GPT AI will be introduced into the game for RNPCs

So... GPT artificial intelligence will be introduced into the game, which will completely changed the replicas of randomized NPCs. At the initial stages, it will be available only to our subs with a subscription of the School Game is my life level (50 dollars), a little later, when the opportunity to exit early access, and we will understand the requirements for it, we will deal with billing (yes, we pay for each request, so this opportunity will never be publicly available. Bills will reach ten digits, and developers will have to sell their kidneys), it may be open to smaller subscriptions for 25 dollars and 10 dollars. 

In addition, it will be possible to enter your API key if you do not want to pay us, but you want to take advantage of this opportunity. In this case, the player assumes all possible losses in the form of money. 

There will be global changes in the near future that relate to this feature, but first we need to deal with billing, as well as some other problems.

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Glad the chat bot stuff isn't going to be free.


нихера за 50 долларов, в России это где то 4к, я пойду лучше на ps5 цусиму куплю 


Ну тк покупай, кто мешает-то?


Seems to me like you're complicating yourselves a little too much with this, but you do you.  Good luck with this new plan.


At this point, I don't see a direction


especially don't see it since they decided to censor the criticism they were getting, as well as their poor reactions toward it.

I no longer have any faith in them as a dev.


I'm done with the game after seeing all this unfold. The dev has shown they are out of touch and that any form of criticism is unwanted. Absolute shame.