Weekly News #158
So, another week and a half has passed since the last weekly news was released - it's time to release a new issue, summarize the interim results, and also announce the results of the vote we held recently.
So, as you can see, the first place among the interests, as usual, is playing for a girl. The second is RNPC, and the third is code refactoring for the sake of stability. Regarding the first point - we will start working on it right now, and if you have specific ideas on how to improve the game for a girl - you can write them under this post so that we can implement them by the next updates. Well, and having finished with this, we can proceed to what was done during this short period, and already here - everything should be in order.
Firstly, randomized NPCs. Well, and here, perhaps, we will start with the simplest innovation here - half a dozen new hairstyles for randomized female NPCs, a couple of which you can see below.
Further - more. A new interaction was added to the corresponding menu - give money, which allows your character to literally "buy" relationship points from RNPCs with high bribery.
In addition to this interaction, another one was added, of a romantic nature. Holding hands. You may have seen it in some of our previous news, but then it was just in the form of developments, and now - a ready-made scene and interaction that you can see and touch.
Spoiler: the next interaction with the RNPC will be group sex. Your character and two girls, however, we will tell you more about this in other news…
Here is also the choice of who will be affected by the X-ray glasses taken from the corresponding plot character. If before they undressed absolutely everyone, now your character has a choice of whom to undress specifically.
Secondly, a new location. We also presented the backgrounds of this location to you in some other news, but now, again, this is a separate location, and quite an original one at that
Police officers live in it. This is already a new type of activity for the RNPC - MILFs. They live in the lobby of the police station, and your character can start small talk with them. In addition, they can walk around the locations and take care of the city's security. In the near future - the corresponding responsibility for this, but for now they just exist. In their form, which will have certain fans.
Thirdly, the plot. If you remember the previous news, then you saw a new sprite of Ayano Yoshida, which at that time was not inserted into the game. Now - it is already in it.
In addition, those who know about this plot character and went through her storyline, saw her in a cosplay image. It was also redrawn and the results of this redrawn can be seen below:
Fourth, system changes. Here we can talk about more unexpected changes. Sounds. The sound system in the game was very lagging and rudimentary. Now the buttons have their own hover/press sounds, special sounds of some events have appeared, now there is also different ambient - ambient plays in different locations. On the street, this ambient is the sounds of passing cars, on the beach - waves, indoors - distant voices. All this will improve the quality of immersion in the game, which can be noticed in the next micro-update.
In addition to the fact that the entire sound system has been improved and made into something digestible and pleasant, the Chinese language of the game has been improved, more sections of the game have been translated and in general the Chinese language in the game has become a little better. We are still working on English in this regard, so you can rest assured here too.
Fifth, fixed bugs and code refactoring. Here, as usual, we will make do with a simple list of changes, so as not to take up even more of your time reading the text:
New content:
The sprite of the plot character Ayano Yoshida has been completely redrawn, and it is already available in the game - all of its types, from the usual one, with toys, and ending with a cosplay image. In addition to the fact that this sprite has a higher resolution and is more suitable for the game, it takes into account more different possible factors, such as different costumes, more emotions, poses and other things to create a more pleasant atmosphere during any events with her.
A new full-fledged scene with a female RNPC has been added, which can be seen in a new interaction through the corresponding menu - holding hands. The scene itself takes into account a huge number of factors and features of the appearance of both sexes properly and is considered ready.
A new location has been added to the city map - a police station. It has an additional sublocation in the form of a lobby, where female RNPC MILFs work there. In other words, in addition to the location itself, a new job has been added for RNPC MILFs, in addition to nurses - police officers. They walk around the city, but most often live in the police station, in the lobby, where your character can communicate with them and have conversations.
5 new possible hairstyles for female RNPC have been added to the game. They can either be generated at the beginning of the game session, or can be selected in the RNPC/your character editor.
A unique ambient system has been added to the game: it has its own functions and helps immerse yourself in the gameplay. When your character is on the beach, he will hear waves, when outside, the sounds of cars/birds and street sounds in general, in closed rooms - distant voices and so on. In addition, for this very ambient, the ability to adjust the ambient volume has been added to the game settings menu - you can make it quieter or louder.
Various sounds have been added to the game when hovering/pressing a button. They are now present in absolutely all interfaces and improve the depth of immersion in it: some interfaces have absolutely unique sounds, such as a computer/phone, some just by the presence of something and the feeling of recoil from pressing/pointing at a button.
Sounds were added to the game during some actions: for example, when turning on/off your character's PC or when entering a grocery store.
The ability to play offline was added even in paid versions with the ability to use all your Patreon subscriber privileges, if you have entered the game at least once before.
New buttons were added to control the game via PC - now when you press the = (or +) button, in-game time is skipped by 60 minutes. In addition, in the selection menu during any events, the numbers next to these very choices display not only their numerological order, but also show the possibility of using them through the corresponding keys on the PC device.
A new interaction for the RNPC has been added to the game: give money. With it, if the RNPC has high bribery, your character will literally be able to buy relationship points with this very character without any problems or restrictions.
The X-ray glasses given to your RNPC character in the story now have new types for switching: only male, only female and both genders, to make it a more functional item in the player's everyday life.
New types of nipples have been added for randomized female MILF NPCs - 4 new options. In addition, new types of pubic hair, which will increase the possible number of variations of their appearance in 18+ character scenes.
The Chinese translation of the game has been updated: some untranslated parts of the game have been translated, the translation in other places has been improved, and in general it has become better.
Now the temporary debuff after fights reduces not all attributes, as it was before, but only physical attributes, in order to avoid problems with the complete impossibility of getting out of the pit of "Lack of Authority" for hooligans.
The interface for sexual contact with a randomized male NPC has been improved, if your character is a girl - now only you decide whether to put a condom on him before the start of the sex scene, some bugs and shortcomings associated with such systems tied to the other gender in the form of your character have been fixed.
The game's weight has been significantly reduced by almost 200 megabytes due to the compression of some files, reformatting them into JPEG extensions and other tricks made to reduce the weight of the game, and the image quality itself has not suffered.
The system responsible for the game's sound has been improved, as well as all related mechanics - the game began to play music / sounds better, and the channels do not interrupt each other, turning into cacophony after some time. In addition, the quality of the music playing in the background has been significantly improved by increasing the bitrate of the tracks.
The script responsible for the movement of the RPNS across locations has been significantly improved: now the RPNS cannot crowd in only one location - they will in any case be distributed across different locations regardless of time and their preferences. This was done, firstly, for the benefit of optimization, so that the transition to overloaded locations simply does not exist as a phenomenon, which improves the overall performance of the game and its stability, and secondly, to give players a greater incentive to explore other locations.
The performance and stability of the game was improved by improving the code, removing existing rudimentary data arrays and, in principle, slightly improving the initialization systems so that all this takes up less space in RAM.
A minor refactoring of the code responsible for the movement of the RPNS across locations, their activity and other related systems/mechanics was carried out for the sake of game performance on weak devices.
Fixed bugs:
Fixed a bug due to which the initialization of the RNPC during the occurrence of any events with him/her could be completely absent, due to which the RNPC itself could be completely absent from the screen during events.
Fixed a bug due to which in some very rare cases, when entering your Patreon subscriber account, the game could give an error and/or an exception.
Fixed a flaw due to which an event with aggressive actions towards your character could occur not only in the academy, but also on the streets of city locations, which was considered a bug and an oversight.
Fixed a bug due to which your character's money could go into a complete minus without any reason. This happened rarely, but the amounts could be huge.
Fixed a bug due to which the “Interval calculations” performance setting did not work correctly in the functions for calculating activity in locations, group activity and movement around locations, due to which it did not give the expected effect in the game itself.
Fixed a bug due to which the vulva of the female RNPC could go beyond the clothing in the RNPC editor.
Fixed a bug due to which the underwear of the female RNPC could be drawn through clothing in the RNPCeditor interface.
Fixed a bug due to which the display of the breasts of the female RNPC could work incorrectly, due to which the game did not understand when the breasts were pulled in by clothing/underwear, and when they were in free form.
Fixed a bug due to which the storyline with Azumi Yoshida simply did not have a translation into English during the game in it.
Fixed a bug due to which, when playing as a female character and talking to a female RNPC, you had the "Grope" interaction available in vulgar-aggressive actions.
Fixed a bug due to which a randomized NPC during any events with him/her was simply absent from the screen, and an attempt to view his/her biography caused an exception.
Fixed a bug due to which the modified vulva of a female RNPC could be on top of her penis if she was a futanari, literally hanging in the air for no reason.
Fixed a bug due to which, when changing the shape of the vulva of a female RNPC in the RNPC editor, her clothes were not hidden, due to which the changes themselves were not visible.
Fixed a bug due to which changing the RNPC using the "Randomize" button in the RNPC editor worked absolutely incorrectly, due to which these changes occurred not inside the arrays with information about this character.
Fixed a bug due to which the button for changing the gender of the RNPC in the RNPC/your character in the editor of your character could work incorrectly, changing his/her gender only the first time, and in subsequent ones - purely nominally.
Fixed a bug due to which the button for changing the gender could, instead of changing the gender, simply re-randomize the character from male to male, for example.
Fixed a bug due to which blood after deflowering a female RNPC could still be present in the 18+ scene of the character position "Missionary", even if the penetration was anal.
Fixed a bug due to which during the 18+ missionary scene there could be excessive text without any markings in the corner of the screen.
Fixed a bug due to which during the 18+ missionary scene the girl's penis could be below the layers with her body, including due to the modified vulvas.
Fixed a bug due to which it was impossible to use the bank application on the phone due to the fact that the confirmation button simply did not light up when hovering over it, as active.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when starting a dialogue with a randomized NPC in some very rare cases.
Fixed a bug due to which the RNPC could be absent from the screen during interaction with him, and any interaction in principle, such as dialogue or romantic action, could cause exceptions.
Fixed a bug due to which, when changing the appearance of your character through the cheat menu/hospital, the penis and any hint of it simply disappeared if your character was a man.
Fixed a bug due to which the vestigial “Customize Accessories 2” tab could still be present in the male RNPCeditor interface.
Fixed a bug due to which the ID of the male RNPC eyes was transmitted incorrectly in the RNPC appearance display interface, which ultimately led to some problems, albeit very rare.
Fixed a bug due to which the event with Barnibald could lead to exceptions in some very rare cases of gameplay.
Fixed a bug due to which in empty locations your character could be stopped by a character who was not there before and called your character a pervert because he walks around naked.
Fixed a bug due to which, when masturbating in a deserted location, your character could still be picked on by an RNPC, which was not in this location at all. The same is true not for a deserted location, but for any - the problem is that the lists were not always and not under all conditions updated.
Fixed some incorrect translation into English in the game.
Fixed a bug due to which, in some very rare cases of gameplay and during some scenes with female RNPC, the “Cat Ears” accessories might not be displayed on them.
Fixed a bug due to which changing the sound setting "Sex Sound Volume" did not change the sound of sex and did nothing at all, since it was not mechanically tied to what was needed.
Fixed a bug due to which during certain events while working part-time at the grocery store, the game could issue exceptions for no reason, especially if the game session was started relatively recently.
Fixed a bug due to which some functions that should not be available in the editor of your character through the hospital still remained available, no matter what.
Fixed a bug due to which after a story event or with any RNPC, the location could be empty on the RNPC for no reason, but at the same time other interfaces, such as the map, showed that there were such.
Fixed a bug where when interacting with female RNPC via casual or hot topic dialogues, the text could be displayed in Russian in English translations of the game, as well as Chinese.
Fixed a bug where the volume of sounds and its settings in the corresponding interface could not work correctly and not change the sounds at all.
Fixed a bug where the game could crash at certain stages of the game due to memory leak issues.
Fixed a bug where the game could throw exceptions in some places of the game when playing in English/Chinese.
Fixed a bug where the game could run too slowly during time rewind even at the highest performance level on particularly weak devices.
Fixed a bug where the game could work incorrectly and RNPC could be in locations other than those they should have been at that moment.
Fixed an issue where your character's stats could display incorrect values in some cases with fractional rather than integer values.
Fixed an issue where some Chinese and Chinese translation fonts could display some characters incorrectly in-game.
So, as you can see, quite a lot has been done, especially regarding the new content, which required time to integrate into the game, as well as a very important part of the game - sounds. You will be able to see this for yourself as soon as you play the new version of the game - it will sparkle with new colors. And now... It's time to finish these weekly news. We have told you everything we had to tell you. The next version of the game will be released in 12 days, on March 27.
Get School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game / Sandbox, Simulator, RPG
School Game
Status | In development |
Author | Kaito |
Genre | Visual Novel, Role Playing, Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Adult, Dating Sim, Eroge, Erotic, Sandbox, Singleplayer |
Languages | English, Russian, Chinese |
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Game stability and translation are the two things I would say are most pressing. There are some lines of dialogue or options that appear in Russian. I don't know if it's a bug or if certain parts aren't completely translated yet and it just defaults to it. Some of the bugs aren't game breaking and could be held off while other content is worked on, but will be vital to fix before a full release.
Why does the game keep crashing on android? I can play it with any problem except sometimes when it lags a bit but everytime after 5-10 minutes it crashes without any reason even when I'm changing the settings and the amount of NPCs I have in the game.
Приветствую. Почему-бы не реализовать систему беременности игрока, при этом добавив в игру механику менструации с возможностью х-rey просмотра матки, с визуализацией жидкостей в теле, количества яйцеклеток и время до месячных. Так-же можно было-бы добавить в игру сексуальные игрушки, по типу реальной пробки или вагинальных шариков, которые можно было-бы носить и настраивать в определенных слотах одежды. При этом можно было-бы добавить разные события связанные с игрушками и их гашением в общественных местах. Так-же например если ты носишь такую игрушку, у тебя была возможность мастурбировать в публичных местах, при этом особо не подвергаясь вниманию. Касательно беременности игрока, в больницу можно было-бы добавить таблетки для увеличения яйцеклеток во время цикла, таблетки снижающие шанс беременности на 70%, таблетки повышающие шанс беременности, а для игроков у которых достаточно денег, можно было-бы добавить операцию меняющую месячные на течку, с дополнительными побочными эффектами, например трансформация в неко и т.д.. А для тех кому такое не нравится, можно отключить в настройках. Если игрок сменил месячные на течку, то разговор с любыми RNPS мужского пола, в основном переходил в постель. Так-же при течке, можно придумать событие с групповым изнасилованием, но лично как по мне, это лишнее, хотя если событие вместо принудительного изнасилования, будет предлагать просто групповой секс по согласию, то думаю можно что-то придумать. Я думаю что тут довольно много предложений, хотя по сути все вытекает из одного, надеюсь введут базовую механику менструации, прокладки и т.д., с нетерпением жду нового обновления)
разраб так часто выпускает обновления, что уже надоело качать)
I lastly played this game in almost a year ago, and I must say it's looking way better nowadays! So many new things and visuals, many new things to do, the game looks better with each update. Keep up the good work! :D
Hi. Thanks for the kind words!