Weekly News #139
So, dear friends, a week and a half has passed since the last update was released. This means that the time has come for the release of a new, and the largest micro-update for the entire development of the game. Well, as well as news about what has been done in such a short period. Well, here we go in order...
First, randomized NPCs. The newly added pregnancy needed some modifications, and we did them safely. Now this same pregnancy is displayed on clothes. The differences can be seen just below:
So, dear friends, a week and a half has passed since the last update was released. This means that the time has come for the release of a new, and the largest micro-update for the entire development of the game. Well, as well as news about what has been done in such a short period. Well, here we go in order...
First, randomized NPCs. The newly added pregnancy needed some modifications, and we did them safely. Now this same pregnancy is displayed on clothes. The differences can be seen just below:
The RNPC editor is filled with not only customization of sexual experiences, but also some more unusual things that will help in customizing randomized NPCs... Hints when hovering over sets of clothes. Of course, this is a completely unexpected innovation, however, it was necessary from the moment the number of clothing sets exceeded 30 units. This tooltip only appears on PC devices. To make it appear, you just need to hover your mouse over it.
Well, now there’s an innovation for all devices - the press. It appeared again, but in the form of a much better and more sophisticated system. There are also three types of it, but in itself it is not broken and completely redrawn, it is suitable for two waist types at once and is an excellent addition for lovers of “sporty girls”.
Well, now the turn has come to the biggest innovation for this version - a complete rebalancing and reworking of all systems that are responsible for communication and interaction with the RNPC. This whole system has finally started interacting with influence statistics, attributes and other things related to RNPC. In addition, each interaction now requires a different amount of time, and to make it more transparent, we have added hints. Hints of what a particular interaction does in full form, which will help the player navigate faster. This can be seen just below:
Of course, this can be considered a “small” innovation, but there are a huge number of interactions and activities in the game. Especially for this, literally everything has been reworked regarding the chances of success, rewards for successful and unsuccessful interactions. And yes, the same success of interaction - it is shown in the tooltip.
Secondly, plot innovations. So, what a huge number of people were waiting for, but not in percentage terms... However, the story threads already need to be completed at least somehow, and that’s what we did. In this micro-update, two storylines were completed: with Ayano Yoshida and the vocal club, as well as a romance with Yuki Oota. It took about 20,000 words to complete them all, so you can imagine the amount of content that was written, as well as the amount of time that could be spent on the plot... However, it can always be ignored, so for those who do not like it, there is always choice.
Thirdly, system updates. You didn't think that was all, did you? At a minimum, there are still a couple of innovations left, which, one might say, are quite important. So…
Content filtering system. We understand that many did not even know about it. We didn’t know that it had existed for a long time in the game settings, so we decided to add it also during the start of the game session. This setup with quick summaries of what each button does:
Club system. In addition to a complete rebalance, improvements and many, many other points - a photo of a separate randomized NPC that you select from the list and who is in the club - it is now displayed, giving you an understanding of who you are choosing at all.
Well, and last but not least is the table of our dear sponsors. Now you can always update it using a special button, so use it! Well, this button will also significantly improve the situation with loading and some other problems that players might have encountered.
Fourth, code refactoring and bug fixes. Yes, this is the end of our weekly news, however, these are not all the innovations, but only the most basic ones. You can read more below, in the list of changes, to find out more precisely the amount of content that was made in such a short period of time:
New content
The romance thread with the plot character Yuki Oota was completely completed: when choosing "I love you" after voting against the independent newspaper at the meeting. More than half a dozen new events have appeared in it, which use new systems and mechanics, including mass events with a huge number of RNPCs. In addition, the outcomes of this branch affect the entire academy as well.
The storyline with the vocal club and Ayano Yoshida was completely completed: new events, new stories and even a new unique location appeared in it, which appears as you progress through this storyline. More than half a dozen events are already available for completion, which will tell more about the history of the game, the academy and the history of the characters. To reach her, you need to confess your love to Yuki Oota, and then follow the branch with the vocal club.
For pregnant randomized female NPCs, clothing sets were changed to suit their “situation.” Accordingly, even in clothes it will be clear that they are in position. The function itself is divided into three stages: spruce visible, a little better and the last one - it is clear that the girl is at the last stage. About 15 sets of clothes were adapted specifically for this, a lot of work to finalize this feature.
For randomized female NPCs, a new appearance setting has been added - abs setting. There are 3 types in total, each of which has different visibility. Automatically appears on RNPС with a high value of physical attributes, and also if there is a corresponding setting in the RNPС editor. Supports all types of possible waists, but is generated only on extended and regular ones.
Now entering the vocal club after continuing the storyline with the vocal club and Ayano Yoshida does not end with “This content is under development,” but takes your character to the menu for interacting with this character, but no longer in the occult club, but, accordingly, in the vocal club.
Now, when you hover over any interaction in the interaction interface with the RNPC, a hint also appears that will tell you what percentage of success, how long this activity will take, and also tell you in detail how it affects the RNPC itself in case of success/failure, what it does this system is more open to the user.
The system responsible for relations with randomized NPCs has been completely rebalanced; Different interactions give different amounts of relationship points, changing their influence statistics and attributes differently. In addition, the conditions for the success of these interactions have been updated to suit the current game conditions, which will make them more enjoyable, and the progress of leveling up and using these systems more intuitive than before.
A significant refactoring of the systems responsible for interactions with randomized NPCs was carried out: the system itself became more flexible, more modifiable and understandable. She began to work faster and became less stressed, unlike before.
Now the “timidity” of your character’s penis size does not depend on randomness, but on the level of courage of an individual randomized female NPC. The more there is, the greater the chance that she will not be afraid to have sexual intercourse with your character.
Now, if a randomized female NPC is “scared” of the size of your penis before the start of the session, this can easily be changed by changing your size in the hospital/using potions, and then turning to her again with the same request.
A new possible “Operation” has been added to the “Hospital” location, with which you can completely cure your character of the addiction to cigarettes that he can get when using them.
The weight of the game has been reduced by 300 megabytes by compressing large files used by the game. In addition, this also increased loading speed with stability and crashes during gameplay.
Now in the 18+ scene, the orientation of the “Cowgirl” pose with randomized female NPCs will be displayed as pregnant in case of pregnancy.
A minor refactoring of the code responsible for operations in the city location "Hospital" has been carried out, which is why the corresponding operations now work much faster than before. No small or minor hang-ups.
A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for the reactions of randomized NPCs to you was carried out, which is why there are many fewer bugs and problems associated with this than before.
Now, each individual activity of a randomized NPC for the game is also a separate action for which he receives some changes: changes in physical attributes, ordinary attributes, in influence statistics, which is why during conditional swimming he increases his physical attributes, and when preparing to study - will increase your diligence and intellectual attributes. In addition, now each activity has its own requirements for influence statistics and attributes: bullies will not engage in training and vice versa. Overcrowded NPCs will miss all activities, which is why they will stagnate and stand still in terms of development.
More than half a dozen events with randomized NPCs have been adapted for playing as a female, which will greatly improve the experience of playing as her.
Now, if you play on a computer, when you hover over any outfit of clothing for randomized female NPCs in the RNPC editor, a hint will be displayed on how it will look on this very randomized NPC without unnecessary clicks on unnecessary buttons.
A new window has been added to the interface for interacting with randomized NPCs through the management interface of the occult club: now, in addition to the usual window with a description of the perk that this most randomized NPC has, his appearance is also displayed, which can help with determining what this or that character does not only in textual but also visual format.
The artificial intelligence of the location plan has been significantly improved: they are still casual enough and act to fill the game world, but each location now has its own contingent. Libraries - nerdy and downtrodden characters, parks - a lot of hooligans and sports NPCs, and shopping centers - highly corruptible or sociable characters. If previously locations were filled according to the random principle, now any transition takes into account all the features of a given RNPS, even its training at the academy. Only characters with high responsibility will go to classes, while others will walk around the city and do their own things. A lot of work has been done to improve artificial intelligence and now each player's gaming session becomes more and more unique, everything depends on his actions and how the game world reacts to his actions.
Now intelligence leveling comes from a separate function, which will reduce the number of bugs and shortcomings that relate to this attribute.
Now the romantic branch with Yuki Oota is interrupted only if your character did not confess his love to her during the passage of the plot with the vocal club.
The branch with the vocal club and manager Ayano Yoshida was improved: now events with it fall out in a shorter time range, the storyline itself was much better constructed and rewritten. Now it is not necessary to destroy it, and your character will be able to receive any privileges from it.
Now, when a randomized NPC goes to classes at the academy, his corresponding attributes improve: if he goes to regular classes, his intelligence may increase, if he goes to physical education classes, his physical attributes increase.
The appearance of the abdomen during pregnancy of a randomized female NPC has been changed: now it a priori has an expanded waist. In addition, it has become more realistic than it was before.
The storyline with Ayano Yoshida has been adjusted, in which you exterminate her “manager” in advance in the storyline with the vocal club. If earlier it wrote that “This content is under development,” now it immediately transfers it to the interaction menu with her and allows you to use already open content with the girl. In addition, in this case, she completely disappears from the occult club, as she should.
A content filtering menu, including settings for pregnancy, blood/bruises and many other moments, also appears at the start of a gaming session, allowing the player to immediately customize the received content to suit their moods and desires.
A new page has been added to the first page for setting up randomized NPCs, which allows you to customize the sexual experience of a randomized NPC. This allows you to make a certain NPC an absolute virgin, as well as quite experienced, which in the future significantly influences sexual scenes with him.
Now, depending on the relationship of your character and the vulgarity of a single female RNPC whom you caught “changing clothes”, she may have not only a negative reaction, but also a positive one, in which she will continue to do her business in the locker room, and at the end she will propose your character to communicate.
The hug event has been updated, in which a randomized female NPC asks your character to hug him: firstly, now not only a character of a “Weak” or “Downtrodden” character can ask for this, but absolutely any character, even of your gender. Secondly, the course of the event itself now depends on your relationship with this very randomized NPC, which makes it more “replayable” and enjoyable to knock out.
The smoking event with randomized NPCs was updated: firstly, bugs were fixed, due to which the event itself was “skipped” if your character did not have cigarettes and a male RNPC interacted with him, secondly, more was written different variations of how this very event could take place, as well as the text itself was adjusted and updated. In addition, RNPCs are now more emotionally diverse in this very event, and also in the event itself, a cigarette is displayed in their mouth, as it should.
The event with a joint run with randomized NPCs has been updated: firstly, now this event can only happen with members of the athletics club, as well as the basketball club, and secondly, even with RNPCs of the same gender. Thirdly, the event itself was fully updated to the existing conditions of the game in terms of emotions/opportunities and other aspects. In addition, this event now also increases not only the physical attributes of your character, but also the attributes of the randomized NPC.
The event with joint training with randomized NPCs has been updated: firstly, this event now appears not only for girls, but also for male randomized NPCs, and secondly, the event itself now has a much higher “replayability” due to the creation of more number of different answer options.
The system related to “Smoking” has been improved: now, when your character smokes in any event or group interaction with RNPC, his energy is replenished along with perks. In addition, he may also develop cigarette addiction with some chance. Previously, regardless of the events taking place, addictions, energy from a cigarette - there was nothing except a narrative moment. Now such events have their consequences.
The system responsible for the development of the occult club and the leaderboard as a whole has been improved: now clubs from the leaderboard gain their popularity not once a week, but once a day. Additionally, the popularity points gained are closer to the same conditions as the player and are also affected by the difficulty the player is playing on.
The cinema systems have been modernized: they now support many more possibilities for creating events, including those with story NPCs. In addition, the system now works in a clearer and more modular way, allowing for much better manipulation.
In the breast groping scene, a randomized female NPC will now appear as pregnant if pregnant. It will also display her abs and also change her clothing depending on her stage of pregnancy.
Some rudimentary files were removed from the game folder, which slightly reduced the weight of the game. In addition, the Nun clothing set has been improved and is now significantly less system-intensive than before.
Now in the 18+ scene the “Missionary” pose with randomized female NPCs will be displayed as pregnant in case of pregnancy. In addition, it will display your abs.
Now in the 18+ scene the direction of the “Side” pose with randomized female NPCs in the case of pregnancy will be displayed as pregnant.
Now in the 18+ scene, the “Doggy Style” pose with randomized female NPCs will be displayed as pregnant in case of pregnancy.
An icon for hiding clothes for randomized NPCs has been added to the RNPC editor, as well as to the menu for editing your character's appearance.
A huge refactoring of the system that was responsible for inviting randomized NPCs to the occult club was carried out, which is why the system itself became clearer, less overloaded and more efficient than before. In addition, because of this refactoring, this entire system is much easier to modify than before, and also has a great effect on performance and RAM requirements for the better, which will reduce the number of crashes on particularly weak Android devices.
The responsibility system for randomized NPCs has been completely changed: now it is issued depending on its nature during generation. Reliable always has high responsibility. Characters of a hooligan character are almost always very low.
Now the icon for going to the “List of Randomized NPCs” in the management interface of the occult club, where you can configure its activities in detail, is not displayed if there are 0 people in the club.
More than half a dozen events with randomized NPCs, which were done a very long time ago, still under old versions, and were quite irrelevant in many respects, were changed and improved, updated. An icon for hiding clothes and underwear was added for randomized female NPCs to edit the appearance of your character .
The table of game sponsors has been significantly improved: the time for its initial loading has been reduced to instantaneous action, and the table itself now has an “Updates” button next to the scrollbar, so that it is updated exactly when a potential player needs it without unnecessary load on his phone/ traffic.
The "Skirt and Jacket" costume has been slightly edited, which is why this outfit has become much less of a problem than before, and began to cause much less problems, shortcomings and bugs.
A significant refactoring of the systems that are responsible for adding subscribers after registering a subscription to the database was carried out: literally 90 percent of the entire script was redone and improved, which is why it became faster, began to take into account many more factors, and also, in general, became much clearer and more convenient for its further modification.
A huge refactoring of the systems has been carried out, which relate to changing the statistics of the influence of a randomized NPC: all the functions responsible for these systems are separated, support many more functions and are more open to modifications. Additionally, they cause far fewer problems than before and are also easier to understand and use for the average player.
All possible interactions with randomized NPCs have been rebalanced, making the entire system clearer, more relevant and enjoyable to use. More understandable. It all now consists of more understandable stages of relationships, all interactions become more useful at one point in the gameplay and less useful at another.
Now, if the player has had several unsuccessful connection attempts before, the game will automatically enable fast connection, which usually always helps in case of any problems with it.
The game has new libraries that may slightly speed up the speed of development of the game, the content for it, and the speed of development of potential modifications.
Fixed bugs:
A bug has been fixed, due to which a subscriber could be kicked out of their Patreon account and not allowed to enter the game without re-entering it, which is why some people completely lost the ability to play the game without updating the corresponding one.
Fixed a bug due to which the popularity of intra-academy clubs could increase twice as much as it should initially increase in numerical value.
Fixed an issue due to which the amount of popularity earned by the Occult Club was not displayed in the corresponding tab of the Occult Club interface.
Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when displaying the bra of a randomized NPC if he had very small breasts.
Fixed a bug due to which new clothing sets that were added were not displayed in the corresponding list in the editor and were not generated on randomized NPCs.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur in some moments of gameplay and entering the interaction menu with randomized NPCs after a long gaming session.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur at some points in the gameplay when opening the interface for sexual intercourse with randomized female NPCs and when open missionary position with her.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could be thrown when trying to initialize the eye color of individual randomized NPCs and in very rare situations.
Fixed a bug due to which the table of donors in the main menu of the game had nothing at all except a scrollbar and empty space.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception was thrown when trying to take a screenshot using the game engine itself by pressing the S key.
Fixed an issue due to which a randomized NPC could have a double first/last name during any of their group activities with and among each other.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could be thrown when trying to initialize the appearance of a randomized NPC in the interface of your character editor at some certain points.
Fixed a bug where long-sleeved clothing sets for randomized female NPCs could have certain graphical flaws that could cause their sleeves to be behind their backs with no arms at all.
Fixed a bug due to which a randomized NPC performing an activity could have two first/last names in the field with his name.
Fixed a bug due to which, after subscribing to booster/patreon/other platforms, the subscription could reset over time, preventing you from using your privileges.
Fixed a bug due to which, after subscribing to booster/patreon/other platforms, you might not be able to use your privileges immediately and afterwards due to some problems with the scripts that relate to this part of the game.
Fixed an issue due to which, when playing in English and opening the computer interface in your player's room, some elements of this very interface were displayed incorrectly there.
Fixed a bug that caused a randomized female NPC to literally put on clothes when attempting to interact with those in the women's locker room, despite not having them on to begin with.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized female NPCs with dresses could incorrectly calculate the top/bottom of the outfit, which could cause some unpleasant bugs and shortcomings.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs were female
and they could have breasts visible through their tops, given their enormous size. Now, if they are wearing an outfit and have a large chest size, it will shrink to the size it was originally intended to be.
Fixed a bug due to which some certain events could throw an exception when trying to initialize during the start of a game session.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs could “walk” in a location that was closed at that moment.
Fixed a bug due to which, when inviting a randomized NPC to your club or luring them away, technically, he was counted in his old club as a participant, no matter what.
Fixed a bug due to which a certain event following the plot with Ayano Yoshida and the vocal club could load too much text, literally displaying it on the entire screen.
Fixed a bug due to which some choices with Mikoto could lead to certain graphical glitches in events with Ayano Yoshida.
Fixed a bug due to which some events with the manager, vocal club and Ayano Yoshida took absolutely no time, despite the narrative moment within the event itself.
Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when trying to standardize uniforms in the academy using Yuki Oota/scripts.
Fixed a bug due to which, when trying to change stockings on a randomized NPC model in the interface for changing a standardized uniform, the stockings on it did not change.
Fixed a bug due to which the “Invite to dinner” interaction would not transfer to the interaction the player wanted, but to “Offer to smoke.”
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur during certain reactions of a randomized female NPC and while the interaction menu is open.
Fixed a bug where the "Smoke Together" interaction could work incorrectly under some specific circumstances.
Fixed a bug due to which, when wearing some costumes on randomized female NPCs, their bracelets were not hidden, although they should have been, in the editor. However, in the game itself it worked as it should.
As you can see, quite a lot has been done. And this is quite a lot of things that really required attention to themselves… This is one of the biggest innovations in the period of time that we have had, and we remind you - it's a week and a half. I can't say that we will be able to maintain the same pace of development before the release, but we will try and try not only to maintain it, but also to increase it. Well, the next weekly news will be in another week and a half - on June 15, so now we can only wait.
Get School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game
Status | In development |
Author | Kaito |
Genre | Visual Novel, Role Playing, Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, Sandbox, Singleplayer |
Languages | English, Russian, Chinese |
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I want to make npc pregnant but she always put a condom on me even tho I didnt have any in my inventory. Also there is a bug where my relationship with npc didnt show some increase.
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When will the update be available for $12 donators?
When will be released 0.955