Released 0.959 version
So, it's time for the new 0.959 update to be released, and during its development, many different bugs were fixed, and a huge amount of new content was created. Well, the most global of them is milfs. Now milfs walk around the game world of School Game, with whom your character can interact in exactly the same way as with regular randomized NPCs. They have their own artificial intelligence, their own capabilities. The second fairly global innovation is a modified sprite of the plot character Suzuki Matsui. It was completely redrawn, began to have two variations of breasts (large and small), which you can change at any time through the console, and this sprite also began to have a naked version. Thirdly, a completely changed phone and interfaces that are opened with it. In general, a huge amount of work, finalizing the game for a girl, new interfaces and a huge number of bug fixes, which you can see below in the list of changes.
New content:
In addition to the usual students (21-24 years old) with whom your character can communicate, an older generation (30-45 years old) has also been added to the game. They, like the students, walk around the locations, they have their own artificial intelligence, they have their own affairs, and also their own completely new appearance. A new sprite was made especially for them, which is displayed in the game: it looks more adult and will appeal to lovers of older women. (You can see what it looks like here:
Teachers have been added to the game: if the teacher is a woman, then the RNPS selects a milf body. If men - wrinkles may appear on the face corresponding to his age. In addition, teachers have exclusive reactions to your character, have their own artificial intelligence, which is different from ordinary students, as well as from ordinary city dwellers.
The sprite of the plot character Suzuki Matsui was completely and from scratch redrawn: now it is more suitable for the style of the game, has many more options for emotional coloring for all events, and also has a completely naked version, which was previously deprived of. In addition, her sprite has a very nice innovation - it has two different types of breasts: large or small. Depending on your taste preferences. They are automatically selected as small, however, you can always change them through the console, as large, at any time during the gameplay and at the slightest desire. A new item now exists directly in the subscriber's patreon console - "Change the size of Suzuki Matsui's breasts".
The storyline with Suzuki Matsui was slightly improved in terms of the girl's emotions, as well as her appearance: now in events where she was naked, she will be naked. In addition, the emotions themselves have become more suitable for the text of the game.
The biographical interface for the RNPS from the interaction menu with them was completely and from scratch made: now, firstly, this interface is completely suitable in its design for the existing interaction interface, secondly, it has become more convenient to use, thirdly, it has become more obvious and understandable, fourthly, it has all the necessary minimum information about the RNPS in a prominent place, and not closed in categories, as it was before.
The interface of your character's mobile phone with contacts and other icons has been updated - it now better matches the design of the game, and it also has fewer annoying bugs and flaws that are an eyesore.
The interface of contacts and your character's contact book has been updated: in addition to the fact that it has become more similar to the overall design of the game and its interface, this interface has also become larger, modal and more pleasant to use for phones. In addition, the SMS interface has been changed along with the contacts interface, and in general, the experience of interacting with these, as well as with related systems affecting the phone, has been significantly improved.
The cooking interface has been completely changed. Now the interface that is present there, firstly, fits the general style of all the game interfaces, secondly, has a slightly more suitable and understandable appearance for Android devices, and thirdly, it fixes almost all the bugs that were accompanied by this system.
The interface for confirming exiting the game/overwriting the save has been completely changed. Now, firstly, it fully takes into account the current interface, secondly, it has become better in terms of pixels and less blurry, thirdly, it fixes a bug/oversight due to which this interface was the only one where the old guide was present.
The English translation of the game has been significantly improved for a huge amount of the plot: the translation of events related to Suzuki Matsui has been completely improved, as well as a minor translation of the plot character Hitomi Watanabe. In addition, this also includes fixes for some other plot characters, but in a smaller amount.
The game for the female character has been slightly improved: some events where your female character could be addressed as a male have been fixed, some interactions and parts of the game made for the male gender and not adapted for women have been improved.
The Chinese translation has been updated by our player RojerJKD. A lot of unfinished interfaces have been translated and some specific errors in it have been fixed.
The game's weight has been reduced by 200 megabytes by compressing some specific files. In addition, the game has become more stable, because the interface files have also been compressed, which will reduce the memory subsystem requirements of certain weak devices on which the game previously crashed, and will also reduce the number of unpleasant "freezes" when trying to open the RNPC appearance menu.
Now the lists with saves and the saves themselves are displayed not in order from smaller to larger, but from larger to smaller, which is why the most recently made saves appear at the beginning of the save, and not at the end.
The system of connecting to the game servers for obtaining cloud save/mod download privileges through our servers and others has been significantly improved.
A refactoring of some specific modules responsible for loading images in the game engine has been carried out, which makes this system more stable than before and eliminates some specific bugs and problems.
The confirmation of the start of a fight has been removed from the game, with the help of which it was possible to avoid any plot fights, and also due to the greater irrelevance of this mechanic itself.
Opening the Patreon subscriber menu in the case of an entered Patreon code now occurs much faster than before, and the game does not freeze for a couple of seconds while loading all this.
The use of the cloud save function has been improved and simplified: now, if there is no folder on our servers for your email, the game, instead of asking you to create it "manually", will do everything itself, which it will inform you about, and then give you the opportunity to calmly use this function properly.
Some internal RenPy functions were made from scratch to provide greater stability to the game, as well as the overall gameplay during game sessions. Without this, the game could crash or throw exceptions in some situations.
The plot event trigger was improved: now, if the conditions for these events are met, all unnecessary possible screens are closed in the game, which saves the game from possible errors and shortcomings when the screen was opened, and it had the wrong background, RNPC on top of everything and/or any other possible screens that distract from the gameplay itself.
Now a large first aid kit can be used not only from the corresponding inventory, but also from the menu with the durability of your character's limbs. In addition, the number of large first aid kits is now displayed from this menu.
The character export code has been improved, due to which the RNPC editor itself has much fewer bugs than before, due to which, for example, it was impossible to edit male RNPC, and also in general some data of these RNPC could change significantly when editing, which completely broke some certain functions of the game.
A new function has been added to find paths for saving data: characters, saves and other things, due to which rare errors with certain devices that cannot export anything should no longer occur.
A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for displaying sprites of randomized female NPCs has been carried out, due to which the system has become much simpler in terms of logic and code, as well as more modernizable than before.
A reset button for persistent data has been added to the main menu to fix freezes in case they occur due to an incorrect/incorrect connection to the Patreon account.
The warning about saving on the wrong version has been changed: it is now less misleading than before.
The English translation has been updated: this concerns sex scenes with story characters, the entire storyline with Suzuki Matsui, as well as some other minor events, which will significantly improve the gameplay while playing in English.
The Chinese translation has been updated: the translation itself has been improved in some moments, some parts of the translation have been improved, in general, it now looks a little better in some moments of the gameplay. This was done, as always, by the player RogerJKD.
The system of sexual contact with randomized NPCs was slightly improved in accordance with some wishes of our players: now sexual scenes open not only with high vulgarity of the RNPC or a joint high level of sexual experience, but also with simply high sexual experience of your character.
Now on randomized female NPCs, scars can spawn on their faces, on their bodies after fights, some events, interactions and other moments of the gameplay, as it appears and works with male RNPCs. In addition, they can also be customized in the editor, creating a more "interesting" picture of the appearance of the RNPC.
Now your character can be jealous of other RNPCs not only to a girl to a girl, but also a guy to a girl / a guy to a guy. In addition, this jealousy now also works on your character when he is a girl, and not only guys. There is an exclusive female-only event move specifically for this.
The events where a randomized NPC offers to have sex with your character, offers to talk, wants a hug, invites you to study in the library/run, the event where your character is "ordered" to be beaten, as well as the invitation to move to another location now take into account the gender of your character, some of them have exclusive choices, and also in general have much more content than before for the "female" character.
The exhibitionist event in the park is now available again and can drop in the corresponding city location, as it was before. In addition, this event now supports not only the male protagonist, but also the female one. Now gifts to your character can be given not only by girls, but also by guys, which in general will make friendship with them more "profitable" from this side. In addition, the event with gifts now also takes into account the gender of your character and in addition to narrating about him in the masculine gender, the game will also narrate about him in the feminine gender, if he is of this gender.
The "Hiding information" system in the biography menu has been improved in the case of a low relationship level. Somewhere the values have been changed and corrected, somewhere in general the information is now available immediately.
The club identifier in the RNPCs biography menu has been improved.
Now, if your character is female, events with a mad old man in the forest/gym, an event with hooligans who don't like the fact that the main character is overly aggressive, all events with Barnibald, a storyline with telephone scammers, conversations with RNPCs on the phone when they call to talk, an event with a sand castle in the city location "Beach" with a female RNPCs, an event with found money, as well as an event with an exhibitionist in the park - all of these events now take into account the female gender of your character. Now the story about it will be conducted in this case not from the male, but from the female gender. In addition, in some of these lines and events, the course of events has been changed to match the situation.
Now the event where a randomized NPC wants a kiss from your character has become more diverse: it has more random branches. Also, this event now takes into account your character's gender: it now has not only a male actual gender, but also a female one.
The activity distribution module has been slightly improved so that it is more productive, which makes the game, albeit slightly, more stable, and also has slightly fewer freezes than before.
Now, if your character is female, the event where she is robbed by some RNPS will take her gender into account and have some exclusive opportunities/choices. All text takes into account your character's gender properly and gives more opportunities to integrate into the narrative.
Now, if your character is female, gets an event related to learning the alchemy system, it will take her gender into account and have some exclusive opportunities/choices. In addition, the potion that is given there, instead of just increasing the penis, adds it to your girlfriend if necessary.
Now, if your character is female, the event with a stand-up comedian inside the mall will take her gender into account and have some exclusive opportunities/choices.
Now, if your character is female, the events related to her luck will take her gender into account and have some exclusive options/choices.
Now, if your character is female, the gym event with a randomized male NPC will take her gender into account and have some exclusive options/choices.
Now, the kissing scene with randomized female NPCs will show your male character's 6th through 9th base hairstyles, as well as newly added clothes and sets with them.
Now, the petting scene with randomized female NPCs will show your character's newly added clothes and sets with them.
Now, the ass groping scene with randomized female NPCs will show your character's newly added clothes and sets with them.
Now, the breast groping scene with randomized female NPCs will show your character's newly added clothes and sets with them.
The kissing scene with randomized female NPCs now shows your male character's 6th through 9th base hairstyles, as well as newly added clothing and sets with them
The petting scene with randomized female NPCs now shows your male character's 6th through 9th base hairstyles, as well as newly added clothing and sets with them.
The ass groping scene with randomized female NPCs now shows your male character's 6th through 9th base hairstyles, as well as newly added clothing and sets with them.
The masturbation scene with randomized female NPCs now shows your male character's 6th through 9th base hairstyles, as well as newly added clothing and sets with them.
The game loading speed on Android devices was slightly increased. We are talking about the initial loading or after clearing the game cache. In addition, on Android devices, the game began to consume less memory and became more stable, simply began to crash less.
The choker and chain accessories no longer spawn on female NPCs. They can still be selected in the NPC editor.
Some new systems for assembling the sprite of randomized female NPCs were added, due to which the general systems responsible for this became more stable and acceptable than before. There were fewer visual errors, and sprites began to be assembled a little more correctly.
A significant refactoring of the code responsible for generating hairstyles for randomized female NPCs was carried out, due to which errors related to this, as well as incomprehensible bald girls without any reason for this, should no longer exist at all.
The translation into English was improved in the moments of the initial training of the player at the beginning of the game session.
Now all locations have the same time as morning, evening and night: it gets dark there at the same time, as well as light, which fixes an unpleasant flaw in which in one location it was already night, and in another - still evening. Especially for this, all existing locations in the game were reviewed and the schedule that changed the time was rewritten.
Now randomized NPCs of hooligan appearance increase their attributes not only when buying services from them, but also for reasons independent of you and your character, once a week, if they performed any service from another character, which will make this faction more dynamic.
The randomness function in the game and the random number selection have been significantly improved: it is now more stable, fixes possible bugs and shortcomings of old systems, and also has several cycles and modules as a possible fix for any errors inside the game, if any.
The "Nude" and "Underwear" clothing sets have been removed from the male RNPC editor due to their uselessness and irrelevance. Now this is only displayed in the clothing equipping menu after the game session has been generated.
Now, when changing tattoos through the menu of aggressive characters in the abandoned factory, the corresponding menu from the "Tattoo Parlor" location appears instead of the old selection menu, which lacked most tattoos.
The "Is the developer console enabled" setting has been removed from the settings menu due to its greater irrelevance. This menu appears through the inclusion of beta tester mode and only through it.
Fixed Bugs:
The "Jerk Off" location interaction now shows your male character's 6th through 9th base hairstyles, as well as newly added clothing and sets with them.
Fixed a bug where in scenes with clothes, the male RNPS/your character might not be wearing the same clothes as what is displayed on his sprite.
Fixed a bug due to which the sleeves in the hug scene of a male NPC/your character could be displayed incorrectly.
Fixed a bug due to which in the hug scene with a female NPC, your character could be wearing clothes that did not match their body type.
Fixed a bug due to which the clothes in the scene during the "masturbate" interaction in any location were displayed incorrectly and did not take into account the actual clothes of your character.
Fixed a bug due to which in the masturbation scene of your character with a randomized female NPC, their hairstyle could hang on the screen, which could be, at the very least, annoying.
Fixed a bug due to which your character's clothes during the petting scene with your character could simply hang in the air, instead of being on your character.
Fixed a bug where female NPCs would be missing some sleeves on their clothes during the petting scene with your character.
Fixed a bug where opening the acquaintance menu could throw errors and exceptions in some very rare cases.
Fixed a bug where the game could throw exceptions when attempting to open the cooking menu.
Fixed a bug where your character's clothes could simply hang in the air during the petting scene with your character instead of being on your character.
Fixed a bug where female NPCs would be missing some sleeves on their clothes during the petting scene with your character.
Fixed a bug where opening the acquaintance menu could throw errors and exceptions in some very rare cases.
Fixed a bug where the game could throw exceptions when attempting to open the cooking menu.
Fixed a bug due to which during events where your character is robbed by a male RNPS, the latter had absolutely no emotions during this.
Fixed a bug due to which the audience in which they study, as well as a biography, was displayed for MILFs, while these very MILFs at that very moment were ordinary residents of the city, not connected in any way with the academy.
Fixed a bug due to which it was possible to choose some choices with MILFs who should not actually be present with them, such as an invitation to the occult club, etc.
Fixed a bug due to which there were some errors in the RNPS activity calculation module, due to which the module itself could work incorrectly and give bugs without any exceptions.
Fixed a bug due to which the male RNPS editor would not display any scars, while everything worked as it should in the game session itself.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could be thrown due to an incorrect tattoo path and the inability to find it in the general list when trying to load the appearance of a male RNPS in some very rare cases.
Fixed a defect due to which the default sound after resetting permanent settings, the game had a sound at zero instead of 50 percent, as it should have.
Fixed a bug due to which the "No stockings/knee socks" feature did not work correctly, due to which in some specific cases of gameplay it could throw exceptions.
Fixed a bug due to which selecting a girl in the editor menu of your character could lead to an exception, which could then simply reset all progress in the editor.
Fixed a bug due to which the event where a girl is undressed in the pool and taken out of the locker room, this very girl could not be naked, but in a swimsuit, which was not originally implied.
Fixed a bug due to which in some specific places of the event, where the RNPS gives your character a gift, the game could repeat some lines.
Fixed a bug due to which the event with "You were ordered" worked incorrectly, transferring not to the corresponding event with a fight, but to the event with a robbery.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when trying to invite randomized female NPCs to your home, which was impossible to either ignore or press "Back".
Fixed a bug due to which if the character library menu is opened after the start of the game and the gameplay, as such, an exception could occur.
Fixed a bug related to incorrect sprite placements inside character cards in the character library.
Fixed a bug due to which, in an event where a randomized NPC is protected by another randomized NPC from aggressive actions of your character, the protected character could be referred to as a male character, although he could be female at the same time.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could crash in some specific moments when trying to calculate the module for moving around locations by randomized NPCs.
Fixed a bug due to which quest givers were not each in their places and locations, due to which in some cases of the gameplay it was simply impossible to complete some quest given by the RNPCs.
Fixed a bug due to which in case of any problems with completing the branch on exterminating hooligans, the quest giver did not disappear and still walked around the park at the appointed time.
Fixed a bug due to which, when the quest giver gave your character x-ray glasses, the clothes of this RNPS did not show through, although they should have done so.
Fixed a bug due to which variables for hiding clothes/underwear could not always work, due to which in some specific events/moments RNPCs could have clothes/underwear, although at that very moment they should not have it.
Fixed a very annoying and fundamental bug due to which randomized female NPCs, in general all, could have too short skirts due to the fact that the parameter of their vulgarity was incorrectly passed to the corresponding function of initialization of clothes.
Fixed a bug due to which the sprite of Suzuki Matsui in very rare cases could not close after the end of the storyline and/or the event with her.
Fixed a bug due to which the music and sound settings were reset in the corresponding game settings menu after re-entering/reloading the game script.
Fixed a bug due to which, when pressing the "Wait" button after inviting the RNPCs to yourself, an exception could occur in very rare cases of the game process and at the beginning of the game session. In addition, a bug was fixed due to which the initialization of the RNPS floor could break within this feature.
Fixed a flaw due to which calling a character to a location to you/interesting in where he is could break this function somewhat due to the fact that the necessary variables were simply not reset at the right time.
Fixed a bug due to which some specific game files could be missing for the Chinese translation of the game, due to which the translation itself could also be missing.
Fixed a bug due to which a pattern could appear during missionary pose animations, which in general could make this very scene look not the most correct.
Fixed a bug due to which, when clicking on the checkbox after creating your own character, the game simply hung and did not open another choice - the choice of whether to open the editor or not.
Fixed a bug due to which the guide, who talks about the game, was not on the screen when calling it through the corresponding button in the player's phone.
Fixed a bug due to which some buttons were untranslated when playing in English and could be displayed in Russian / simply be empty, without any text.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception when trying to open the diary, the menu with your character's statistics.
Fixed a bug due to which the game tutorial simply did not have an English translation, which made it difficult for potential new players to start the game without knowing Russian.
Fixed a bug due to which the female RNPC's underwear could be on top of their clothes in certain positions and cases.
Fixed a bug due to which wrinkles available from the RNPC editor were displayed incorrectly for female RNPC.
Fixed a bug due to which events with the story character Ayano Yoshida still came out and dropped out, even if she had her own personal club - the Occult Club.
Fixed a bug due to which your character could use a first aid kit/large first aid kit from the inventory to treat their wounds after fights/any other activity, without any skills, and also at a much higher rate than through the corresponding menu.
Fixed a bug due to which the female RNPC underwear could be displayed on top of tights/stockings and clothes in general when editing this very clothes through the RNPC editor.
Fixed a bug due to which the "Choker" for the female RNPC, located in the "Customize Accessories 2" category, could be displayed in layers below the clothes, and not above, which in general and in general could break the appearance of the clothing set.
Fixed a fundamental bug due to which the appearance of the female RNPC could change when editing it in the RNPC editor: instead of normal clothes, the female RNPC could have men's pants on top and other problems of this kind.
Fixed a bug due to which the lack of a large waist and the presence of large hips in female NPCs could simply break the NPC sprite, causing his hips to pass through his clothes.
Fixed a bug due to which an event with randomized male NPCs could drop, where they were referred to as girls, which was not originally implied and was a bug
Fixed a bug due to which even in clothing outfits that did not support changing hands, the game still changed them regardless of anything, due to which the position of the clothes themselves could differ from the position of the hands in female NPCs.
Fixed a bug due to which the systems for hiding/showing hairstyles in female NPCs could work incorrectly, due to which some accessories that should hide the hairstyle, clothing sets, could work incorrectly.
Fixed a bug where the front of the arms could be displayed on top of the sleeves in the female RNPC clothing sets with long sleeves, which looked, at the very least, strange. This only happened in the RNPC editor.
Fixed a bug where the sleeves of the clothing could be on top of the clothing itself, which could make the overall appearance of the female RNPC look much worse than it could have been and represent.
Fixed a bug where the "Nun" clothing set for female RNPC could look terrible due to issues with the arms, hair, and many other details that did not look as they should have.
Fixed a bug where the leader of the hooligans could say incorrect phrases to your character when exterminating the required target, which could cause confusion, at the very least.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could give an error when using a wardrobe for a long game session after some time when opening the inventory in your character's room.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could give exceptions in some very rare cases when the player opened the backpack interface in his room.
Fixed a defect due to which when opening the text input interface for different interfaces (club, computer, notes for PC, etc.), the text was not reset from previous uses.
Fixed a bug due to which the sleeves when changing the upper part of the clothes in the point settings of the RNPC editor / your character, simply did not work correctly, choosing sleeves from a standard set of clothes.
Fixed a bug due to which changing the top and bottom through the setting of the "Point settings of clothes" category worked incorrectly, resetting any changes in the RNPC editor.
Fixed a bug due to which the scars and the area around them when editing a male RNPC did not change the color under the skin and did not adapt it in case of any changes to this plan.
Fixed a bug due to which the wrinkles and beard sprite for the male RNPC in the RNPC editor was displayed on top of the hairstyle, which could create and make a picture that was not the one that was originally supposed to be.
Fixed a bug where if you changed the skin color of a male NPC or your character, the shadow from their hair simply wouldn't adjust to these changes.
Fixed a bug where the event with Hitomi Watanabe and the secret fan at the end of the storyline could get bugged and repeat over and over again, despite the fact that it should have ended. It happened rarely, but it did happen.
Fixed a bug where scenes with randomized NPCs could, in some very rare cases, cause exceptions that prevent you from playing. Now, instead of these exceptions, the game will ignore all of this when the beta test mode is disabled.
Fixed a bug where the game would say that there were no NPCs in the forest in the inner-city map interface, despite the fact that there could have been someone or even several NPCs there at that time.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw exceptions for certain reasons when opening the interface for interaction with a female RNPC.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw exceptions in small mini-windows with the RNPC appearance when opening any windows, such as the Occultism Club and its management, as well as the call/SMS menu to them.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an exception when trying to edit accessories for a female RNPC in some very rare cases.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when using the player's phone and trying to correspond with any RNPC before any interaction with the RNPC before that.
Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to throw any item from your character's inventory, even if your character had some overweight.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw an exception when trying to load the appearance of a female RNPC in the RNPC editor.
Fixed a bug where the fifth arm position for male RNPC could work incorrectly, causing it to appear not on top of all clothing, but at the bottom of all layers, being "Under Pants".
Fixed a bug where a randomized female NPC would have the "hands behind the back" effect when there are sleeves on her clothing in the RNPC editor when editing a female RNPC.
Fixed a bug where the skin color of randomized male NPCs would not load properly, causing all RNPC inside that interface to have the same skin color even with the genus stat changed.
Fixed a bug where changing the skin color inside the RNPC editor would not reset the custom skin color, causing that stat to be useless after a custom change.
Fixed a bug due to which the skin color of a randomized NPC during the missionary pose in the eye area could not adjust to the overall skin color of this very RNPC.
Fixed a bug due to which monks from the Temple of Barneybold did not have monk clothes on, but instead had regular casual clothes.
Fixed a bug due to which after searching for a randomized NPC, he could end up in his home, which could lead to unpleasant consequences.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could very rarely throw exceptions when trying to calculate the appearance of the RNPC.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when trying to export the RNPC to the character library on Android devices.
Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to export the academy to the character library, and it simply was not saved after pressing the necessary key in the interface.
Fixed a bug due to which the blood from your character's face after the end of a fight and the passage of a certain amount of time could simply not work at all.
Fixed a bug due to which the button and the auto-feed function did not work at all at high difficulty levels, due to which the player had to make a lot of unnecessary clicks.
Fixed a bug due to which, at an easy difficulty level, satiety was reset to 100, and not to the maximum levels of character values, due to which there were problems with the display of this indicator, which could change literally every frame.
Fixed a bug due to which after entering a Patreon code the game could start to lag and it was impossible to interact with it without resetting the permanent settings.
Fixed a bug due to which after entering a Patreon code the game could crash after some time, and then simply forget the entered Patreon code, which could be very annoying.
Fixed a bug due to which entering a Patreon code from some locations or already inside the game could cause some problems, and the game could simply ignore this input.
Fixed a bug due to which entering a Patreon code in the main menu after some process without restarting the game caused problems and was ignored / caused freezes and lags / the game crashed.
Fixed a bug due to which some group activities with randomized NPCs could cause exceptions and problems when playing in English.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw exceptions during some activities when a female NPC is visiting your character.
Fixed a bug due to which a female NPC could invite your character for a run/study when the academy is closed and/or on a day off.
Fixed a bug due to which a randomized NPC could invite you for a run/study, while being male, which the event was not initially set up for, telling about him as a female gender.
Fixed a bug due to which there were no characters in the toilets of the mall/academy, which means a small layer of content related to these locations was missing.
Fixed a flaw due to which an NPC could ask to change the location from the academy location to a city location during classes in this very academy.
Fixed a bug where the RNPC could ask to change the location to the location of an abandoned factory, when it was not even opened for your character yet.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could search for RNPC activity incorrectly, due to which there could be problems in it, due to which hugging/kissing activity could occur between RNPC of the same gender, while the game did not have materials for such scenarios, due to which hairstyles hung in the air/the RNPC themselves were displayed incorrectly.
Fixed a bug due to which the list of jobs for the labor exchange in the player's computer did not update once a day properly, thereby creating problems with the inability to earn extra money there.
Fixed a bug due to which, when choosing to destroy the swimming club in the Meiko Tsukasa storyline, incorrect information could be displayed in the diary with hints on story quests. In addition, a bug has been fixed due to which all randomized NPCs after this left the swimming club.
Fixed a bug due to which after taking an order for a fellow student in an abandoned factory, and after its corresponding completion, the game gave your character the amount of False as a reward.
Fixed a bug due to which your character, when completing an order to destroy a fellow student in an abandoned factory, could get an incorrect hint with what his ID was, in the form of bool values.
Fixed a bug due to which the quest to destroy a fellow student from an abandoned factory could last indefinitely, and your character could also receive money from this to the same infinity.
Fixed a bug due to which it was possible to order other aggressive characters on aggressive characters, as well as impose protection on them, which did not correspond to the logic of the game.
Fixed a bug due to which automatic dialogue refusal via the settings menu simply did not work and even with the setting enabled, your character would get events with RNPC that should not have been dropped (story events should drop even with the setting enabled).
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur during an attempt to calculate the appearance of a randomized MILF NPC.
Fixed a bug due to which the interface for changing the standardized form via Yuki Oota could freeze on the screen and not close at all, interfering with your further gameplay. This happened rarely.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur during an attempt to calculate the relationship stage with a randomized NPC of any gender in some special cases and situations of the gameplay.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur after attempts to visit Ayano Yoshida's house after completing some of her storylines, or the game could even crash at this very moment of the gameplay.
Fixed a bug where an exception could occur when trying to calculate the appearance of a randomized NPC when transferring saves from older versions of the game.
Fixed a bug where in the menu of familiar randomized NPCs in the corresponding menu, their ID could be displayed together with the phrase "npc", while others simply had numbers and numbers.
Fixed a bug due to which in the menu of familiar randomized NPCs in the corresponding menu the game could give an error and an exception when trying to view information about the NPC you are interested in. This happened rarely.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception occurred during the event drop where a randomized female NPC asks your character to kiss him.
Fixed a bug due to which the hair color of the pubic hair for female RNPCs did not work properly and did not load together with the sprite in the game session itself, due to which they always had the default color for this - black. The same applies not only to a normal game session, but also to the RNPC editor, in which, despite the color changes, it simply did not switch properly after switching characters using the general list.
Fixed a bug due to which changing the color of pubic hair in the RNPC editor would constantly reset, despite any changes inside it, right inside the interface, before saving the changes.
Fixed a bug due to which changing the stockings on your character when she was a girl, the game could throw exceptions during an attempt to initialize her appearance in general and her stockings in particular.
Fixed a bug due to which the location interactions "Find Ingredients" and "Make a Potion" were not in the corresponding tab, but in the tab with sublocations.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw exceptions in some very rare cases of gameplay after an incorrect attempt to calculate clothes on a female RNPC and opening this file, which at that moment was simply not in the game folder.
Fixed a bug where after changing the outfit set on a randomized female NPC in the RNPC editor, when that RNPC was female, she would be missing some of the outfit pieces entirely.
Fixed a bug where randomized NPCs could generate more events than the one per hour that the game and systems originally intended due to bugs in the condition code.
Fixed a bug where randomized NPCs could walk around some closed locations at night or early in the morning, when neither your character nor anyone else could get there at that time.
Fixed a fundamental bug due to which the cycle with calculating events with randomized NPCs was calculated every time in the module of regular events in the same number of times as there are regular events without RNPC in the game, due to which they could try hundreds of times to find the necessary conditions for the event to drop and be too frequent and annoying
Fixed a flaw due to which the storyline with Ayano Yoshida could completely end too quickly. Now, when your character goes to her house, he will always be able to invite her to live with you without closing unnecessary content.
Fixed a bug due to which, when enabling quick connection after logging into your Patreon account, the game could throw an exception in some very rare cases.
Fixed rare cases when connecting to your Patreon account could take an infinite amount of time without the ability to do anything about it.
Fixed a bug due to which some Patreon subscribers did not have any rewards due to incorrectly adding them to the database, due to which they had their name instead of a normal role.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could throw exceptions in some very rare cases when, after starting a game session, just after it, you opened the acquaintances menu or some other interfaces. This bug occurred very rarely.
Fixed a bug due to which, when choosing a set of clothes for the male RNPC "No clothes" and "Underwear", nothing was missing on the male RNPC, even their genitals. Completely and completely missing.
Fixed a bug due to which the text in the game's Russian language in the difficulty settings menu at the beginning of a game session could go beyond the interface.
Fixed a bug due to which a female RNPC could not have a skirt in a game session and only walk around in underwear no matter what, which, at the very least, looked strange.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could generate the wrong hair length that supports the hairstyle of a female RNPC, due to which all this could later cause unpleasant exceptions and errors that did not allow you to play and communicate specifically with this RNPC.
Fixed a bug due to which the background of the student council location in events and in the location itself while your character was there could be different: the background in the events themselves had a night background, and in the location itself - there was no hint of it at all.
Fixed a bug due to which choosing the 28th basic hairstyle of the second color led to exceptions in the RNPC editor, and in the game session itself, the RNPC were simply bald.
Fixed a bug due to which at one point the RNPC movement module around locations could simply stop working, due to which all RNPC remained somewhere at home.
Fixed a bug due to which some interfaces could not close after their use, due to which they could remain in the tray and spoil the gameplay in some specific and unpleasant moments. Now absolutely all interfaces close when moving to locations and during interactions, reloading the screen.
Fixed a bug due to which, when pressing the "Hide window" button during any in-game text event with the story character Azumi Yoshida, her face was also hidden, which, at the very least, looked ambiguous.
Fixed a bug due to which control buttons were permanently hidden from the required menu during some text events. Both during the required events and during simple text moments, due to which it was impossible to open anything on Android devices without using swipes (which could be completely disabled).
Fixed a bug where a female NPC with a hair type of 26 could be bald in some very rare gameplay situations.
Fixed a bug where a female NPC could spawn with the wrong hair length, causing her to remain bald in a game session.
Fixed a bug where MILFs' sleeves would recolor to match their skin color.
Fixed a bug where some female NPCs could have an incorrect hair color that simply did not exist in the game, causing them to be bald.
Fixed a bug where randomized MILF NPCs could refer to your character as a classmate from the academy.
Fixed a bug where a randomized NPC in the acquaintances menu could be missing any clothing, and, oddly enough, no breasts. They were completely absent, and instead of them, the RNPC had only depressions.
Fixed a bug due to which the sleeves on the clothes of the female RNPC could be displayed incorrectly, having some graphical bugs and problems.
Fixed a bug due to which the nun's costume displayed a bra on top of her clothes no matter what.
Fixed a bug due to which accessories from the customize accessories 2 tab from the RNPC editor could be reset and removed from the RNPC after some time spent in this interface.
Fixed a bug due to which the middle accessories of the male RNPC were in layers below the beard / mouth, due to which some accessories from modifications could look incorrect.
Fixed a bug due to which MILFs and RNPC could walk around the abandoned factory, as if it were a normal location, which looked illogical given the lore of the game. Now, if someone is walking around there, they have reasons to do so, and not just "hanging out".
Fixed a bug due to which the phone icon could disappear completely in some very rare cases of gameplay, making further use of the phone interface simply impossible.
Fixed a bug due to which, if a male NPC was visiting you, the menu would be displayed as a girl's, which could simply lead to bugs and exceptions in the future.
Fixed a bug due to which sexual contact with a male NPC at your character's home could lead to exceptions.
Fixed a bug due to which a randomized male NPC could ask to visit your character, but the option for this in the game itself was simply not written and could cause exceptions/deficiencies.
Get School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game
Status | In development |
Author | Kaito |
Genre | Visual Novel, Role Playing, Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, Sandbox, Singleplayer |
Languages | English, Russian, Chinese |
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Great content and great improvements as always. Is there a plan to make more body stripes for more body variations, like more nipples, breast shapes, pucis hairs and vulvas?
Can you reword the fighting system too? No matter how much you built youre stamina,agility and combat experience you still miss some hit n cant be take down..try adding time arrow just like like the mini market,when we attack n defense, and can you add more story love interest characters?