love of crime will also increase. In addition, if he was downtrodden or weak, then he has some chance of getting rid of this character trait, becoming "Reliable" if he has high enough courage, as well as above-average physical attributes.
Now, every attempt to level up the attribute of cunning and eloquence for a randomized NPC increases the “Sociability” influence statistics, an attempt to increase “Authority” increases “Criminality” and “Courage”, and “Luck” increases the “Courage” influence statistics.
About half a dozen different new sets have been added for selection in the “Clothing Settings” for randomized female NPCs in the editor for both lower and upper clothing sets. In general, they will greatly increase the possible variety for creating any set of clothes.
New events have been added with randomized NPCs that are available for knockout in city locations. They are small, but in general they diversify the gameplay.
Improved animation behavior patterns during 18+ sex scenes, making them look more enjoyable and more varied than before.
The work of the script responsible for connecting to game servers for downloading modifications using our servers, as well as for obtaining the ability to cloud save, has been significantly improved, due to which the connection becomes more stable, and there are significantly fewer connection breaks.
Significant work has been done to improve the performance of the system that is responsible for the sleeves, which is why errors associated with it have become significantly less, incorrect hand position and some other issues have also become less.
The clothing initialization script for its generation/use on a randomized female NPC has been significantly improved, which is why the script has become faster, has become much less problematic, and in general now allows you to adapt and add any of the possible sets of clothing to the game, which you can only imagine/invent.
The loading of the game when changing the game language has been significantly accelerated.
New backup servers have been added to enable cloud saving, as well as downloading modifications online: now the function itself has become more stable. In addition, the performance of older servers has been improved. Overall, this greatly increases the geography where people can use these gaming features and will also reduce the internet connection speed requirements.
The chances of randomized NPCs consenting to sexual contact have been edited, making it more realistic than before, and in general it now takes into account many more factors, not just character and vulgarity.
Fixed Bugs:
Fixed a bug due to which new clothing sets added through modifications might not be added to the corresponding tab with clothing available for selection in the randomized NPC edit menu. At the same time, she calmly generated on them without any problems.
Fixed a bug due to which some certain buttons in the interface might not be displayed when playing in English.
Fixed a bug due to which the game in English might not display the correct translation in the corresponding game interfaces.
Fixed a bug due to which the text could disappear when playing in the English language of the game.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could simply freeze at some point in the gameplay when playing in English and not allow you to exit this state at all.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an exception at some points in the gameplay and process during the game in English.
Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in English, some new selections that were added might not be displayed in the corresponding menu.
Fixed a bug where, when playing in the English language of the game, some choices where they should be were completely missing, which could cause a potential player to break their save with no way to recover it.
Fixed a bug where the "Disable Experimental Features" feature would not work correctly, causing it to disable hip customization even when enabled.
Fixed a bug due to which some certain type defining functions did not work correctly with some clothing sets, which could cause them to have graphical bugs and glitches.
Fixed all generation bugs, due to which a randomized NPC could have problematic hips/waists that extended beyond the clothing sets and looked, at least, strange.
Fixed a bug where the "Disable Experimental Features" feature would not work correctly, causing it to disable hip customization even when enabled.
Fixed a bug due to which some certain type defining functions did not work correctly with some clothing sets, which could cause them to have graphical bugs and glitches.
Fixed all generation bugs, due to which a randomized NPC could have problematic hips/waists that extended beyond the clothing sets and looked, at least, strange.
Fixed incorrect functionality of the performance buttons in the game settings menu.
Fixed a bug due to which some clothes did not spawn on randomized female NPCs, even though they were supposed to. Especially for this, the clothing generation system was improved; many scripts and systems were made to ensure that clothing spawns and is generated correctly and properly.
Fixed an issue where it was possible to select to have underwear in missionary sexual encounters with randomized NPCs, although it was still not drawn for one.
Fixed a bug due to which some phrases of randomized NPCs in the corresponding window might not be translated into English when playing in the corresponding game language.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur during the breast groping scene of a randomized female NPC under some circumstances and with some specific hairstyles of the randomized female NPC.
Fixed a bug due to which, in some special and exceptional cases of gameplay, an exception could be thrown in the grocery store interface.
Fixed a bug due to which the text in the online store interface in the interface of your character’s computer could be displayed incorrectly, piling on top of each other and making it impossible to read the description.
Fixed a bug due to which, when transferring a photo from a secret fan in your player's room to the closet, the game could throw an exception and error, due to which it would then be impossible to open the backpack interface in your character's room again. Now these buttons, the transfer buttons, are simply hidden when you select a photo.
Fixed a bug due to which in some certain scenes with randomized female NPCs the glasses sprites could overlap each other.
Fixed a bug where the game could throw an exception when displaying a hug scene with randomized female NPCs in some specific circumstances.
Fixed a bug due to which, when displaying a hug scene with randomized female NPCs, the game could display female-type hair for the man from the sprite, causing it to literally hang in the air for no reason.
Fixed a bug that caused male hairstyles with a back part to not display correctly when displaying a hug scene with a randomized female NPC.
Fixed an issue where eating candy from your character's inventory would cause a certain minus to your character's attributes. In addition, a bug due to which the same debuff was given when eating certain food has been fixed.
Fixed a bug due to which, after logging into a subscriber's Patreon account, the user's nickname could not be calculated, and 'None' could be displayed instead
Fixed a bug due to which, after logging into a subscriber's Patreon account, with some chance, the game could remember the Patreon code, but not allow entry into the game, which is why everything worked correctly only after restarting the game.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could be thrown when trying to enter the interaction menu with a randomized female NPC who had a certain set of clothes.
Fixed a bug due to which, with certain types of body and face of randomized male NPCs, the chain on the face might not be attached to his lips, as it should be attached at all.
Fixed a bug due to which purchasing the “Exhibitionist” perk could, with some chance, not open the ability for your character to walk naked/only in underwear.
Fixed an issue where boost subscribers were not being added to the corresponding login database for some time, and if they were added, it was with variable success.
Fixed a bug due to which sometimes in some cases the calculation of the activity of randomized NPCs could be calculated several times, which significantly affected performance when rewinding the game time of day.
Fixed an issue due to which, when entering the women's locker room in the "Swimming pool" location, randomized NPCs there could have extra clothes on a permanent basis, although they should not have had any at all.
A bug has been fixed, due to which a randomized NPC could get stuck in a location and not leave there under any circumstances, which, at least, looked strange.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could try to initialize a location twice when scrolling through a large amount of time, which could lead to slight freezes and microfreezes in some individual moments.
Fixed a bug due to which in some cases it was possible to click on the “Masturbate in front of her” scene several times in the interface of sexual contact with RNPC, and this scene would open in front of the player several times in a row.
Fixed a bug due to which, when rewinding game time, the computer interface could close while using it, which is why the save could be broken, since after this state it was impossible to return to the game again.
Fixed a bug due to which if you invite a randomized NPC to your apartment, and then click on the close interface button, this very interface simply breaks, no longer allowing you to open it without any errors.
Fixed a bug due to which clothing sets from modifications would throw an exception if they were installed in some specific cases of gameplay.
Fixed a bug due to which aggressive NPCs did not have a tattoo on their neck, if you look at the information field in the call/SMS menu with these same randomized NPCs.
Fixed a bug due to which the selection of randomized NPCs in events could work incorrectly, which is why an NPC of an aggressive format was required, and the game could show a conditionally clogged NPC.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could issue an event with a randomized NPC who wants to destroy the hooligans, but there was simply not a single hooligan in the academy.
Fixed a bug due to which an event with a randomized NPC who wants to exterminate hooligans could issue “0 hooligans added to the favorites list” during certain selections.
As you can see, a lot of things were done that were not mentioned once again in the weekly news. We preferred not to drag it out too much with points and make it more specific. There was a lot of work done in these week and a half, and we reported to you for it, telling you about each item specifically on our list of changes. There will be more to come and by the time the full update is released we will have made many times more content, so stay tuned. In 12 days, on May 27, it will be released. Strictly on schedule and without any delays.
Get School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game
Status | In development |
Author | Kaito |
Genre | Visual Novel, Role Playing, Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, Sandbox, Singleplayer |
Languages | English, Russian, Chinese |
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